All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2188: Black panther

"Eric from the world of the Marvel movie "Black Panther" is asking for your help. He hopes you can help him control the Kingdom of Wakanda!" The familiar voice of the system came from his mind.

Um, this made me black? Can't you accept it? Shen Long scratched his head, then immediately became curious, and was about to go to the Marvel Cinematic Universe again. I don’t know if it was the same world as “Iron Man 2” he had been to last time. If so, it’s interesting. What will the world look like?

It's still the same as before. Let's start with the research materials. Before the movie "Black Panther", Shen Long hurriedly glanced at it, but the plot is really not in his appetite, so I didn't study it seriously. Now that I want to complete the task, It must be taken a look, not only the movie, but also to find out other materials such as the comics related to "Black Panther" and analyze it.

After receiving Shen Long’s order, Bai Ze quickly made preparations. At this time, Arya also came back from the outside, so Shen Long took her to the audio-visual room and began to enjoy the movie; anyway There is no pretty girl in this movie, so I will bring Arya into it.

The experience of watching this movie was very bad. Shen Long really couldn't figure out why those black people watched so happy. Is this a movie that praises black people? Would you like to exchange the same plot into the country to feel it?

China is a closed country with advanced civilization and technological level that has exploded all over the world. The national government is ruled by tribal chiefs. The method of choosing the highest leader is that the chiefs hold the sword, sword and halberd to fight against the top of the forbidden city. braid.

The chiefs in the palace are extravagant and extravagant. The medically developed ones are the same as those brought back to life, and the science fiction is simply the alien technology maglev train; then ordinary Chinese people live in grass sheds and feed the pandas all day long. There are few roads in the entire country. Article; and then you took this movie to China for screening, saying that this is to praise the Chinese? See Chinese people don't blow your dog's head.

Well, it doesn't seem to be necessarily. "Mummy 3: The Return of the Dragon Emperor" was not filled with the arrogance of the Western world. It seems that it still has a good box office in the country, and not many people scolded it.

Perhaps it was because the domestic economy was still underdeveloped at that time, and the people were eager to be recognized by Western developed countries. Occasionally, a story about the background of the East appeared. Everyone would feel very honored, just like the black people watching "Black Panther".

However, with the passage of time, Chinese people have gradually recognized the arrogance of the West, and this set will not work again. Didn’t you see the uproar caused by the "Shangqi" on the domestic Internet? Regrettably, Chinese people see the Hollywood routine clearly, and the black people are still immersed in the imaginary pride brought by "Black Panther".

After watching the movie, Shen Long studied the information again. He found that the role of Black Panther was not what it appeared in the movie.

First debuted in the 52nd issue of "Fantastic Four" (July 1966), co-created by editor Stan Lee and cartoonist Jack Kobe, it was the first non-sarcasm black superhero to debut in the mainstream American comic company. The title of successive kings in the African country Wakanda, why should this superhero be named Black Panther? This will start from the political background at that time.

The Black Panther Party is an Afro-American society founded in 1966 by Soe-Newton and Sear in Oakland, California. They opposed the US government. The Black Panthers believed that changing the world must be through long-term organization and mobilization of the people. They tried Revolutionary socialism has been created from mass organizations and community program planning, providing free breakfast for the poor and children in the black community, and providing political education to the community, hoping to change people’s ideas bit by bit and empower them.

This is a radical black left-wing political party and one of the first organizations in the United States to fight for the liberation of minorities and working classes.

This party sounds a bit like Nichob, the uncle of the movie's protagonist Panthera Tchaila. Nichob became more and more "radical" in the process of lurking in the United States and was touched by the exploitation and oppression of black people. Wakanda’s super weapons came to arm the blacks and overthrow the tyranny, but was eventually killed by the last generation of superpowers, the Black Panther.

This encounter is the same as many Black Panther leaders. Because the Black Panther adhered to the principles of armed self-defense and community self-government, many leaders were executed, assassinated, and imprisoned for a long time; many black leaders of other factions also suffered the same end. The famous nature is Martin Luther King who advocates non-violence and non-cooperation; and MalcX who advocated "black power supremacy" and "violent revolution overthrew the hypocritical white rule of the United States."

Nichob’s son, Eric, inherited his father’s wishes and wanted to use Wakanda’s advanced technology to help his black compatriots get rid of the white notice, but he was defeated by the Black Panther Techara, and he finally survived. Down, but unwilling to accept Techara's mercy.

In his words, just like the black people who jumped into the sea from the slave ship and committed suicide, they would rather die than lose their freedom. Hey, this line may be one of the few highlights of the whole film, right? The means by which he wanted to help black people get rid of white people's oppression is certainly debatable, UU reading www. but there is absolutely nothing wrong with the idea.

Instead, they shrank in Wakanda, and some of the black panthers who had ignored their compatriots had some facial abominations. They were clearly capable of helping their compatriots, but they have been indifferent for thousands of years, watching the countless black people being transported around the world As a slave and tortured, what qualifications can such a person be a superhero?

Oh, I almost forgot. Is this a black superhero character created by white Americans? Naturally, it should be in line with the political ideas of white Americans. It is impossible to violently resist anything.

The young man had a good idea, but his methods were worse. Eric had no father since he was a child, and he has been receiving education in the United States. Although he has studied in Indianapolis and MIT, he is a rare cultural person among black people. The American education system does not teach him how to properly help black people get rid of white rule.

So he could only adopt a simple and rough strategy of fighting based on his experience in the SEALs. As a result, even if Wakanda didn't get it, he knelt down.

But it doesn’t matter. My experience is very rich when it comes to playing politics. Whether it is the political system of the East or the West, I am very familiar with it. I went to take care of the position where you can hold King Wakanda.

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