All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2206: Plant grass

This is a short-term task. After the task is over, it will leave in a short period of time, and the original soul of Eric Karlmanger will also return to this body. The system can help him to perfectly integrate the memory of this time. So that he would not change Wakanda’s policies immediately after Shen Long left.

Shen Long took Arya back to the real world. Although Arya didn’t fulfill her wish after all because of the short time, she got a few dinosaurs from the wild continent and raised them, but it didn’t matter. Shen Long felt that she would be sure There is also a chance to return to this world, and when you go next time, collect some rare animals and come back.

Perhaps by that time, Shen Long had already acquired some magical techniques such as the heaven and earth in the pot from some fairy-tale worlds, which could open up a different space in the real world, and then collect from various worlds. The exotic animals and plants you just arrived can be placed here, so there is no need to worry about being discovered.

"Eric Kormanger from the world of "Black Panther" thank you very much for fulfilling his wish, let him sit firmly on the throne of the King of Wakanda Kingdom, now the heart-shaped grass seeds and planting, use methods Give it to you, please confirm whether you accept it!" The sound of the system sounded in Shen Long's mind.

"Accept!" Shen Long pressed the confirmation button, and a small bag of seeds appeared in front of Shen Long. More knowledge poured into Shen Long's mind, and he learned how to plant heart-shaped grass.

This time he was in a hurry in the mission world, just after defeating Techa on the throne of King Wakanda, he was busy splitting up the strength of Wakanda, going to the South Pole to dig the South Pole Zhenjin, to New York and Tony and Nick Rui meets, so he hasn't had time to receive this most valuable gift from Wakanda.

Although Baize copied Wakanda's scientific and technological achievements by invading Wakanda's network system, the cultivation technology and seeds of heart-shaped grass have always been in the hands of Wakanda's sacrificial groups, and the method has not been passed down from word to word. On the surface, it will not be stored in the database. The gift from Eric just made up for Shen Long's regret.

"I also want to find a chance to get a flower for you to eat. Now it seems that we can grow our own!" Shen Long picked up the bag and came to the yard, looking for a small open space where no plants were planted. According to Gang To obtain the method, pick up the **** and take it seriously to loosen the soil and weed it.

Then take a small piece of vibrating gold ore from your personal space, smash the ore into powder, and sprinkle it evenly on this land. This is the most critical step of planting heart-shaped grass. Heart-shaped grass is absorbed The special elements contained in the Zhenjin Mine produce the result of aberration. If you want to grow heart-shaped grass, you must have a Zhenjin Mine.

Shen Long was a little curious about the difference between the heart-shaped grass cultivated by Antarctic Zhenjin and the heart-shaped grass cultivated by Wakanda Zhenjin, so he made another piece of Antarctic Jinjin Mine, which was also smashed into powder and sprinkled on another piece of land. Here, I planted these seeds and planned to observe them carefully after growing up. It would be better if they were different.

Shen Longke never came back to Baoshan empty-handed, so when Wakanda and Antarctica, they made a lot of Zhenjin finished products and Zhenjin mine thrown into the portable space, originally planned to come back and study it The performance of gold, look at what fun can come out, I did not expect the preparation just came back to come in handy, just to use the ore as a nutrient for heart-shaped grass.

At that time, the two heart-shaped grasses were cross-breeded to obtain improved varieties that could simultaneously have the advantages of both heart-shaped grasses. In the world of "Dajiang Dahe", he studied with Yuan Druid for a while. How to breed good seeds through crossbreeding is also very familiar.

Generally speaking, it takes a certain amount of time for plants to germinate, grow, mature, and bloom. According to Eric’s knowledge given to Shen Long, heart-shaped grass is an annual herb. Generally, after sowing in spring, it can bloom in summer and autumn. The flowering period is usually from June to October. It takes half a year from planting to harvesting the heart-shaped grass.

However, Shen Long was too lazy to wait so long, but he had open props. He took out a jade bottle from his portable space and dropped a few drops of the fairy from the world of "Mummy 3: The Return of the Dragon Emperor". A few sprouts popped out at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Two bright yellow cotyledons lifted their heads and could be seen with a perspective. There were roots growing under the soil. The function of the roots was to support and stabilize the stems and leaves growing on the ground, and to absorb and transport water and nutrients.

The native leaf soon grew again, and shortly after the cotyledon grew, a new bud with white cilia grew in the middle of the petiole petiole, and then a drop of fairy water drew a complete native leaf, and the green leaf showed The shape of love, this is the origin of the name of the heart-shaped grass.

"According to the current speed, it should be able to bloom tomorrow. I will first prepare other adjuvants and give them to you tomorrow." Shen Long touched Aaliyah's head, and her physical fitness could be improved again after eating. In addition to the other abilities she has mastered, when she enters the Marvel Cinematic Universe next time, it is estimated that she can easily hang Black Panther and Captain America alone.

Not to mention scum like eagle By that time give Arya a nickname to pinch, Shen Long rubbed her chin and wondered.

As a result, when these heart-shaped grasses bloomed the next day, they gave Shen Long a pleasant surprise. The heart-shaped grass on the small piece of land sprinkled with Vakanda vibrating gold ore powder, like the movie, had a purple The red flowers look a bit like trumpet flowers; on the other side, the heart-shaped grass growing on the land sprinkled with Antarctic vibrating gold ore powder, the shape of the bloomed flowers does not change, but the color is golden yellow, obviously not Is it the same?

Um, what's going on now? Should I first make the heart-shaped grass that looks normal and eat it as medicine, or first study the difference between the heart-shaped grass with yellow flowers? Will it increase other abilities after eating?

"How do you choose?" Shen Long asked Arya.

"I'm not in a hurry, let's take a look at the difference between these two heart-shaped grasses?" said Arya. After returning to the real world, she didn't have the opportunity to use force, so she was naturally not in a hurry to improve herself Ability.

"Well, I'll buy some white mice and come back to experiment!" Shen Long asked Bai Ze to help buy it. Without much time, the courier sent a batch of white mice to Shen Long's door. With these, I can start the experiment.

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