All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2163: 2 lose all

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"Huh, he Ding Xiao Crab wants my life, no problem, come here to get it if you have the ability, gossip, as long as the loyal youth club dare to come to Treasure Island, one will kill one!" Zhou Jisheng was also irritated. Then, "He can bloom red, I can also open, Agui, help me contact those friends of Xiangjiang, whoever can kill any one of Ding's father and son, I will give 20 million!"

Zhou Jisheng almost monopolized the drug supply of Xiangjiang, and also accumulated a wealth of wealth. Although there may not be as many as a billion in the Ding family, there is no problem with paying out tens of millions of bonuses. "Kill two I will give 50 million. If I can kill the three fathers and sons together, I will give 100 million!"

"Yes, Uncle Ji." A Gui also knows that since Zhou Jisheng's wife was killed by Ding Xiao Crab, Zhou Jisheng and Ding's family have no room to turn around. Because of the words of the holy aunt, Zhou Jisheng had settled down temporarily. Did not go to the Ding family father and son to avenge, but some time ago Hua Jie appeared in Zhou Jisheng's dream, and made him change his mind.

In the early years, people like Zhou Jisheng did nothing to do evil. How many people have been ruined and killed. They are old and old, but believe in these things. I am afraid that they would have done too much in their early years, afraid of dying and going to hell? Shen Long took advantage of his psychology and used the tone of Sister Hua to tell him that if she did not kill Ding Xiao crab to avenge Sister Hua, Sister Hua would perish forever and be pressed into the martyrdom city to accept all kinds of torture and not be detached.

Sister Hua is the wife of Zhou Jisheng's acquaintance and Wei Mo. Zhou Jisheng has done countless bad things in his life, but he is very affectionate to this wife. Previously, because he was afraid of things, he did not dare to avenge Sister Hua. Much psychologically tortured, and now I heard in the dream that Sister Hua said to herself, can he still hold back?

So he sent a killer to kill the father and son of the Ding family. Unfortunately, the killer was not too powerful. He only killed the Ding Wang crab. The most important Ding crab and Ding Xiao crab were all right. Now they have to bear the consequences of mass fighting with Ding Xiao crab. Too.

However, Zhou Jisheng is not too foolish, and his loyal youth club is full of people, but Zhou Jisheng's men are only a lot more than him, and Zhou Jisheng is an old predecessor of the Chaozhou Gang, in Xiangjiang Chaoshan people-based associations have a wide range of influence, through which they can also check the strength of the Zhongqing Society.

Ding Xiao Crab does not have as many manpower as Zhou Jisheng, and his influence on Baodao cannot be compared with Zhou Jisheng's influence in Xiangjiang, but he has a great advantage, that is, he is richer than Zhou Jisheng. ! You can buy more killers to go to Treasure Island to find Zhou Jisheng's trouble.

The two places of Baodao and Xiangjiang are lively. Today, Zhou Jisheng met with a gun machine while drinking tea. Several Southeast Asian killers were killed after killing Zhou Jisheng’s many horses; someone ambushed the next day Ding Yi crab, who went out to work, hit his car full of holes.

Today you killed me a few brothers, tomorrow I killed a few killers you sent. The two sides battled each other. The police on both sides of Baodao and Xiangjiang had a headache. They sent people to warn Ding Xiao crab and Zhou Jisheng. Let them be more disciplined, and such large-scale operations will gradually subside, but the secret preparation is not relaxed at all.

Zhou Jisheng doesn't dare to go out casually anymore, he can only ask the chef to cook what he wants to eat. When the chef comes in, he must verify his identity and check whether he carries poison, firearms or the like.

The father and son of Ding Crab did not get there well. The younger brother of Zhongqingshe was shifting day and night to guard outside their big villa, fearing that someone might break in suddenly; even if he went to the stock exchange to speculate, he had to follow the car before and after the car. A large group of people, Ding Xiao Crab also bought a high-level bulletproof car, fearing that a bunch of killers would shoot at his car when they came halfway.

But in this way, many things are inconvenient to do. Negotiating the acquisition of the industry can only slow down. After all, when you are going to talk about business, it is not easy to bring so many Ma Tsai? Who would dare to talk to you if you brought it?

Ding Xiao Crab can only give these things to the staff of Zhongqingshe. He did not dare to dispatch Ding Yi Crab easily, for fear that he would end up like Ding Wang Crab.

But there was a new problem. Everyone came out and mixed up. Is it nothing more than money? Ding Xiao crab decentralized such a large power, and someone immediately found an opportunity to start cooperating with the buyer to falsify and embezzle Ding Xiao crab. The money, now Ding Wang Crab is dead, no one will help him to study the loopholes in the contract carefully, and he is taken advantage of in vain.

When Ding Xiao Crab noticed, these men had already ran away to Canada with money, and Ding Xiao Crab could not help them anymore.

In this way, Ding Xiao Crab paid a lot of money, but did not change to many valuable industries. Instead, he was increasingly suspicious of the loyalty of the Zhongqingshe, lest there was a young brother who turned against the water that day, and killed him to get Zhou Jisheng to get a bonus. .

Because of the acquisition of the Five Crab Group, the members of the Zhongqingshe community have had a very difficult time. Now the boss has become suspicious, and Zhou Jisheng dispatched a killer to assassinate the father and son of the Ding family. Many people feel that the future of loyal youth clubs is bleak.

So they either washed their hands and launched rivers and lakes, and lived a life. I heard that the Dapu Industrial Park recently recruited large-scale workers. Even if they go to the factory to work as workers, they are better than being short mules! Either go to other clubs, Chen Haonan and Pheasant took the opportunity to absorb a lot of good players, so that their strength has improved again.

Zhou Jisheng's life is also not easy, they are all old, and they have to be worried every And other gangs in Baodao also took advantage of him and Zhongqingshe to fight, unable to concentrate on business and take the opportunity to steal In addition, Zhou Jisheng has a lot of market share.

The conflict between them reached their peak on the day when Ding Wang Crab was killed. On the way that Ding Crab and his son saw off for Ding Wang Crab, a large number of gunmen ambushed Ding's father and son, Ding Crab was shot three times, and Ding Yi Crab was also killed. He hit his thigh, because he had injured an artery, he had to amputate his leg. Since that day, Ding Yi crab could only take a wheelchair.

Ding Crab was dead. The bullet didn't hurt. The wound was sewed out and the wound was finished, but it still consumed him a lot of energy. When he was discharged from the hospital, the white hair of Ding Crab increased a lot, and the whole person became more and more The ground was haggard.

Ding Xiao crab once again bought a large number of killers to assassinate Zhou Jisheng. This time, Zhou Jisheng did not escape. He was killed by several gunmen on the spot. The drug lord who had been in Xiangjiang and Baodao for many years was finally killed and he could go to **** to accompany his wife.

This time it can be said that both defeats and injuries, Zhou Jisheng died, and the Ding family suffered heavy losses.

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