All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2202: Since ancient times

Obviously it is the center of the Antarctic ice and snow, but the climate here is like a tropical zone. Plants such as cypress, cycad, ginkgo, and real fern grow lush. Dinosaurs, saber-toothed tigers and other animals that have long been extinct in other parts of the earth live here freely. They raised their heads curiously and looked at the spaceship that appeared suddenly.

"Unbelievable, how can there be so many creatures here?" Techara's eyes widened. The scene in front of him subverted his knowledge system. Shouldn't Antarctica be cold?

"It should be the geothermal heat from the ground, so that it has a temperature suitable for the growth of animals and plants. Perhaps the geothermal heat was caused by the meteorite at that time!" Shen Long explained at random, and the ghost knew what Marvel cartoonists were out of. Scientific principles, tinkering with such a strange place.

It is said that this is a test site for aliens. They collected animal and plant specimens from all over the world and let them thrive in the center of Antarctica. Later, these aliens left, but these animals and plants survived, and even evolved a special civilization. At that time, the Kingdom of Atlantis, the king of Namo, once ruled here, but then the wild land gradually developed its own society and defeated the rule of Atlantis.

In addition, Deadpool also had some contact with this place. He fell from the universe to the barren continent, and then suddenly found that he had become a **** worshiped by the natives of the barren continent.

There are also several niche superheroes in Marvel comics, such as the jungle warrior. He has lived with his father in the wilderness continent since he was a child. When he grew up, he received the blessings of the jungle. The mysterious place has been strengthened, and the spores floating in the misty land have the strengthening function, allowing his physique to reach the peak of humanity, plus his hunting ability trained in the wild continent, won the title of contemporary jungle warrior.

However, Shen Long detected with the life detector carried on the spacecraft, and did not find the trace of the existence of intelligent creatures here. It seems that in the Marvel movie universe, there is no trace of the existence of jungle warriors; think about it, this is nothing. For the small role of commercial value, Marvel is definitely not willing to spend money to add him to the movie.

Traces of the Atlanteans ruling the wild continent were also not found. The Neptune of the DC family next door was very successful, which made it more difficult for Marvel to put Namo on the big screen until the "Avengers" So far as League 4 is aired, the information about Namo is only a slight mention in the egg.

"This is simply a miracle!" Everyone marveled at the uniqueness of the Wild Continent, so they landed the spacecraft, put on protective clothing, and landed on the land of the Wild Continent.

There are a lot of dangers here, swamps, beasts, poisonous insects, etc., but they are not ordinary people. These fatal threats to ordinary people are nothing in front of them.

"Really cute guy, can I bring a home to raise?" Aaliyah looked at the velociraptor running and hunting in the jungle. Her eyes were shining. She liked animals very much. Ya's distinction made her feel reluctant, and now seeing the raptor again gave birth to the idea of ​​domestication.

"It's better not to take the animals here!" Shen Long shook his head and raised a velociraptor in the courtyard courtyard of Beijing. This idea was a bit unreliable. The next time I entertained the guests, it popped out and ate the guests. How to do? "If you want to watch, I will often bring you over in the future!"

This is already the second time Shen Long has entered the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He may have a hunch that he may have a chance. If so, it would be nice to bring Arya to the Wild Continent next time.

By the way, the taste of dinosaurs seems to be very good. Shen Long remembered his experience of eating dinosaur meat in the world of "Dragon Ball" and could not help but drool a bit. This kind of ingredients is not easy to find. Since coming, is it necessary to kill both ends? Open up?

"Found it!" Princess Su Rui, who was wandering around with the detector, suddenly cried with excitement. I saw the detector beeping, a red dot appeared on the three-dimensional map, and then two or three ….. increased rapidly, showing them the locations where Zhenjin was buried.

The members of the female guards such as Okye quickly took out the tools that had been prepared, and began to dig in the place closest to them according to the guidance of the detector. The small mining robot turned quickly, and almost the blink of an eye was on the ground. Dig a big hole, then drill in.

"These signals don't seem right. They are very similar to Zhenjin's signals, but they are still different! Maybe the Jinjin here is different from the Wakanda mainland?" Princess Su Rui frowned at the information returned by the detector. Said, at the same time began to calculate quickly, want to find out the difference.

As soon as the voice fell, I heard a muffled noise in the hole dug by the mining robot. The mining robot immediately lost its signal. The crowd hurried to the hole and saw that this robot made of steel had turned into a pool of metal liquid. In the middle of the liquid is a silver-gray ore with a metallic glow.

This is the characteristic of Antarctic vibration vibration gold can absorb the vibration energy and kinetic energy around it, special vibration gold isotope can dissolve other metals, so it is called anti-metal, anti-metal can emit unique Shock wave of the wavelength, this kind of shock wave can break the metal molecular bond including Edelman alloy, making the metal liquid.

"This phenomenon does exist in our guess, but this is the first time I saw the real thing." Seeing this magical scene, Princess Su Rui's eyes became brighter, and at this moment she forgot Techara, All of his brains brought this special vibrational gold isotope back to Wakanda's laboratory to study it.

"It seems that we should ship mining workers and mining machinery from the country as soon as possible to mine this continent's Zhenjin mine!" Techara's words showed a bit of sourness. The discovery of this new type of Zhenjin mine allowed He almost cut off the possibility of regaining the throne, the entire Wakanda will be crazy about it, and the foundation of Shen Long's rule will become more stable.

"Your Majesty, do you need me to inform the country?" Okay also asked excitedly, which means that Vacanda's future development space has expanded dramatically. For many years, they will not have to worry about the lack of resources.

"Notify the country immediately, but the first batch should not be mining workers and machinery. The most important thing is another thing." Shen Long looked at them with a smile, "Yes, do you know what it is since ancient times?" "

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