All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2187: new task

"There are too many questions to ask, and I don't know how to start!" Experts sighed that high-end lithography machines are the flowers of the modern optical industry. It is very difficult to manufacture, and there are only a few companies in the world. Can be manufactured.

According to the type, it can be divided into contact type, proximity type and projection type, and high-end projection lithography machine can be divided into step projection and scanning projection lithography machine, the resolution is usually between seven nanometers and a few microns The high-end lithography machine is known as the most sophisticated instrument in the world, and the most advanced lithography machine is priced in billions of dollars.

Moreover, subject to the technical blockade of the European and American countries, China cannot buy it even with money. Even if it tries to overcome the difficulties to book one or two, it is often a product with backward technology, and often in the delivery process because of The inexplicable fire and other reasons delayed or cancelled the delivery.

There are also manufacturers in China that are engaged in the development and manufacture of lithography machines, but the technology is still not far behind the top European and American companies such as Asme and others. The processing level of four nanometers has been reached abroad. The latest products from China have only been processed with precision. Only 22 nanometers, completely unable to meet the demand.

"The model adopted by this design drawing is different from that of Asme, Nikon, and Canon, and is not the same as what we have developed. Although it seems to be theoretically feasible at present, it takes a lot of effort to understand this model. Quite a long time! Not to mention the production of samples."

A lithography machine has more than 80,000 parts and weighs 180 tons, and the parts of the lithography machine are not all made in one country, because some of them are Japanese optical technology, and some are German mechanical technology; so As Mai once let out the words, even if you give you the design drawings, you can't make them.

Because according to the current technical level, if you want to manufacture an advanced lithography machine, you must use the most advanced technical products in many countries. Asmite's lens uses German Zeiss products; these European and American companies are not bad However, it is not difficult for Chinese companies to buy these products.

"Anyway, these materials also point us to a brand-new path. As long as we can eat these things through, we will not be stuck in the neck of European and American countries!" Perhaps knowing the controllable nuclear fusion and the Kun-style fighter project The reason is that the leaders are full of confidence in this drawing.

"If it can be thoroughly understood, then we can achieve 100% localization of lithography machine manufacturing. I see that the components used here are also different from those of Asme, Nikon, and Canon, and there are no patent obstacles. The problem, what we have to worry about now is whether our precision processing level can reach the standard!" The expert nodded. Indeed, it is very difficult to create a lithography machine with excellent performance according to this drawing, but this drawing is available. , Can definitely take many detours.

"There are doubts about that part, just write it out and you should get a satisfactory answer!" People can even manufacture miniature controllable nuclear fusion reactors. It is certainly not a problem to manufacture these parts. Hey, what a pity, if he can be like It is the same to provide samples of a micro-controllable nuclear fusion reactor, but it is also good to provide us with a sample of a lithography machine.

I don’t know if I ask him in the mail, will he agree? Even if the lithography machine is even more advanced, it must be more difficult to manufacture without a micro-controllable nuclear fusion reactor? The leader was pondering in his heart, but he did not intend to write this meaning in the mail for the time being. According to the previous situation, if there were any, they might just give it directly. Good question, lest people say we are not greedy.

Several experts gathered together to discuss, and finally reached an agreement. "Let's start with the big aspects. We still have a lot of doubts about the theory. If the theory is not clear, the details are even more impossible to talk about!"

"You are responsible for the work on the major. You discuss it first, and list the most important issues!" The leader arranged a meeting room for them, and they also sent in all the equipment they needed, so that they could work without distractions.

After a day and night of discussion, these experts came up with the first batch of questions, and then the leader sent these questions to Shen Long. After reading Shen Long, he was a little surprised, "Yes, since such questions can be asked, it shows that the country The research on the lithography machine already has a solid foundation, so it seems that the time when the first prototype was produced was earlier than I expected."

Shen Long crossed his fingers with his hands, moved his fingers, and then began to type with a crackle. He answered the questions of these experts one by one. Through these questions, he also knew the level of these experts, and he knew what to say when he answered the questions. To what extent.

It took only half an hour for Shen Long to answer all the questions. The keyboard for typing was already starting to smoke. There was no way for Shen Long to type too fast.

Then, after checking carefully, Shen Long sent the mail to them. With Bai Ze helping to cover up, Shen Long was not afraid that someone could find himself along the mail.

Those experts go to bed after asking the questions. In their view, it is extremely difficult to reply to these questions listed by themselves. Even if the other party is very familiar with this field, it will take several days to But what I didn't expect was that less than an hour later, the other party's reply came.

I was very tired all day and night, but as soon as they saw this email, they would not be sleepy immediately, and they all gathered around the computer, studying the reply word by word, whether they exclaimed in their mouths, "It turns out like this , How come I didn’t expect it to be solved in this way?"

"This conclusion is very new. Neither Asmail nor Nikon have been involved in this field. This time they can be ahead of them!"

"Understood, in this way, it can really improve the yield rate, which is even more powerful than Asma's latest products!"

"This UV light source is indeed more stable, the energy distribution is more uniform, and the fault tolerance rate is higher, and the requirements for production operations are lower, which is really great."

In this way, the experts studied the email day and night, and after the study, they put forward new questions while conducting experiments, and Shen Long, as before, communicated with them at the speed of one email per week.

About three emails were sent back and forth. The sound of the system sounded again in Shen Long's mind, and a new task came to him.

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