All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2195: Ugly

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"Zhanbo, when will your company go public? Now that the company's performance is so good, if it can go public, it will definitely go up!" Ye Tian began to ask Shen Long when he planned to bring the electronics company to the stock exchange. Going public, this is definitely the company that most investors in Xiangjiang are most concerned about. Many people are asking Ye Tian this question.

"For the time being, don't worry. At present, the company's cash flow is very ample, and it does not need to be listed for financing." Not all companies need to be listed. Can many companies that are not listed also become bigger and stronger, such as Huawei, such as the world's largest Unlisted company Koch Industrial Group, these companies have not raised money on the stock market, still not very moist?

However, if you want to make this company bigger, it is not enough not to attract more investors. This is not just a question of capital, but also many factors such as policies, networks, channels, etc. The company is relatively small at present. Relying on Guo Yingzhong and He Xin's relationship is enough, but as the company expands, sooner or later it will attract the attention of large European and American consortia.

At that time, it is estimated that it will not work if it is not listed. Shen Long has already figured out a way to do this. It is no problem to buy shares to follow the trend and make money, but you also have to come up with conditions that satisfy me. There is capital that is bargaining with big consortia in Europe and America. Since they want to buy shares, they have to **** the development of the company.

Of course, the big consortiums in Europe and the United States are vampires, and dealing with them must be cautious, but Shen Long is not afraid of them. If it is just a simple business method, it can be discussed at all. Will everyone benefit from each other? I will bring you money and help me Get policies, channels and networks, but if you dare to use any mean means, it will look good. Isn’t it just opening up? Who is afraid of when you see it? Be careful when you go out and get hit by a car.

"That's good, each has its own pros and cons. Although you can't get funds without listing, you don't have to be constrained by too many shareholders. You can develop according to your own plan! However, if you want to really become bigger and stronger, in the end Seeking more support in the stock market." Ye Tian also understands that the company now has shares in Guo Yingzhong and He Xin. At least in Xiangjiang and Macau, there is no need to worry about who would dare to find trouble, but wait for more in-depth involvement in the European and American markets in the future. That's different.

"When I really want to go public, I will definitely trouble Tianshu; oh, by the way, Tianshu, I have been busy with the factory recently, I don't know how the father and son of the Ding family have been doing recently?" Shen Long looked through the window Below, I don't seem to see Ding Crab and Ding Xiao Crab. Are they not trading stocks now?

Ye Tian raised his wrist and looked at his watch. "Don't worry, they will come right away, and you will know it when you see it!" Ye Tian still showed a strange smile on her face when she spoke, causing Shen Long's head. Misty water.

But soon, he understood why Ye Tian smiled. When Ding Crab and Ding Xiao Crab came in from the door, a road suddenly flashed in the originally crowded Stock Exchange Hall, and the traders watched Ding Crab's father and son nervously. Seems to see the **** of plague.

"Mr. Ding, let's go to the big house to trade!" Even the staff of the Stock Exchange came to persuade them not to stay in the trading hall. He also wore a mask and spoke several meters away from the father and son of Ding Crab .

"Hey, what are you doing? I'm not sick. Do you want to treat me like this?" Ding Crab is going crazy. My second son has AIDS. I don't have it. Why are you so afraid of me?

This is naturally the sequelae left by the death of Ding Yi crab. Not only can people find no funerals, but also their normal lives are affected. After finishing the funeral for Ding Yi crabs, the father and son of Ding crabs come to the lobby of the Stock Exchange. At that time, no one dared to approach them at all, fearing that they would be infected with AIDS.

Even after a few days have passed, the situation of the two of them has not changed. As soon as they entered the Stock Exchange, everyone shunned it. Fortunately, the Stock Exchange has updated the electronic trading system. If it still uses handwritten prices as before, It is estimated that Ding Crab and his son are even more troublesome.

"Dad, don't worry about them. Let's go up there. It's the same as stocks inside!" Ding Xiao Crab now has no strength to quarrel with these people, and helped Ding Crab to the big house upstairs.

Other large households have dedicated people to serve, but Ding Crab only has their father and son. When they go in, they can still smell the disinfectant. I think every time they use it, the staff of the Stock Exchange will disinfect it; The large households on the left and right sides were originally used by people, but since the cause of Ding Yi crab's death spread, the owners of the two large households hurriedly asked the Exchange to change places for themselves. They were also afraid.

"Haha, the two of them have become so ugly now?" Shen Long smiled. "But that's fine. Ding Crab, whoever gets involved, will be ruined. It's a good thing to deal with him less."

The father and son of Ding Crab were rejected not only on the Stock Exchange, they now want to go to some high-end places to spend, the store will politely but firmly refuse them to enter, there may be people watching Ding Crab with good luck, what stock to buy What, want to dip his light, but now no one dares to find them.

Fear of being infected with AIDS is on the one hand, on the other hand, they are also afraid of watching the Ding family brothers hang up one after another. Xiangjiang people are very superstitious. When they see the Ding family, they will doubt whether Ding Crab is offering sacrifices. It's so good luck after the family's life that they dare not make such money.

What if something unclean is contaminated? Earning money but killing family members, this kind of thing has to be seriously considered.

Zhongqingshe’s younger brothers have run more. There is no way for UU to read Now the customers of Zhongqingshe’s industries are afraid to go in. When they go in, they are also worried and afraid that they have no money to make. , Who wants to be Ding Xiao Crab as a younger brother? This time, apart from the core members raised by Ding Xiao Crab, other younger brothers have voted for other clubs.

Chen Haonan and Pheasant took the opportunity to collect a lot. Their influence in Hongxing is getting stronger and stronger. Pheasant recently came close to Jiang Tianyang. Jiang Tianyang came out of Stanley Prison and sprang up the idea of ​​establishing another portal This caused a certain contradiction between Pheasant and Chen Haonan.

Of course, this is only a superficial situation. In fact, they all got the order of Shen Long to do so. The group leaders of Xiangjiang cannot be too united on the surface.

"Uncle Tian, ​​now the father and son of the Ding family can only use their own money to speculate?" Shen Long asked.

"No, I heard that someone recently wanted to ask them for help."

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