All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2162: Who will be the next one?

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"The Ding family's third Ding Wang crab was shot and killed in the tea restaurant. There are too many people who have offended the Ding family in these years! They have only money left now, and the younger brother is getting less and less, so he was killed. Staring at it." Shen Long introduced the situation to the three sisters who came out of the news. "This time it is estimated that they were the hands of the Chou family before!"

Well, Zhou Jisheng still has a bit of guts. He didn’t work so hard. Although he still doesn’t know the specific situation, Shen Long has basically guessed that it must be Zhou Jisheng’s hand. He would take the opportunity. Now that the Zhongqingshe people were panicking, they just hit the key point of the Ding family.

If you give them some more time, Ding Xiao crab will certainly be able to use his strong financial strength to make the Zhongqing Society stronger, but now they have lost their original industries and the new industries have not been built yet. Either give up the mixed society to work well, or leave the Zhongqing Society and go to Hongxing, Dongxing and other associations.

In addition, today Ding Wang crab neglected the order, who did not kill him? This is quite fair. Ding Xiao Crab sent a killer to assassinate Zhou Jisheng and killed Zhou Jisheng's wives. Now Zhou Jisheng in turn killed Ding Xiao crab's younger brother. I hate it.

"Will the Nading family blame us and let the younger brother retaliate against us?" Fang Fang was worried when he was happy.

"It's okay, we're moving soon. Shen Bi just retired and he is going to live in the UK, so he transferred the villa on the top of Taiping Mountain to me! Ding Xiao crab is not afraid to go to the top of Taiping Mountain to make trouble!" Shen Longbu Thoughtfully said, before they did not dare to make trouble in Repulse Bay, let alone Taiping Mountain?

There is the gathering place for the top rich people of Xiangjiang, which is much higher than the Repulse Bay. Who dares to play the underworld set here, just waiting to be hung up by the rich people of Xiangjiang! Ding Xiao crab is not a desperate person like Zhang Ziqiang.

Ding crab used the Hang Seng Index to crash, making 300 million on the first day and more than 1 billion on the second day; Shen Long made more than 1 billion US dollars on the New York stock market. Such a strong strength is enough to enter the top of Xiangjiang. The rich circle is layered. Although he is an upstart like Ding Crab, he is not a rootless tree.

The board of directors of HSBC allows him to sit at the same table with a big man like Wei Jiacheng. Although it is not as influential as these veteran tycoons for a while, Zhang Zhongmou opens his factory in Dapu Industrial Park. It's different when gameboy starts to sell globally.

At that time, Quan Xiangjiang said that there were also tens of thousands of people working directly in Shenlong's company. In addition to the upstream and downstream companies that provide supporting services for foundries, gameboy production plants, game production work and other enterprises, Shenlong can directly affect the people of Xiangjiang. Absolutely more than 100,000 people, because of this, those rich people dare not underestimate him.

And what does Ding have? There is nothing but money. Even if Ding Xiao Crab can buy property to relocate his younger brother, what's so great about opening a few nightclubs? It is simply not eligible to buy a villa on the top of Taiping Mountain.

Ding Xiao crab was originally having a good business with people. Suddenly he received such a call and let him be ignorant. If the customer is still opposite, he will be on the fly right now, "Who the **** do you do? What do you eat? Let You protect the youngest, you are so protected? Why don’t you die!"

He immediately hung up the phone and called Ding Yi crab, "The second and third incidents happened. You hurriedly put things down and went to the Li Ji Cha Restaurant in Wan Chai to bring the younger brothers together. Being stared at!"

Ding Yi crab was also terrified. He hurriedly called a bunch of younger brothers before he dared to get on the bus after their front call and hurried to the place. At the door of the tea restaurant, the police had blocked the scene and was doing During the site investigation, even Ding Yi Crab and Ding Xiao Crab were not allowed to enter. "The third child was killed? Who did it?"

"I don't know, I have let all the brothers go out and check. If I know who it is, I must kill his family!" Ding Xiao Crab said with his teeth gritted. He didn't expect the old four Ding Li crab just a few months ago. At the time of his death, the third old Dingwang crab also hung up. He experienced separation of bone and flesh twice in a short period of time, and Ding Xiao crab couldn't bear it anymore.

"Don't let Dad know about this matter for as long as you can. It's not as long as Dad's body has fully recovered. If you let him know about the third child, I don't know what will happen!" It's okay, but Grandma has already suffered a stroke, and the news of Ding Li Crab's death didn't dare to tell her that now Ding Wang Crab is gone too. What should I do when I'm waiting for the New Year! Grandma will definitely ask if she sees two sons missing? What should I answer at that time?

"Will it be the Fang family? Isn't that kid related to Hong Xing?" Ding Yi crab immediately thought of Shen Long.

"Hong Xing will not make us angry at this time!" Ding Xiao crab shook his head. The focus of Hong Xing now is to weaken the strength of the Zhongqingshe, and rob their younger brothers, even if they want to fight big, they must do this job. After completion.

Ding Xiao Crab offered a large amount of bonus on the road, which attracted all the communities of Xiangjiang River to send out together to help them inquire about the news. By night, the identity of the murderer was finally found out.

Someone saw the man with a helmet bought a pack of cigarettes in a convenience store. He spoke with a treasure island tone. Following this clue, he tracked down and found the snake head that sent the man to Xiangjiang. The clue points to Zhou No need to inquire, it must be Zhou Jisheng's hand! In order to save my father, I sent someone to kill him. Zhou Ji's life was not dead, but his wife was dead. He must have come to avenge him! "Although there is no conclusive evidence, Ding Xiao Crab determined the murderer by instinct. "The second and third hatreds must be reported. You can help me spread the news. My Ding Xiao Crab offered a reward of 20 million to Zhou Jisheng. Life! Who can kill Zhou Jisheng, I will give him 20 million! "

At this time, the news that Ding Wang Crab was killed was on the news. Ding Crab also knew that he hurried to the police station and saw the body of his son in the mortuary.

"The third one, the third one, you wake up! The third one, why are you leaving! You open your eyes and look at your father!" Ding Crab cried to death while holding his son's body, and last time Ding Crab It was exactly the same when he died.

In just a few months, the same thing happened twice, which made Ding Xiao Crab and Ding Yi Crab tremble. Now that they have lost two family members, who will be the next one? ?

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