All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2181: Ding Crab Bankruptcy

"Amei, are they buying or falling now? Then we buy up, call Taotao and Uncle Tian, ​​and sell all the company's funds! I want to see how lucky he is!" It was a long-established plan, but now it’s just to stimulate the Ding Crab.

Ding Crab has never remembered. He just forgot his pain when he was scarred. During this time, he has won many battles in the stock market. He has forgotten the scene where he lost to Shen Long on the racetrack, so he heard Shen Long’s words. I just froze a little, and then laughed again, "Zhanbo, be a man, don't fight with luck with anything! Now that the stock market has been falling for several days, how can it rise? Be careful and lose bankruptcy what!"

"Dad, don't worry, it's not that their Fang family hasn't gone bankrupt, and it's a big deal to go back to work!" Ding Xiao crab has become very arrogant now, but the big brothers upstairs are looking at the situation below and wrinkling. Frowned.

"That's right, your Ding family is really used to it. Even if you go bankrupt, can you continue to pick up **** at the back of the restaurant, but you don't seem to have invested your own money in the stock market? I'm afraid you will lose money by then. There is no chance to pick up trash!" Shen Long glanced at the upstairs.

"Amei, Jiwen, let's go." After a deep look at their father and son, they took Ruan Mei and Long Jiwen upstairs to their big family room.

Ding Xie and his son were puzzled to see him so confident, but he still didn't think much about it. As for the current stock market situation, how do you think it is a sign of a sharp fall? How could it be pulled back? Does other exhibitors have this ability?

He is not worried here, but the big brothers can't sit still, "Mr. Ding, I have already asked, that one seems to be the new rich man who has emerged from Xiangjiang in recent years? It is said that he is in the industry and the stock market. 'S investment has never failed. Since he is optimistic about the Xiangjiang stock market, there must be a reason. Are we careful? Withdraw funds first?"

"Yes, anyway, I've already made hundreds of millions of dollars now, is it okay to be a little stable?" Another big man echoed, but their relationship network is all in the black industry field, which is not to the Xiangjiang stock market. Understand, and Ding Crab and his son have always been rushing by luck, and will not bother to inquire about the news.

Although those rich people have heard some winds, but in order to buy more shares of Fang's game company, they blocked the news and did not disclose it, so they still don't know that Shen Long wants to list the company. What.

"Hey, what's so worried about? It's not just a stinky kid! Now, you asked me to let me take you to make money, and now you don't worry? What's the matter? Dealing with you is really troublesome, boss. Tell them that they won’t take them to play next time!" Repeatedly succeeded in making Ding Crab's temper grow stronger and stronger, just like the younger brother of Zhongqingshe.

The faces of these big brothers were immediately drawn down, and they were all one-sided heroes. When did they get angry? This terrified Ding Xiao Crab, and quickly pulled Ding Crab out, and then said a good word to appease these gangsters, but he still couldn't bear Ding Crab, did not withdraw funds from the stock market.

When the market officially opened, everything was too late. Shen Long and Li Xuan and others stood in the middle of the Stock Exchange. Guo Yingzhong, He Xin, Wei Jiacheng and others also came to join the show, and almost all of the ten richest people in Xiangjiang arrived.

This scene led to an uproar on the scene, "Wow, did you make a mistake, what is this big scene trying to do? Do they plan to buy the Stock Exchange?"

"Idiot! Didn't you see that this is the new company entering the market! Fang Zhanbo must be planning to list his Fang's game company! This is good news!" The clever trader immediately started calling to raise funds to prepare It's a big deal. The stock of Fang's game company, a popular company, will definitely make a big profit if it is grabbed.

"Why are there so many ghosts today? Did they all come to Fang Game Company?" It was also found that there were more foreigners present today, and they were all dressed in extraordinary clothes. people.

"Of course, more than 100 million units of Fang's game company's light gameboy have been sold. Who wouldn't want to invest in such a good company? If I can grab it, it will be developed!" This scene sent the scene into a frenzy. In the meantime, everyone desperately called to prepare for a big fight.

Shen Long did not allow them to wait long, and went through the process of listing the new company with the staff of the Stock Exchange, and announced that Fang's Game Company was officially listed on the Xiangjiang Stock Exchange.

Then the long-awaited Hong Kong tycoons and European and American consortia began to **** these circulating stocks. Fang's stock price rose all the way, and soon doubled from the opening price. Some people continued to report higher prices and wanted to buy. Fang's game company's stock, but no one is willing to sell

Many clever people, not seeing the shares of Fang's Game Company, retreat second, to buy the shares of those companies that have a cooperative relationship with Shen Long, and soon the stocks of these companies began to skyrocket.

Immediately afterwards, more people reacted and joined the competition. The shares of these cooperative companies could not be They simply grabbed the stocks of companies in other electronics industries, and then expanded into the plastics industry and metals. Stocks of companies in industries, transportation, and other industries related to the electronics industry.

Driven by this huge positive news, the stock price of the Xiangjiang Stock Exchange rose all the way, and the stock index quickly rose all the way higher. All the traders on the scene were very excited and shouted in unison, "rise! rise! rise!"

The rise in the stock market means that the stocks they hold are extremely profitable, which means that more people participate in the transaction, and the more dividends and transaction rewards they can get, so how can they not be excited?

On the contrary, the faces of father and son Ding Crab became pale. Now that the stock index rises a little, it means that their losses have increased by one point. They not only use their own funds to buy short-term index, but also use With leverage, in just half an hour, they not only lost all of their own money and those of the gangsters, but also owed the bank billions of debts.

Ding Crumble sat on the ground with a loud voice, muttering in his mouth, "How is it possible? How is it possible? It must be that the machine is wrong, and it is clearly a stock market crash! How can it rise?"

"Dad, we're done!" Ding Xiao Crab's eyes swept over the big brothers, and the fierceness in their eyes made him the boss of the community all scared.

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