All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2178: Fighting Game Contest

"Wow, isn't it, it's a victory again, how many coins did he hit?" In a certain arcade hall in Xiangjiang, a group of players could not see the water in the middle of the machine. They were all watching this game master in "The King of Fighters". In the game, kill the Quartet and defeat one game master after another.

"137 games in a row, a coin has been playing for six and a half hours and it hasn't come down! It's terrible!" Someone replied, the tone was incredible, "This should be this arcade hall, no, or even the record of the whole Xiangjiang Is that right?"

The teenager surrounded by people has not come down for six and a half hours, nor has he eaten or drank on the water toilet. His face has started to whitish, but his eyes are still flashing with excitement. This feeling of face-to-face victory over his opponent is more than that of later generations. The online battle has stimulated many times, leaving him completely reluctant to leave, turning the joystick quickly with both hands and pressing buttons, manipulating his own Bruce Lee to defeat his opponent neatly.

Needless to say, this "King of Fighters" is naturally the game that Shen Long asked Li Xuan to make. They copied the SNK's "King of Fighters" mode in the original history. The three characters appeared in sequence until all the characters on one side were killed. Continuous skills, special skills, nirvana and anger, avoidance, forced counterattack and other functions are all available.

However, the main line of the story has been changed. Since it is a game produced by Xiangjiang, naturally there is no need to use the background of the story of Bajieji and Baqi Snake. Many Chinese kung fu masters have also been introduced in the character settings. For this reason, they specially found Bruce Lee’s relatives. , Purchased Bruce Lee’s image usage rights, and Bruce Lee’s character is naturally the strongest in the entire game. Almost every player has one player, just like playing “The King of Fighters”.

"Liangzai, playing so well, are you interested in participating in the World Fighting Games Competition hosted by Fang Games?" Li Xuan, who saw this player playing so well, came to do market research.

"World Fighting Game Contest?" Hearing this, the teenager immersed in the game finally raised his head. The letters KO appeared on the screen, and he killed another opponent.

"Yes, Fang's game company intends to convene game masters from all over the world to host a world fighting game competition. The champion of each project can get a grand prize of 100,000 US dollars! Maybe you can get the big prize!" Li Xuan patted his shoulder and encouraged.

"So many hundred thousand dollars? Haven't heard of it? Isn't that deceptive?" There was a hint of excitement in the boy's eyes. His family was ordinary, and one hundred thousand dollars was not a small number for him.

"The company just made a decision and started advertising today. Well, the posters are ready!" Li Xuan asked his men to open the posters. I saw that the rules and time of the competition were already written on it. "The competition will start next month. , Three coins per person in the qualifiers, using a single defeat elimination system, divided into Xiangjiang Macau, Japan, North America, and Europe four regions, the top three in each zone entered the finals, and in the finals changed to five per person Currency, double defeat and elimination system, and finally decide the championship."

"Our boss told the TV station that the finals will be broadcast live globally. If you can win the championship, you will be well-developed. In addition to the $100,000 bonus, you can also become a celebrity. Our Fangs game company will also hire you As a game experience teacher, you can play new games that have not yet been launched in advance." Since SNK can give Zeng Zhuojun the title of mentor, Shen Long can also use game masters to promote.

The role of a game master in promoting a game cannot be underestimated. Is that master not an idol in his arcade? Maybe this young boy can be the originator of professional fighting players.

"Okay, I sign up!" With so many benefits in front of me, this young boy named Chen Long would hesitate? The rest of the game players sighed together, only regretting that their game skills were not good enough, and could only watch the opportunity of fame and fortune slipping away from their eyes.

Of course, there are also a few people who are not convinced and plan to go back to practice hard and try to cut Chen Long down in the game to get a chance to represent the preliminary stage of Xiangjiang.

Soon it was time for the game to start. Several arcade halls hosting the game were jammed up and crowded with contestants. Chen Long lived up to expectations and got the qualification to represent the Xiangjiang Division of Macau.

Then, the top four in Japan, Europe and North America also came to Xiangjiang. Since it is a competition hosted by Xiangjiang, the venue for the finals will naturally be placed in Xiangjiang.

Reporters from Japan, Europe and North America followed them, and the game also attracted media attention. Their appearance was warmly welcomed by Shen Long. Who doesn’t like free advertising?

Player Chen Long still passed all the way. He defeated one opponent after another by brutally controlling Bruce Lee and entered the finals. To his surprise, his opponent in the final was a one-year-old kid, but this little kid But it should not be underestimated.

This little kid named Umehara Ugo accidentally saw the poster of "The King of Fighters" on the street, and was attracted into the arcade hall by the excellent character design. Since then, it has become out of control and quickly became the most famous game master in Tokyo~www.wuxiaspot. com~ In the arcade hall in Tokyo, he set a streak of 286 horror records. Finally, it was the game hall business hours that ended his winning streak.

Umehara Daigo was killed from the loser group. As soon as he came up, he gave Chen Long a dismounted horse and won the first game 5 to 3. Fortunately, Chen Long was the winner of the winner group, and there was another chance.

This time he has adapted to the rhythm of Umehara Umehara, using his more skillful operation to win the tiebreaker five to two, and won the championship of the first World Fighting Game Contest.

When the two letters of KO flashed, Chen Long jumped up excitedly. The audience on the scene even cheered, proud of keeping the championship in Xiangjiang, and Uehara Uehara, who was opposite, cried sadly.

"Children, don't be sad. Your talent is very good. I believe you are the future of fighting games!" After winning, Chen Long comforted his opponent with grace.

Then Chen Long began to look forward to the bonus that was about to be received, and joined Fang's Game Company to try a new game, but the live host suddenly said another arrangement, "Chen Long player, don’t worry. , We also arranged a special game, if you can beat this mysterious player, you will get a million dollars prize!"

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