All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2191: Wacky Wakanda

There is no runway suitable for F22 landing on the African grassland, but it doesn’t matter. It wasn’t bought at his own expense. Just let him fall, so when there is still hundreds of kilometers from Wakanda, Shen Long gave up on F22. Controlled, directly ejected with Arya, and sat in a hidden shape on the doom cloud, allowing the expensive fighter to fall to the ground.

The explosion of the fighter plane ignited a huge fire, which immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding tribes. A group of local armed men wearing AK and wearing mopping shoes quickly rushed over and talked around the wreckage of the explosion.

Thanks to the progress of science and technology, this armed little leader seemed to realize what he was doing, quickly picked up the phone and dialed it, and at the same time commanded his men to quickly disassemble and hide the wreckage. How to say this is also the most advanced fighter on the US military, even if it is The wreckage is also valuable. Someone must be willing to buy it. If you can find a suitable buyer, there will be a good harvest.

The soldiers were dismantling and removing the wreckage of the fighter like an ant moved, and disappeared into the nearby jungle soon. When the US fighters tracked and arrived, there were only too many people left to carry. Large parts, which makes them very depressed, if the key components fall into the hands of Lao Maozi or China, it would be too bad.

After watching the excitement, Shen Long continued to rush to Wakanda, and moved on for more than 100 kilometers. The front seemed to be a deserted jungle, and the tablet could not receive any signals. However, through the domineering, Shen Long I still feel a lot of human activity ahead.

Needless to say, this must have been achieved by Vakkan. They landed from the air and showed their shape. Shen Long also took out the body of Ulyssklau, dragging the protective cover near Vakanda with his feet, he stood In front of the shield, take the ring that Nichob left to Eric and hold it in his hand, then lift the chain and extend his right hand to align the ring with the inside of the shield.

This is a sign of the Wakanda royal family. Vika, the leader of the frontier tribe who guards the Wakanda border, will soon receive the news. He opened the corner of the protective cover and came out of it, asking with doubt, "Who are you?" "

"Eric Clemente, son of Prince Nichob, here is my home, and I'm home now!" Shen Long showed his identity, and then revealed his own characteristics of Wakanda.

Vika must have seen the ring and the features, and he was undoubtedly confused in the heart. The horse invited Li Long to enter, but still refused to enter Arya.

"She is my wife! She is qualified to enter Wakanda." Shen Long hugged Arya's shoulder. Hey, the girls of Wakanda are a little bit inconsistent with my aesthetics, otherwise, and a The marriage of the daughter or sister of the chief of the tribe is the best way to strengthen control of this country.

"Eric, Prince Nichob must have told you the rules of Wakanda. You are the prince of Wakanda. You should marry Wakanda to be your wife, not an outsider!" Vika must still insist .

Isn't this nonsense? How can there be such a regulation? And shouldn’t it be strict even if there is? In the comics, Black Panther Techara had a marriage relationship with the storm girl Ororo. Ororo also became the queen of Wakanda. She is not a Wakanda; and Techara should have already Went back to Wakanda with the injured Roster worker to treat the injury?

In the movie, the winter warrior Bucky Barnes also entered Wakanda. Why can these people enter, I can't bring people in? Shen Long said unkindly, "Why can Techara bring in outsiders, why can't I? And I'm not bringing outsiders, but my wife, and she will become Queen of Wakanda in the future!"

Shen Long deliberately left Agent Ross a life in South Korea, just to block Vikabi’s mouth. Hearing Shen Long said, Vika must finally have nothing to say, he turned his attention to Ulysses- On Craw's body, "What's the matter?"

"This is Ulysses Crowe, the murderer who killed the Wakanda people back then, and I avenged them!" Shen Long shrugged. "I didn't do what Techara did, I did."

Vika will salute Shen Long immediately and respectfully. His parents and he are also responsible for guarding the frontier of Wakanda. When Ulysses-Clau escaped, he was attacked by Ulyssklau and died. Therefore, he has always been obsessed with bringing Ulysses Crowe back to Wakanda, whether it is dead or alive, and now Shen Long brings his father's enemies back, he is naturally grateful.

The members of the other frontier tribes also cheered in unison. Before the Ulysses-Clau attack, more than one Vika must have lost their parents and relatives. They were also grateful for Shen Long. Then Aaliyah entered Wakanda. No problem.

Vika must bring Shenlong and Arya into Wakanda with the warriors of the frontier tribes. As for the body of Ulysses-Clau, it is naturally taken care of.

"Eric, do you want to fight for Wakanda's throne?" Vika will frown and ask, he is very tangled now, on the one hand is his familiar Techara, on the other side is a benefactor for his revenge~www. If there is a conflict between them, Vika must be very embarrassed, but he has no way to stop it. According to ancient traditions, the royal members of the five major tribes of Wakanda all compete for the Wakanda throne and the Black Panther. Title qualifications.

"Yes, look at what Techara did? His father died, he couldn't take revenge. This is not just his own thing. Techarka is also our King of Vacanda, the King of a country. Dead, this country is indifferent, this is not what it should be!" Shen Long shrugged.

He knows that Vika must be dissatisfied with Techara’s conservative behavior. In the movie, Vika must seem to prefer Eric, who is more offensive, to become king, and finally he has to give up his resistance. This is a draw Shen Long's strength, naturally want to speak according to his preferences.

"Yes, this thing makes us feel ashamed!" Shen Long said Vikabi's heart, after all, thirty years after his parents died, neither Tchaca nor Tequara had the father and son. To be able to bring the enemy back, Vika must have accumulated a lot of dissatisfaction in his heart. If he can go out of Wakanda, he might have searched for the enemy's traces all over the world.

"Wow." Through the protective cover, a ridiculous world appeared in front of Shen Long and Arya. Arya couldn't help but exclaim when she saw this magical scene in front of her. This world is so strange.

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