All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2174: Special Zone Construction

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The appearance of this man aroused Shen Long's vigilance. Do I have to be the uncle again? At this time, Fang Fang also saw Shen Long, knowing that he was going to take himself home with him. If he refused the other party's invitation, "I'm sorry, I suddenly remembered that there were still some things I didn't do. I'll go back and work for a while. You go first, I will wait for the next bus."

When I returned to the factory, I saw that there was no talent around to secretly take out the Big Brother, and Shen Long was called to let Shen Long drive the car to the back door; although Fang Fang usually took Big Brother at work, in order to avoid the workers discovering abnormalities, all Hidden the big brother’s shutdown, and only turn it on after leaving the factory after work.

Otherwise, if a small supervisor is holding the big brother, it will definitely cause the workers’ suspicion and cause unnecessary troubles; after getting in the car, Shen Long quipped, "Wow, Afang, your charm is so great. How long has the factory been chasing you?"

"It's been several months, the time is not too short?" Fang Fang is quite generous, she is not shy at all, but she has been making money to support her family with Sister Ling since childhood, if she is as shy as Fang Min, how can it get mixed up? .

"I often have to work the night shift, do you feel hard? Should I change your job for you?" After Fang Fang finished the evening school, Shen Long wanted to help her arrange work, whether it was to go to a securities company and Fang Ting as a companion, or You can go to the management office of the game company, but Fang Fang chose to work in the factory.

In her words, the securities companies are highly educated social elites. I haven’t read any books, and I’m definitely not comfortable with them. I don’t understand the things they do in game companies. Let’s go to the factory. At least I’m in Worked in the factory, familiar with the environment here, and then came here.

"In fact, it's okay. Compared to those days, it was much easier. The night shift is only occasional, and it is not necessary to go to the night shift every day." Fang Fang had a trace of tiredness on the face, but the whole person seemed very full. It seemed that she really liked it. This job.

"It's good to like it, but who was that person just now?" Seeing this, Shen Long no longer demanded and pulled the topic back. Not everyone can adapt to the high work, as long as she feels happy, Fang Fang Her character is suitable for dealing with these ordinary workers. If you let her go to a business reception, it is estimated that she will find it awkward.

"The supervisor of the workshop next door, I contacted several times while working and started chasing me!" Fang Fang did not hide.

"So what do you think of him?" Hey, it seems that it is really possible to be the uncle.

"I still feel pretty good for the time being. It's pretty good to be a person. When I was a child, my family was poor and I didn't have the opportunity to study, but I was always very motivated. Among these supervisors, he was quite good. If he would study hard in the future, maybe he would I can be a manager, so I'm also thinking about whether to associate with him." Fang Fang smiled a little, and she seemed to be more satisfied with this man.

"Will he want to work in the Mainland? Actually, it's not far away, just in the SAR, I can go home every weekend... Hey, Afang, why are you looking at me like this, I don't want to break up with you! I am I want you to come to the special zone too!” Shen Long explained that Fang Fang’s eyes were wrong, and quickly explained, “Recently, Mr. Guo took me to the mainland to meet with several leaders. I plan to invest and build a large factory in the mainland. No one looks at the big business, so I want to work hard for you. Since you think he is good, let him go together, or have a look."

"The mainland has indeed developed quite fast these years, and the cost of setting up factories in the Mainland is indeed much lower than that of Xiangjiang. Since you think I am suitable for this, then I will go there." Fang Fang can now look at issues from a higher angle. .

"In this case, you can't go home every day. Would it be too hard to come back on the weekend?" Shen Long asked, in the end, it was his sister who could not be executed by a single command.

"It doesn't matter, aren't you also running around in Treasure Island, Japan, the Mainland, the United States, you are now a rich man, Ting Ting has also become a senior assistant, Xiao Min went to a good university, and I should also go ahead. In case I don’t understand what you say in the future!" Fang Jinxin’s genes are still very good. Fang Fang is not willing to eat and die like other rich children.

"In this case, I will inform you tomorrow, you choose a suitable person to take your place, and then go to the Mainland with me in a few days, you find a time to ask him, if he is willing, let him go together "Shen Long said.

"No need to say anything, I just say that I will go to the Mainland. If he really likes me, he will definitely find an opportunity to follow." Fang Fang is also very determined emotionally.

The man named Ding Jian did not live up to Fang Fang’s expectations. When he heard that she was going to the Mainland to prepare for the new factory, he immediately found a manager and applied to transfer to work in the Mainland. So he waited for Shen Long to go to the Mainland for the final round of negotiations. At that time, the two of them also followed, of course, Fang Fang did not reveal his identity.

After seeing the sample and sales data of gameboy, the previous disagreements were completely dissipated. In the words of the leader who negotiated with the supervisor, this is a big project. Whoever missed it would be the sinner of the development of the special zone.

So the two parties quickly finalized the contract and signed their own name. After signing the contract, Shen Long did not delay. The first investment of 100 million US dollars was put in place on the spot, which is almost equivalent to three One-tenth, UU reading is more assured of the leadership, and immediately organizes the manpower to start leveling the land.

Fang Fang and Ding Jian were not idle either. They began to recruit workers locally, just taking advantage of the time when the factory was not yet completed to complete the recruitment and training, so that they could start work directly after the factory was completed.

"Inland workers are much simpler than Xiangjiang. Although their technical level is relatively backward, even many people have not been exposed to this line, but it does not matter, as long as they spend some time training hard, they will become excellent workers!" Fang Fang regards These workers are also unbiased.

Ding Jian echoed, "Yeah, young people in Xiangjiang don't like to study very much, they want to go out to play after work, and these mainland workers will review and communicate with each other after the training, which is really rare. !"

Shen Long stayed in the special zone for a few days, and then handed over the work to the professional team. Then he returned to Xiangjiang and was ready to go to the Stock Exchange to see it. It’s been a long time since I saw Ding’s father and son. I don’t know if I can meet them today?

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