All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2203: Determine ownership

"In 1959, the human society outside Wakanda signed the Antarctic Treaty, which stipulates that Antarctica is only used for peaceful purposes, promotes the freedom of scientific investigation in Antarctica, promotes international cooperation in scientific investigation, and prohibits the Antarctic region Carry out all military-type activities and nuclear explosions and deal with radiation, freeze the current territorial ownership, and promote international scientific cooperation." Shen Long explained to them.

"So, unless we never let people know about the existence of this place, otherwise we have a certain problem in the international law of the exclusive possession of this land by Wakanda!" Shen Long saw Techara, Naqiya, Okay, Surui The princess and others are all sullen, it seems difficult to understand what Shen Long said.

This is also normal. After all, Wakanda has been living in isolation from the world before, and has not had much experience in dealing with the international community. Experience in this area is really lacking.

"It is true that our military strength in Wakanda is enough to resist the covetation of this continent by any outside forces on the earth, but it is always good to have less trouble, isn't it? In fact, Shen Long does not necessarily touch Aegis. The game and the **** spear game can win Wakanda, in addition there are many forces with the potential to defeat Wakanda.

The Atlantis flooded in Wakanda naturally needless to say, the Brotherhood of Mutants led by Magneto had also done things in Wakanda, and Latovinia, the prince of Durm, was equally powerful, in addition. With powerful organizations such as Hydra and Alien, Wakanda’s invincibility is actually just self-righteous.

"Fortunately, it has never been discovered by the outside world, so we can move the cultural relics in Wakanda and bury it here, and then tell the outside world that we have lived and mined the Zhenjin Mine thousands of years ago. The time we have here is much earlier than the time when the Antarctic Treaty was signed, so that international organizations have nothing to say!" Since they are Chinese, how could they not play the routines since ancient times?

"Of course, in a short period of time, this place will not be discovered by the outside world, but we must also be prepared in advance, so that even if we have trouble in the future, there are ways to deal with it!" The wild land is hidden very well, and the surrounding electromagnetic The environment is complex, and the outside world will not find it here for a while, but who can guarantee that it will never be discovered?

In fact, Shen Long is also very strange. You have to say that the wild continent is hidden in the ground. It is still possible that the crust and the outer shell will not be discovered by the outside world. How could such a large piece of land not be discovered by satellites? The scientific research satellites in Antarctica alone do not know how many satellites have been launched.

Even the topography of the mainland under the Antarctic ice has been accurately drawn by researchers using remote sensing technology. How could it be possible to miss this huge green area in units of 10,000 square kilometers? Not to mention that it is so large, even if it is a few square kilometers of small green space, it is extremely eye-catching in the white Antarctic continent?

"I did hear about this treaty when I was studying at Oxford University, and I think Eric made a lot of sense!" Techara finally remembered that he had studied in the UK. "We should do well in advance ready."

"I have found the provisions of the Antarctic Treaty. Regarding the territorial rights of Antarctica, it is written above: Any action or activity that takes place during the validity of this treaty shall not become a request for, support or denial of the claim for territorial sovereignty in Antarctica Based on, or creating any sovereign rights in Antarctica; during the validity of this treaty, no new claims or expansion of existing claims on territorial sovereignty in Antarctica shall be made." Princess Su Rui checked the Antarctic Treaty with Kimo Yuzhu ", and show the content related to territorial sovereignty.

"Note that the validity period is the key. The binding of this treaty on territorial sovereignty is based on the international status at the time of signing the treaty. After the signing of the treaty, the claim on Antarctic territorial sovereignty is not recognized, but is the fait accompli before the signing of the treaty recognized? But it was not specified, which gave us the opportunity to demand legitimate rights and interests!" As a politician, the opportunity to catch contract loopholes is instinctive, Shen Long said by pointing to those key words.

"Zhenjin is the life of Wakanda. We are willing to pay any price to protect these Jinjin, but it would be better if we could solve the problem in a simpler way. I support Eric's decision." In the face of Kanda’s major problems in the future, Techara could only give up her unwillingness and turned to support Shen Long.

"There are many cultural relics in the museum of Wakanda. We can move here. We can also forge some relics. After all, the environment here is very different from Wakanda. Even the relics will be different!" Shen Long even considered the details. Well, um, first of all, we need to get some ancient statues of leopard gods, build a few original temples here, and then tinker with a few old mining pits, proving that Wakanda started religion and production here long ago Activity.

Or you can let Mbaku bring some members of the Jabari tribe to live here. Their living habits are relatively primitive, which is more proof that Wakanda has a long history of occupying the Antarctic.

"I will immediately contact Elder Zurui and invite them to take a look here! I believe they will support you when they see this!" Okay began to contact members of the Council of Elder Shen Long let him take The leaders of the five tribes also called together to let all Wakanda seniors know the news.

Seeing the newly excavated new type of gold samples and seeing the rich reserves on the detector, these Wakanda collectives lost their voices and immediately worshipped Shen Longding after waking up, almost treating Shen Long as a successor. The greatest king of Wakanda after a generation of Black Panther Bashenga.

Seeing this scene, Techara was devastated. He knew that with so much contribution, the throne of King Shenlong Wakanda was almost unshakable. Even the mining tribe that originally supported him, in the face of such great interests, Will also give up his support.

Perhaps he would make Wakanda better. After all, Techara was not an ambition like Rocky, and the honest child slowly let go of the mustache and sincerely saluted Shen Long.

Wakanda quickly acted according to Shen Long's instructions, and moved the precious cultural relics in the country to the wild land, as evidence that this was Wakanda's territory since ancient times.

Princess Su Rui also built a laboratory here, preparing to study this kind of Antarctic Zhenjin, which is very different from Wakanda Zhenjin. Shen Long arranged to go to New York to find Tony Stark.

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