All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2189: Different Marvel World

After spending a few days preparing for it, Shen Long and Arya entered the world of "Black Panther". A white light flashed through, and Shen Long and Arya came to a strange metropolis from the courtyard of Beijing .

"Wow, you look so ugly!" Aaliyah glanced at Shen Long's appearance now and couldn't help vomiting. Needless to say, Shen Long naturally became Eric's.

"Can't you say that? Is this racial discrimination? But to be honest, he really is not as handsome as me!" Shen Long took out his mobile phone and took a photo in the mirror, and found that this face was a bit uncomfortable.

"My ancestors haven't tortured black people." Arya shrugged. The "Game of Thrones" world is not without black people. It's just that those black people mostly live in Esos and Westeros. The Stark family in the far north has always had little contact, so Arya said so.

"Don't discuss this, let's see where this is!" Shen Long looked up and looked at the signs on the street and the pedestrians on the street. He quickly concluded that he and Arya are now in South Korea. "So the story has progressed to the point where Techara came to South Korea to arrest Ulysses Crowe?"

Ulysses-Clau was born in a military family. His father worked in World War II. When Crow grew up, he became a physicist who studied sound science in the Netherlands. He invented a device that can convert sound into images. Jin came to increase his power, so he came to Wakanda to find Zhenjin.

After infiltrating Wakanda, he collided with Eric’s father, Nichob, to get a lot of gold. In order to cover his escape, he detonated the bomb and caused a lot of casualties to Wakanda. Since then Wakanda has been In pursuit of him, Ulysses-Clau is not a simple character. He is familiar with the situation in Wakanda and has repeatedly escaped arrest.

Only because of the large amount of Zhenjin lost in the previous transaction with Autron, he had to go to a museum to **** the Zhenjin tools that were lost many years ago, and then he was caught by Wakanda again, and Techara also Along the way to South Korea, he wanted to arrest him and bring revenge to the dead Vakanda.

In order to return to Wakanda, Eric also stared at Ulysses Crowe, so he temporarily disguised as his subordinate, robbed him of the Zhenjin tool with him, and then came to South Korea. After the Lisis-Claw battle ended, Ulysses-Clau fell into the hands of the CIA, and Techara was with him.

"Bai Ze, connect to the network of this world, collect information related to superheroes, and compare with the Marvel movie universe to see what is different!" Shen Long is not in a hurry to find Ulysses-K Law, he intends to verify it first to see if this is an independent world or a world associated with "Iron Man 2."

"Received, it's good!" Bai Ze received the order and quickly entered the world of Internet travel. It didn't take much time to find the information Shen Long wanted.

"I accessed the database of multiple forces such as SHIELD, Stark Industries, Hydra, and found something very interesting. This world has changed a lot compared to the Marvel Cinematic Universe."

"In the beginning, it was no different from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Until 2010, the whip Ivan Vanke had a big fight in New York. He collaborated with Justin Hanmer to create a new steel armor and made it widely available in the public. Defeated Iron Man Tony Stark underneath, which made Tony Stark sink for a while!"

"Then Ivan Vanke returned to Russia, leaving with him also the Ace Agent Natasha Romanov of SHIELD, and Emil Bronsky, a special elite player under General Thunder Ross, according to reliable According to news, these two men also went to Russia and are now playing for the Russian special department Xiongdun Bureau."

"Bai Ze, these are all I did! So you don't have to repeat these, I want to know, the failure of Tony Stark, and the departure of Natasha Romanov and Emile Brownsky. What effect did the follow-up plot have?" Shen Long planned Bai Ze's words, so I needn't say anything about what I experienced.

"Okay, as you wish!" Shirasawa respectfully reported, "The first is the change in the plot of "Invincible Hulk", but this change is not big. Although Emile Bronsky is gone, General Ross I still found a suitable person to inject Hulk's serum, and it also turned into a hate, but this hatred has less combat power than Bronsky, and it is easily defeated by Hulk!"

"At the same time, the flight of Natasha Romanov made Nick Fury very angry, but when he left, Natasha announced the secret that SHIELD had been controlled by the Hydra. In order to solve the Hydra, Nick -Fury has no ability to pursue this matter. He even has to seek Natasha's help to clear the effect of the Hydra on SHIELD."

"With the help of the Divine Spear Bureau and the Bear Shield Bureau, the Hydra's insight plan went bankrupt before it was started, but the secrets of the SHIELD Bureau's once lack of Hydra control were also exposed to the world; for this reason, Aegis The strength of the bureau has suffered a great loss. Instead, the Russian Bear Shield Bureau and the Chinese Spear Bureau have used this opportunity to expand their In the subsequent New York War, only relying on Thor to recover There are five superheroes in Iron Man, Hulk, Hawkeye, and Captain America who cannot stop the attack of the Zitari. When New York is about to fall, S.H.I.E.L.D. has to seek the help of the Shields and Spears. "

"So Natasha, Ivan Vanke, Emile Bronsky and some of the superheroes of the Spear Bureau also participated in this war! It is worth mentioning that many Winter Soldiers under the Bear Shield Bureau are It played well in this battle, and Bucky Barnes, who has disappeared for many years, also reappeared in front of people."

"This made Tony Stark furious. He wanted to kill Bucky Barnes to avenge his parents, but he was stopped by Captain America and Natasha."

"The superhero group under SHIELD has disagreement. Tony Stark has become paranoid. He doesn't believe his teammates and decided to develop a super robot army to protect the earth. Unfortunately, he is in the design process. A fatal error occurred in the event, which led to the birth of Ultron..."

Although the main storyline is barely normal, there are still some differences in the details. The world of Marvel movies is quite interesting.

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