All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2179: Time is up

"Wow, did you make a mistake, it was the same as the plot of the "King of Fighters" game?" There was a sound of surprise in the audience. Shen Long modified the main line of the "King of Fighters" game, and abandoned the story line of the Bajieji and Baqi snakes. However, Lukar invited the world's masters of fighting to play, and then he came out to play against the championship team without changing the settings.

So after seeing this scene, the audience began to wonder, what character is this master who played last, can he really win Chen Long? Is he as strong as Lucar?

Shen Long is going to play, but Li Xuan still doesn't quite understand, "Boss, you have to fight against a game player like you, is it a bit?"

"It's okay, the most important thing in news is gimmick. If it's just a small fighting game, I'm afraid these news media will not report it too much, but it will be different if I add it. What I say now is one of the top 10 richest in Xiangjiang One, the rich man is still a master of fighting games. This news definitely has a head start!" Shen Long seems to be full of enthusiasm, he wouldn't say that he really just wanted to play games, and he has attracted the masters.

"And this will make players have a great affection for our company. You think about it, the boss of the game company turned out to be a master of the game. What reaction will those players know?" If you think about it, if Pony takes the lead The team won the world championship of "Glory of the King". Players' impression on him will be greatly improved, right?

"This will make players love our company even more. It's a good thing to speak out!" Anyway, Shen Long's reasons are a set. Hearing that Li Xuan doesn't know how to refuse, so he can only Watching Shen Long board the stage.

Seeing Shen Long, the audience at the scene was even more surprised. "Wow, the rich man Fang Zhanbo will also play "King of Fighters"? Does he have time to practice? Aren't the big rich men busy?"

"I suppose I want to compare myself with a master. Isn't it fun? But since he is willing to do this, he must really like to play games. Then I will support Fang's game company in the future!" This move really won the audience. Goodwill, this move is not as stable as the other rich people in Xiangjiang, but it is easy for young people to feel friendly.

"Chen Long looks so tangled. He is already an employee of Fang's Game Company. I'm afraid it's not good for his big boss to lose too ugly?" The audience rejoiced at the thought of this.

"I really want to see how Chen Long hangs Fang Zhanbo. It is rare to see a tycoon like Fang Zhanbo on the spot!" Some people are also looking forward to it. If Chen Long defeats Fang Zhanbo, does it mean that the player has won A rich man? This will make them feel proud too.

However, soon they were disappointed. At the beginning, Chen Long did not dare to let go of the attack, but soon he found that Shen Long’s game skills were completely beyond his imagination, much more powerful than the Meiyuan Dawu he just defeated. In fact, it is even more powerful than his own. The immediate restraint keeps him in a passive state, and there is no way to take advantage of the skills of his role.

Once Shen Long found a chance, it was a series of gorgeous continuous skills and eye-catching skills. If he didn't pay attention, he would lose half of his blood. Before waiting for him to adapt, Shen Long ended the first game.

At this time, Chen Long had to take it seriously, but it didn’t work. Shen Long chose the three-question random mode, and when the second game started, he changed a new character and used an updated routine. The fiasco in the first game did not bring any useful experience to Chen Long, and then Shen Long again used a weak role to kill his three powerful roles.

This was the case for three consecutive games. Chen Long lost nothing to parry. The game ended quickly. Chen Long was still a little unwilling. He wanted to come again. He had no hope of defeating Shen Long. Now only It’s the instinct of a gamer to want to play a few more games to see the fighting routines that he never thought of.

The host wanted to stop it, because according to the plan, the time for the game was about to come, but Shen Long fulfilled his wish, and went further, "I think you just got together well, choose a few people to operate what you are best at The role, as long as you can kill me a role, I will reward 100,000 US dollars, can win a game to one million!"

So Chen Long, Mei Yuan Dawu, and game experts from Europe and North America gathered together to discuss and select three people to operate their best roles against Shen Long; unfortunately they still couldn’t win, even if it was a wheel fight Can only watch Shen Long defeat them with all kinds of incredible operations.

After this news broke out, it caused a huge response in the global game player community. After all, a company owner who loves games is really too popular among gamers, and even derived many sayings that Fang Zhanbo has been growing up since childhood. I like to play games, and I feel that the games on the market are not fun to play, so I started to develop my own games.

So the game produced by Shenlong Company has become synonymous with quality. How can a game developed by such a game master be not fun? They began to hone their game skills, hoping to get the chance to challenge Shen Long in the next competition.

This event has made Shenlong’s games popular in the world, and UU reading bosses of other game companies can only watch it. It’s not difficult to hold game competitions. Isn’t it cost money? It's unrealistic if they go up against the players, and it doesn't matter whether they like to play games or not, even if they like it, they are not the opponents of those masters!

Of course, what is more important is that the game produced by Shen Long is really fun. Shen Long's appearance is just one more gimmick for publicity.

With excellent game production capabilities and console manufacturing capabilities, Shen Long quickly established his own gaming empire globally, and then slowly extended his tentacles to other electronic products such as walkmans and computers. The influence is growing.

And the father and son of the Ding family are not idle, and their cooperation with the mafia and drug lords is getting deeper and deeper. With the luck of the Ding crab, the funds they invested have obtained rich profits in the stock market, depending on the profit. In fact, these gang members have provided them with more and more funds.

Ding Crab also seemed to be immersed in successive victories, temporarily forgetting the death of his three sons, and became very arrogant again, moving his face to those gangsters.

Shen Long just watched quietly, and then quietly waited for the time to come, and now the time to completely clean up them finally arrived.

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