All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2166: The best method of death for Ding Yi crab

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"Yi Ge, the girls are here, come and come to say hello to Yi Ge!" Mom Sang waited cautiously, his eyes didn't dare to look at Ding Yi crab's legs. She has long noticed that Ding Yi Crab is very sensitive to this, for fear that she will be enraged.

"Good brother Yi!" A large group of Yingying Yanyan saluted Ding Yi crab together, but these people were not as shrewd as mother Sang, or some people couldn't help turning their eyes to Ding Yi crab's incomplete thighs. That's it, let's play with girls?

These eyes were soon discovered by the sensitive Ding Yi crab. He was on fire at that time, and he picked up the ashtray and smashed it in the past. "Look at your mother! Look at me! You two brought her over!"

"Yeah, Brother Yi!" Two Ma Zai immediately went over and grabbed the girl. Ding Yi crab held it for a beating, which scared her mother Sang and the girls shivering, but no one dared to come to save her. Fortunately Ding Yi crab was seriously injured, and he didn't have much energy. After a few hits, she panted, and the girl saved her life.

Mother Sang hurried people to take her to the hospital, and at the same time she sternly glanced at the group of girls, warned them not to make the same mistake, and then said with a smiley face, "Yi Ge, come out to play, the most important thing is to be happy, There is no need to be angry about such a trivial matter. Come, come and serve Yi Ge well!"

So the girls gathered together in fear, some lighted cigarettes, some poured wine, some fed fruits, and served Ding Yi crab like a fairy, only to make him feel better, "No need to trouble, I will pick a few Take it away, and you will pick one after I finish picking it. All the expenses will be counted in my account today."

He couldn't wait to try his ability. His eyes began to sweep over the faces of these girls in turn. These girls tried to reveal their most attractive side one by one, and secretly prayed that Ding Yi crab should never choose himself.

Which one should I choose? Ding Yi crab was a little tangled, while Shen Long, who was invisible standing not far from Ding Yi crab, sneered. Which one to choose? I’ve chosen it for you, and I’ll make sure that I’m satisfied with you! So Ding Yi crab was in a trance for a while, and reached out a little bit subconsciously, "You, you, and you, just the three of you!"

Why am I so unlucky? The three girls sighed in their hearts at the same time, but they did not dare to show any respect, but instead showed a joyful expression, "I have heard that Yi Ge is the most powerful, Yi Ge, I will be pitiful and sorry for me later, don't let me tomorrow Can't get up!"

"Haha, why are you talking like that? Later, Yi Ge will be the first to let you see me!" Ding Yi Crab laughed and came down to the upstairs room surrounded by these three girls.

After a quick night, Ding Yi crab felt that he was very brave. Not only was his condition not affected by the broken leg, it seemed to be better than before. He had tossed for almost an night, until he was really unable to stand up. Go to sleep.

When I woke up the next afternoon, Ding Yi crab just felt that his two waists were swollen with pain. He couldn't help shaking his head. Hey, it looks like he played too much last night. It must not be like this in the future, as long as it does not affect Play, can you play slowly in the future, which makes him feel a lot better.

But when I went out to see the younger brother, I found that the younger brother looked at him like a ghost. Ding Yi crab felt bad, and immediately found a mirror. Then he saw that his eye sockets were deep, and the eyes were dark and ink. He also Nothing serious, just because it is overspending, just go home and rest for a few days.

However, after returning home to rest for a few days, Ding Yi crab felt more and more wrong. Why did his thing tickle, and some small pimples grew, and his body became more and more haggard, Fever, cough, difficulty breathing, loss of appetite, do not want to eat anything.

Ding Xiao crab immediately helped him find a doctor. The doctor was panicked after blood test and did not dare to explain the condition in front of Ding Yi crab. He only told Ding Xiao crab after Ding Yi crab returned to his room, "Mr. Ding , Your brother's condition is very serious, syphilis, gonorrhea, condyloma acuminatum, herpes, urethritis...there are many of these sexually transmitted diseases!"

Ding Yi crab is almost a realistic sample of the complete list of human sexually transmitted diseases. The venereal diseases that men can get have him all over. The doctor also shook his head. It is really not easy for a person to get together so many diseases.

Ding Xiao Crab was going crazy when he heard these things. Why can't you control your cock? The fourth elder had said that you had a problem in this respect, so that you don’t spend all day, and now it’s good. You still have such a big game without a leg?

"Doctor, should these diseases be cured? No matter how much money is spent, as long as the younger brother can be cured!" Ding Xiao crab asked, no matter how he said it was his younger brother, he definitely wanted to cure Ding Yi crab.

"Mr. Ding, I haven't finished my words yet. If it's just syphilis, gonorrhea, condyloma acuminatum, herpes, urethritis... Although these conditions are difficult to cure, it is not a problem to control! But according to the test results, I also found There is another kind of disease. This kind of disease is not only for me. There is no cure for the whole world now!" The doctor shook his head.

"What's the disease? Is it?" Ding Xiao crab immediately had an ominous hunch.

"Your guess is correct. Your younger brother is indeed infected with AIDS." The doctor nodded. Although Ding Xiao Crab did not say, he still guessed Ding Xiao Crab's idea. In fact, in addition to that kind of disease, there are also What would make him completely helpless?

"And his illness is very strange. UU reading generally has a latent cycle of AIDS. It will not break out immediately after infection, but your brother's condition is in advanced stages! There have been repeated herpes virus infections. The recurrent bacterial pneumonia has almost destroyed the whole person's immune system!" The doctor shook his head again and again, and he almost directly gave Ding Xiao Crab Bian Que three consecutive times, unable to cure, wait for death, leave!

"Doctor, I originally had three younger brothers, and now there is only one left. I beg you to save him!" Ding Xiao crab almost broke down when he heard the news, so he sent away the third son, and now he wants to Send the second child away?

"Mr. Ding, human science has not yet developed to the point where it can deal with all diseases. I really have no way to deal with this disease, and there is no way for doctors in Quanxiangjiang and even all over the world!" The doctor spread his hand, this cannot be cured.

Soon, Ding Yi crab's condition deteriorated rapidly, AIDS destroyed his immune system, other diseases began to show power, his second child has begun to rot, Ding's villa is full of Ding Yi crabs every day Wailing.

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