All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2165: Decadent Ding Yi Crab

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"God is really eye-opening! My Ding Crab has been open-minded in his life, but his white-haired man gave his black-haired man. Fang Zhanbo's kid is insidious and cunning, but he is getting richer!" Ding Crab saw the news in the newspaper. His lips were pale with anger.

"Dad, don't think about it so much, get your body up first! Come, I'll feed you medicine!" Ding Xiao Crab persuaded, affected by the death of Ding Wang Crab, Ding Crab was very hit, and then Ding Wang Crab was shot again at the funeral. Although his life was saved, his body was quite emaciated and he had to lie down every day to take medicine.

"Good boy, don't worry about Dad, Dad's okay, the kid in Fang's family is living well, how can Dad die!" Ding Crab obediently took a sip of medicine, and then began to sigh again, "Hey, the fourth is Doctor, these jobs were supposed to be done by the fourth son, but the fourth son is now...blaming me, the fourth son was killed by my own hands! If it were not for me, the fourth son would not die!"

"Dad, how can I blame you! If the eldest does not do that, he will stay in Stanley Prison, and sooner or later he will be beaten to death by Hongxing's people!" Ding Xiao crab continued to persuade, "You can only blame it. The fourth life is not good! When he was a child, he patronized reading and forgot to exercise before he... only..." Ding Xiao Crab also cried.

It turned out that the four brothers of the family were dependent on each other, and now only one of them is still fine. Ding Wang Crab and Ding Li Crab are dead. Ding Yi Crab is now lying on the bed like the walking dead. He glanced at the bed next door, Ding Yi Crab is lying on the bed without a word, looking at the ceiling with her eyes open.

Originally, Ding Xiao Crab asked the hospital to arrange Ding Yi Crab and Ding Crab in a ward, in order to be able to be together with the family, but when he saw Ding Yi Crab, he regretted it a bit, and his father was uncomfortable after reading it. Right?

"The second son, the second son, why don't you talk! Hey! The man's big husband, even if he doesn't have legs? You can't compare to the kings like Long Chengbang and Zhou Jisheng, they are lame and paralyzed, Don't you just call the wind and the rain? Why are you even worse than them!" Ding Crab was really angry.

"Second, you cheer up a bit, you can rest assured that the people who hurt you have been scraped out, and they are seen by our people. When you slow down, you will let them go on your way!" Ding Xiao Crab Gang After comforting Ding Crab, I ran over to comfort Ding Yi Crab again.

After the accident, some of the killers sent by Zhou Jisheng were killed on the spot, and the other part escaped. Ding Xiao crab immediately paid a large amount of bonus. Under the temptation of money, these people failed to escape from Xiangjiang. Or, he was either killed by someone from another society or sold by his brother, and fell into the hands of Ding Xiao crab.

"Woooooooooooooooooooo~~ Boss, I'm completely obsolete now!" Ding Yi crab crying holding Ding Xiao crab's arm, he patted the empty pants in pain, and now his right leg has been amputated at the root This is a huge blow for him, and it has become like this. How can I manage the younger brother of Zhongqingshe in the future? How to play with women?

After all, the two of them hit him even harder. This is really hard to say. Ding Yi crab is inseparable from women. Now he has no thighs and feels that he has less than half of the fun in life.

"Son, don't cry, do you think my dad was hurt so that he still didn't lose confidence?" Ding Crab struggled to get up, and together with Ding Xiao crab cheered Ding Yi crab, "Second, our Ding family must not be Others despise!"

After lying in the hospital for a few more days, the father and son were discharged together. Ding Crab was on crutches while Ding Yi crab was sitting in a wheelchair. Ding Xiao crab was pushed into the car by his own hands. Many younger brothers surrounded them since Zhou Jisheng After killing Ding Wang Crab, Ding's family went out with such great fanfare, fearing that the same tragedy would happen again.

And not far away, the people of O'Ki followed upright and the battle between Ding Xiao Crab and Zhou Jisheng caused a huge public opinion storm in Xiangjiang. They also hated Ding Xiao Crab, so they increased their interest in Zhongqingshe. Strike hard.

Ding Yi crab, the nominal boss of the Zhongqingshe, was amputated in the hospital and could not take care of the affairs of the society. The real boss, Ding Xiao Crab, had to take care of Ding Crab and Ding Yi Crab, and also had to deal with police inquiries. There is not much energy to manage the affairs of the community, and the acquisition of the industry can only be temporarily put down.

The life of ordinary horsemen in Zhongqingshe is even worse. Not only must they continue to be questioned by the police, but they have also lost their jobs. In addition to the threat of Zhou Jisheng’s continuous killers, you must know that Zhou Jisheng is dead. , But his reward bonus is still effective, so more and more people quit the Zhongqingshe.

Don’t look at the fact that Ding Xiao crab is still surrounded by so many people. In fact, these people are already the last elite of the Zhongqingshe. Those who dare to fight and dare to take the younger brother to grab the site, most of them have gone to other clubs. It’s just for money. You’re playing so much with Zhou Jisheng now. We dare not accompany you.

If in the past, Ding Xiao Crab had to kill these two or five cubs with his own hands, but now he can only watch these guys get out of the Chung Ching Society, there is no way. Now the Chung Ching Society is already panicked and then killed It is estimated that the remaining younger brothers of their own will disperse immediately.

These are actually justified. The remaining part is not necessarily loyal. Some of them took the opportunity to embezzle the money of the society, and some of them constantly asked for money for Ding Xiao Crab and sucked blood from them. How many good people can come from the club? Expect them to talk about rules and morals, you might as well expect dogs not to eat shit.

It turns out that the four brothers of the Ding family can't see it tightly. UU reads the book Now the four crabs of the Ding family have hung two, and one has been scrapped. So some drugs were snatched away, and a few younger brothers died to settle down and things like that happened one after another. Ding Xiao crab had no energy to distinguish between true and false.

"Second boy, you must cheer up early. There are so many things in the company, club, and family, I can't bear it alone!" Ding Xiao crab was exhausted for this. He now only hopes that Ding Yi crab will recover soon. , So I can help myself share one or two.

"Boss, I have been in the hospital for a long time, and I want to go out to relax!" Ding Yi crab looked at the boss with a blank expression.

"Okay, go there if you want to go there! I will arrange for someone to serve you!" Ding Xiao Crab let Ding Yi Crab go out.

Ding Yi crab went to the nightclub he frequented as soon as he went out, packed the whole nightclub, and let his mother bring all the girls in front of him. What he cares most about now is that he has no leg and does not affect his performance. , So I plan to try a multiplayer sport.

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