All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2205: mission completed

"Eric, can I call you that? I read your previous information in the SEALs, and I have to say that your behavior at that time was almost two people compared to now. You have become more mature! So I formally sent you an invitation, I hope you can join the Avengers! I think that the Avengers also need a black representative!" Nick Fury also convinced Shen Long Out of his black identity is almost.

Shen Long wanted to laugh a little, but this kind of dismissal is like a simple-minded person like Teucara. Fooling about himself is not enough. I am afraid he valued himself as the king of the Kingdom of Wakanda, right?

Although the cooperation between Wakanda and Stark Industries has only just begun and has not been announced yet, with the capabilities of SHIELD, it is certain that a lot of information has been known. The technological level demonstrated by Wakanda is enough to attract SHIELD Eyes, and more importantly, Wakanda also owns the magic metal such as Zhenjin.

Whether it is to acquire Wakanda’s technology or Zhenjin, Nick Fury has to do something. If it is preempted by the Russian Bear Shield or the Chinese Spear Bureau, it will be bad; Xiong Shield will not To say that China’s layout in Africa has changed every day in recent years, and their influence in Africa is also growing. If they start, Nick Fury feels that he really can’t stop it.

And even if Russia’s power is declining, its impact on Africa is getting smaller and smaller, but the director of the Bear Shield Bureau is the famous black widow Natasha. If Natasha wants to persuade a man, Nick Fury thinks that this world I am afraid that few men can resist it.

He knew there that Shen Long had been in contact with Natasha long ago. Shen Long was not interested in this kind of girl, and he still took his wife this time.

"It was after seeing the impact of the New York War on the world that Wakanda decided to gradually open to the outside world! Wakanda is a member of the earth, and very much hopes to be able to protect the safety of the earth with other justice men on the earth." Despite knowing what kind of calculus Nick Fury played, Shen Long agreed.

With mouth full of sounding words, to talk about this, Nick Fury's rank is far worse than himself, "I can feel that the earth is now more and more dangerous, there were not so many aliens before, Mutants, weird super criminals, now appear one by one, maybe there will be magicians or something."

"Under such circumstances, the power of justice must also be strengthened! And the performance of the Avengers in the last New York incident also amazed me. They are the heroes who protect the earth; although various problems occurred afterwards, but I I believe Tony they will deal with these differences, so I am willing to join the Avengers."

"And provide the necessary help for the Avengers." Shen Long said, perhaps the last sentence is Nick Fury's most concerned, it is not enough to rely solely on Tony Stark as the Avengers technology.

"The Avengers are very welcome to join you!" Nick Fury breathed a sigh of relief. With the help of this King Wakanda, I believe that the days of Avengers and SHIELD will be better.

He also voted for Tao Li. "The Avengers and SHIELD will also try their best to help Vakanda integrate into modern society as soon as possible. You can ask any questions you need to solve urgently."

"I just have some things that need your help." Shen Long is also welcome. Since you want Vakanda's Zhenjin and technology, then come up with real materials to exchange, "Tony and I are planning to cooperate in the sale of new Mobile communication equipment, this will inevitably face many legal and policy disputes, and I hope SHIELD can help resolve these."

"It should be, but it is not enough for you two alone, and more shareholders need to be introduced!" At least several of the members of the Global Security Council have to be mixed up, right? Otherwise, how could this thing be sold all over the world?

"No problem, Wakanda does not mind sharing his scientific and technological achievements with other countries, as long as such sharing is on the premise of fairness and justice!" Shen Long agreed.

"There is another thing. In fact, our territory in Wakanda is not limited to the African continent. We also have vast territory in the Antarctic continent. We have lived and prospered, built and developed on the Antarctic continent even longer than the history of Europe. "Not to mention the United States. "As early as thousands of years before the Antarctic Treaty was signed, it became our territory, so our Wakanda's interests in Antarctica must also be guaranteed."

"Why didn't we find anything?" Nick Fury had a headache. This problem is much more serious than buying a little technology product.

"If you admit that the status quo is naturally the best, but it doesn't matter if you don't admit it, we have the ability to protect our land." Wakanda was not afraid at all in the battle.

"Okay, okay, I will try to explain to the council, I believe there will be a satisfactory result." Nick Fury does not want to see the earth chaos, Wakanda is not a small country like Sokovia .

"Nature is the best." After the Asgards came to earth in the future Didn't they also give them a site? This shows that it is not impossible to discuss the issue of territory.

Subsequently, the name Wakanda began to appear more and more on the earth's mainstream news media, and Kyomo Yuzhu began to sell globally and won unanimous praise from consumers.

Wakanda also began to issue visas to foreign representatives, inviting them to visit the Antarctic continent to visit dinosaurs. This magical picture has won the love of children around the world. More and more people are applying to travel to Wakanda. They are visiting dinosaurs. I also saw those ancient temples that enshrined the black panther gods, and there is no doubt that the Wakanda people have lived here since ancient times.

Nakia’s foundation expanded from the United States to Europe, devoted to safeguarding the interests of black people, and triggered a series of upsurges. Their influence is also growing. Although many people have become dissatisfied, but in the Avengers Under the intervention of the coalition, these people's conspiracy failed.

Shen Long frequently appeared in front of various media as King Wakanda. At home, he received the unanimous support of the five major tribes. In the outside world, he was recognized by the international community and became a member of the Avengers. He The position of the king is getting more and more stable.

One day when the press conference ended, Shen Long finally got a reminder of the completion of the task.

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