All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2182: no way no money

The white gangsters had the same black face as the bottom of the pot, and the black gangsters all started to shine, although they were all one-sided overlords, but they lost hundreds of millions of dollars in just half a day. The same for the first time in their lives, and it's all because of Ding Crab.

If they haven’t done anything before, perhaps the anger will not be so heavy. After all, the stock market is risky to enter the market and they need to be cautious. They still understand that since they enter the casino, they have to admit defeat.

But now they have clearly requested to let Ding Crab receive it when they get better. If the funds are withdrawn at that time, not only will there be no loss, but also hundreds of millions of dollars of gains; but Ding Crab has rejected their request, Still stubbornly wanting more gains, and the speech is still very unpleasant, treat them as big-brothers.

If Ding Crab can make money for them, then there is nothing to say. Compared with hundreds of millions of dollars, what can a little face count? But now all the funds they invested before have been floated, and hundreds of millions of dollars have been lost, so this account must be calculated.

They must let people know that their money is not so hacked, otherwise how can they be mixed up on the road in the future? Will their younger brothers listen to themselves? The loss of hundreds of millions of dollars is already large enough, and it can no longer be lost on the face.

They didn't speak, they reached an agreement with their eyes, how to deal with this kind of thing, they couldn't understand more clearly, so several people got up at the same time, the leading one stretched out their fingers, and the father and son of Ding Crab were heavily clicked , And then went out, despite their anger, they still have a sense of proportion, knowing that they can’t do it in the Stock Exchange.

It’s like getting into the New York Stock Exchange will irritate the American government hospital. It is a provocation to the British government in this place. The British government will definitely attack them through international organizations, but going out is different. Every year Xiangjiang With so many people dead, will the British government seriously pursue each one? Is this obviously impossible?

They have already started arranging manpower. As soon as the father and son of Ding Crab go out from here, someone will immediately abduct them to a secret place, torture them after all kinds of torture and then kill them, and then throw the body into the Victoria Harbour for reclamation. The report is at most a disappearance, as long as the secret is done a little, there is no need to prepare for the scapegoat.

"Oh, Ding Crab and Ding Xiao Crab are over. They can go down to accompany Ding Li Crab, Ding Wang Crab and Ding Yi Crab. These five crabs can finally be reunited!" Shen Long said, looking at the disappeared figures of those people. He didn’t worry about getting revenge from these people at all. The root of the incident was Ding Crab, not him.

Moreover, his company has introduced the capital of many powerful people. Compared with these big crocodiles, what are the gangsters? After all, the forces in the dark can't be compared with those on the bright side. When they were the godfathers of the underworld, they didn't say that they would kill Wall Street gangsters casually?

Although these bigwigs have protection fees on Wall Street, they only dare to harass those small traders and peddlers. At most, they will send some white noodles and ocean horses to the crazy traders. Do they dare to blackmail? Rockefeller, Morgan, Mellon family? As long as they dare to show the wind, the IRS, FBI, CIA and New York Police will launch a large-scale operation that night to uproot this family that has no way of life.

What's more, the strength of Chen Haonan and Pheasant is getting stronger and stronger. If they dare to be unfavorable to themselves in Xiangjiang, there will be thousands of old wanderers looking for their troubles, and none of them can walk out of Xiangjiang alive.

Shen Long called Chen Haonan and Pheasant and released the news that the father and son of Ding Crab had gone bankrupt. In recent years, they relied on funds obtained from the stock market, and they also maintained a group of **** subordinates. Now they have gone bankrupt. These The men should also be gone. Without the protection of these people, the father and son of Ding Crab did not dare to go out.

"Dad, we are done." Ding Xiao Crab knew that their father and son had been too arrogant these years and offended countless people, not only those gangsters, as long as they dared to go out of the Stock Exchange and kept more than one wave People are waiting outside.

"Dad, now it's useless to say anything! We've solved it ourselves! The second child, the third and the fourth are still waiting for us!" Ding Xiao crab naturally understands that they go out and fall into those people's hands. It’s better to die than to understand it, but you can be happy anyway, without having to suffer so much.

"Well, son, our two companions will not be lonely even on Huangquan Road!" Ding Crab stood up tremblingly, helped each other out, and walked up the stairs to the top of the building. They were prepared to be like those who went bankrupt. Take a leap on the rooftop of the building and kill your life.

However, when they reached the top of the building, they realized that the door leading to the roof was already locked. Shen Long would not let them die so cheaply. It was only a piece of cake to find someone to lock the door to the roof.

This time the father and son of Ding Crab are even more desperate, even jumping off the building! As for other suicide methods, shooting suicide? No one will bring a gun into the Stock Exchange, commit suicide by taking poison, and the poison is not prepared; jump out of the window, the windows of the Stock Exchange are A few can be opened only for ventilation However, there is no way for people to drill out of it, and these are very strong glasses, which are generally not broken.

"Does God have to fight against me? Doesn't even let me die?" Ding Crab collapsed, and the father and son sat in the stairwell until the stock exchange was off work, and they could only get out from here.

At the door, the younger brother was supposed to drive them with Rolls-Royce at this time, but today the younger brother and the car disappeared at the same time. Without money, no one would take care of their father and son.

Ding Xiao crab's years of experience told him that there were many waves of people on the street trying to hurt them at the same time. He reached into his pocket and planned to take a gun posture after going out, stimulating those people to shoot directly, so that they could die anyway. You have to be simple.

However, just after going out, I heard a gust of wind behind me, and then there was a pain in the back of my head and black eyes before I knew nothing.

I don't know how long it took before Ding Xiao Crab opened his eyes and found that he and Ding Crab had been tightly tied with rope. Looking at the surrounding environment, it seemed to be in a remote seaside warehouse.

But now some sins have been suffered.

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