All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2204: The Avengers

In order to gain the trust of Tony Stark, Shen Long also brought Techara, and they hugged and greeted each other as soon as they met, "Hey, Tony, long time no see!"

"I thought you were now King of Wakanda. I didn't expect to change someone now! His Majesty the King, hello, I'm Tony Stark!" It seems that Shen Long taught Tony the last time. Not enough, this guy still talks so badly, because he was a member of the upper class society since he was born, otherwise he would have been beaten to death just by this mouth, and he would live to this day.

"Mr. Stark, hello!" Shen Long reached out and shook his hand. He couldn't help remembering the scene when he was beaten with his own electric whip. This scene was really pleasant.

"Come in and sit, what do you want to drink?" Stark greeted them with Shen Long and handed them drinks and drinks, and the little chili was also there.

Carrying the wine glass, Tony Stark mentioned the topic just now, "Techara, if I remember correctly, aren't you the son of King Tchaca? In my understanding, His Majesty the King died unfortunately. Shouldn’t it be your turn to be king?"

"According to the tradition of Wakanda, all members of the royal lineage are eligible to challenge the throne of the king. Eric is the son of my uncle and qualified to be king. I lost to Eric in fair competition. He should be king, and...and he did better than me!" In front of outsiders, Techara must maintain the dignity of King Vakanda.

"It seems that you have a good brother. If Sol is present today, he will envy you." Tony Stark said with a shrug. The brothers of Sol and Rocky were in trouble for the throne. Stark still remembers that New York was messed up by Rocky.

"The gadgets you gave me last time are very interesting." After the mouth was finished, Tony started to talk about the business, and he took out the Kimo Yu-zhu that Shen Long gave him last time, "I think, you certainly won't Is it simply a gift for me?"

"Yes, since Wakanda decided to gradually strengthen contact with the outside world, business activities are naturally indispensable. This is the first product we brought out. Wakanda will work with the Stark Group if you want. Set up a new company to produce and sell Jimo Yuzhu!" Shen Long said.

"Tony!" Now the little pepper who is in charge of the company's affairs is moving. She also saw the ability of Kimo Yuzhu here at Tony Stark, which is definitely much more advanced than the mobile phones and computers people use now. This product Absolutely and extremely broad market space, if Stark Industries got this business, think about it can quickly kill Apple and Samsung.

"It sounds good, but why should I work with you?" Tony Stark is such a character, it seems that he did not take this matter seriously.

"That's okay, we can go find other people to cooperate, I believe Mr. Osborne, Justin Hammer and others must be more polite than you!" Oh, I really miss Justin Hammer, and this guy It's much more enjoyable to deal with Stark.

"Tony!" Little Pepper couldn't help but increase her voice. She didn't want to see Tony mess up such a big business. This was not only a question of making money, but also involved Stark's face. Don't look at him now. Looks like, but really want to lose this business, Wakanda turned to Osbourne or Hammer cooperation, he will be crazy in the future.

"Your Majesty, this is what Tony said. Don't be angry. Stark Industries is very interested in this cooperation. I don't know how you plan to cooperate?" Little Pepper said, Stark did not object.

"We provide technology, Stark Industries provides global sales channels for sales and post-maintenance work." Shen Long said briefly.

"We are happy to cooperate in this way, but what about the specific division of labor and profit distribution?" Xiao Chili continued to ask.

"We just need to determine the intention of cooperation, let others talk about specific things! As long as Tony does not object, I will arrange someone to negotiate with you later." This matter is handed over to the lips of the merchant tribe Pan Nan is done, he has been seriously studying the external business operation mode these days.

"I'm very happy to cooperate with your country." Tony Stark grunted reluctantly and turned to ask questions he was more concerned about, "Yes, you said last time that Zhenjin would be sold Give me, is this promise still valid?"

"Of course no problem, we Wakanda people are happy to help friends." Shen Long said with a shrug.

"So do you also need my help?" Stark keenly sensed the meaning in Shen Long's words.

"A very small question, this is Naqiya." Shen Long introduced Naqiya to Tony, and incidentally told the Foundation, which made Stark frown slightly. He knew how troublesome such a foundation was. And to be honest, his own position on racial issues is also debatable.

However, after Shen Long took out two samples of Wakanda Zhenjin and Antarctic Jinjin, Stark still succumbed, especially Antarctic Jinjin, Wakanda Zhenjin some of them For the first time, the peculiar metal such as Antarctic Zhenjin has seen Stark fascinated by the characteristic of vibrating to melt other metals.

"It's amazing! This metal is simply amazing!" Stark has now begun to imagine what kind of steel armor can be created with these two kinds of vibration gold.

So he quickly agreed to help Naqiya set up a foundation, and sent elite staff of Stark Industries to take charge of the foundation’s propaganda, management and other things. These elites integrated the ideas put forward by Shen Long and began to use the Internet, Newspapers, televisions, and other different media channels promoted, and soon attracted considerable attention.

Naqiya was very happy with this foundation, and Techara became depressed, so her girlfriend might not be able to come back.

On this day, Shen Long discussed with Tony a new method of using Antarctic Zhenjin in the Stark Building. When he returned to the lounge to prepare something to drink, he saw a bald, one-eyed black man sitting there Looking at them with Erlang's legs and a wine glass in his hand, it seems that he has been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Shen Long come out, Nick Fury stepped forward to introduce himself. After talking for a long time, this old guy finally stated the purpose of his trip. "Eric, are you interested in joining the Avengers? "

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