All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2192: duel

On the vast African savannah, a group of black men in cloaks, scimitars, and spears walked around. They were either watching the periphery alertly, or grazing rhinos, who were also Wakanda. 'S war buddies, covered in Zhenjin and made of armor, their defensive power is definitely superior to all the main battle tanks on the earth today.

In the distance, there is a group of buildings full of science and technology. This is the capital of Wakanda. A huge black panther statue can be clearly seen, and the Zhenjin mine is hidden under this statue.

At first glance, this is indeed a country with advanced technology, but look at the periphery of the capital. The Wakanda people still live in extremely primitive houses, houses made of mud and grass, except for their cloaks, With the weapon in his hand, Shen Long did not see the existence of other technological products.

With the exception of advanced weapons and not being hungry, these people do not look much different from the blacks in other parts of Africa. This is not like what a developed country should be. The road on the edge of the capital is still dusty, and residents walk On a crowded street, there is no vehicle.

Wakanda is not without this strength. Their ground-effect flying cars seem to be more advanced than any other car in the world. However, they only use this advanced technology in weapons. It seems that they never thought of using it in the civilian field. Is it true that these people only like to walk on their own feet and are not willing to make their lives more comfortable?

Shen Long doesn't think so, as long as he is a person, he will surely desire a better life. They can now endure this kind of life with peace of mind, perhaps because they don't know much about the outside world?

But this is not true. Wakanda is not without contact with the outside world. Techara used to study at Oxford University and obtained a degree. At the same time, Wakanda also has an advanced intelligence agency PRIDE, which is said to be more powerful than the CIA. It is only slightly weaker than SHIELD. With such an institution, how could Wakanda know nothing about the outside world?

Seeing this, Shen Long sighed, "My father told me everything about Wakanda since he was young. He told me that this is the best country in the world, not only has the most beautiful sunset in the world, but also has the happiest in the world. Life, I always think so, but now, this country has let me down."

Shen Long pointed to the buildings with a sense of technology in the distance, and pointed to the low mud hut next to it. "The gap between the rich and the poor here is even greater than that of the United States. Can you only live in this kind of place?"

Vika must open his mouth and instinctively want to explain, but in the end, there are only some dry words, "This is our tradition, this kind of building is very suitable for grazing life."

"Grazing?" Shen Long shrugged. "As far as I know, even the American ranchers don't apply this primitive grazing technology. They use large machines and computer systems to manage the ranch. Only a few people are needed. How many rhinos are there in Wakanda after grazing thousands of herds? Does Wakanda have the most advanced technology in the world? It only takes up to ten people to take care of all the rhinos in Wakanda."

Vika must be the leader of the border tribes, and the border tribes have always been responsible for guarding the border of Wakanda, that is to say, the tribes of Vikabi can only live on the border, and watch other tribes enjoy it in the capital. For tens of thousands of years, Shen Long did not believe that they had no complaints.

What is special is the Wakanda people, why should we suffer and suffer here, they can stay in big cities and enjoy? Is it just the Black Panther? Can the Panthers fight the army of frontier tribes?

Shen Long’s words gave Vika a sense of ambition, but his long-term inherent thinking still made him unable to explain, "Eric, that’s not the case. We graze rhinos because they are our fighting partners, we It is necessary to cultivate the feelings of fighting partners from an early age, so large-scale grazing is not possible."

"Huh?" Shen Long smiled again. "It is now the 21st century. The medieval heavy armored cavalry has already withdrawn from the stage of history. It is now an era of mechanization. Can the armored rhinoceros be as effective as aircraft? Can't fly! Vika must, it's too hard for your frontier to implement."

"I am very grateful to you for your long-term protection of Wakanda, but now it is time to make a change. You should get more advanced weapons and a better life." Shen Long felt that only giving them a cloak and a scimitar is probably the key It’s not that they are protected from foreign invasions, but that they do not threaten the capital? This is the same as Da Song's policy of defending the inside and outside.

There are five major tribes in Wakanda. Merchant tribes, border tribes, river tribes, mine tribes, and Jabari tribes. These tribes have different positions. The border tribes are responsible for guarding the border. The Jabari tribes are outside. The status of the lower levels can be drawn together.

There are also merchant tribes. As you can see from the name, this tribe is responsible for Wakanda’s business operations. Wakanda’s closed-door policy is definitely not conducive to business development. I believe they are also very dissatisfied with the status quo.

"Although I am Prince Nichob’s child, I still want to say that those in the capital don’t seem to value the interests of the border otherwise Ulysses-Clau won’t be today Brought back by me, Wakanda has such an advanced technology and intelligence department, and it takes thirty years to search for the traces of Ulysses-Clau? This guy is not so peaceful!" Shen Long continued in Vikabi Create a crack in your heart.

"I think it's probably because Ulysses Crowe killed people from the frontier tribes, not from the capital? If he killed other people at the time, I think he wouldn't get away. Time!"

Hearing this, Vika would not speak, and his already dark face was even darker. The guard behind him also exchanged several glances, which seemed to agree with Shen Long's words.

They came to the palace all the way, and Techara heard the news, and saw the body of Ulysses Crowe, and the ring that was exactly the same as what she wore. Techara was stunned.

"I am Eric Clemente, son of Prince Nichob." In the presence of the Presbyterian Church, Shen Long showed his identity. "According to tradition, I have the right to participate in the throne, and I now send to Techara Present a duel challenge."

Hey, science and technology are so developed, it is necessary to decide the head of state through a shirtless fight. Shen Long does not know what to say, but this is also good. It is easier to board the throne by himself.

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