All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2259: Mask

Back at home, Shen Long and Huang Chun said goodbye, and he did not hide Huang Chun. After listening, Huang Chun was very worried, but did not stop. After all these years of getting along, she already knew that once Shen Long decided to do something, no one It can be stopped, and this is also a major event for the country and the people, and she has no reason to stop it.

"I will wait for you at home, and I will take care of them with dedication, Carrie, and tribute. You can rest assured!" Huang Chunqiang said with tears.

"You also take care of the other side of the hospital. Now that so many people have left at once, Yu Ting will also go to the northeast with me. It's really impossible without your help! Don't worry too much, I'm sure it won't be a problem Son." Shen Long held Huang Chun in his arms.

It took only one day, Shen Long organized the manpower and materials, and rushed to the northeast with Wu Liande at the fastest speed. After multiple tasks, he returned to the land of Heilongjiang again, but it’s a pity that this site is now Not his, "To solve this epidemic, you must first figure out what virus caused the epidemic! But now it is difficult to do anatomy in China!"

"The deceased is the biggest. This is a tradition that has lasted for thousands of years. It is not easy for you to find the autopsy of the sick and dead. When I was in the medical hall of Beijing Normal University, I also wrote to the court many times to request an anatomy class. It has always been said that "Chinese customs and etiquette are different and cannot be forced". Let's take an anatomical model for class. Is this model the same as a real person?" Xu Dingchao sighed.

"It's not impossible for this matter. The body of the Chinese is not easy to dissect. Can we use foreigners? There are also many foreigners who died in this plague, especially Russians and Japanese. We found such cases. , And it should be okay to say to their consulates!" Shen Long suggested.

Hey, what's the matter? The plague occurred in his country, but he had to go to the corpses of foreigners to dissect it. Also, this is a plague caused by foreigners' greed. Why didn't they see them pay China? ? According to the clamor of these foreigners in later generations, at least this time they have to compensate China with hundreds of millions of silver.

"It's a solution. I went to discuss with the foreign doctors in the medical team and let them contact their embassy to ask if there was a suitable body for the patient!" Wu Liande immediately went to find someone to help.

Soon, they found a suitable sample. A Japanese proprietress who opened a local inn died, and her body was still well preserved, so Wu Liande quickly took Shen Long to the past and dissected the body in a residential building. Then take the blood sample of the infected person and place it on the slide. Under a high-power microscope, Shen Long and Wu Liande saw the Yersinia pestis on the slide, and the two ends were uniquely colored and oval.

"Yes, it's the plague!" Although the patient's symptoms have been basically judged, the final judgment cannot be made until the virus sample is seen.

"Then, it's time to study the routes of infection. After finding out all the routes of infection, try to cut off these routes and reduce the speed of the spread of the plague!" These reasons Shen Long blurted out without thinking, in the real world, This knowledge is spoken every day, every day.

"Let's look at this case!" Shen Long turned out a piece of information collected from the local area: a man returned from Shenyang to the village, died of illness, and his family accompanied him through the last journey of his life, and buried according to traditional customs, After a few days, all seven of the family died, and only one baby was crying beside the mother who had just died.

Neighbors helped to bury the body, and then took away the things in the house, clothes, bedding, and even the cushions that the patient had sat on. In the next few days, one person after another contracted the plague, except for a 70-year-old Women and 3 babies, 150 people in the village died one after another...

"If it is spread by blood, the speed is not so fast, and it will not be spread so violently; this village does not depend on the river, there are more than one well for drinking water, and the distance is far away, so it is unlikely to spread through water; this family Although the village is small, most of them are people from other places, including Hebei and Shandong. There are large differences in eating habits and the spread of food is unlikely. It should be noted that there are many children who only eat milk! Shen Long denied a variety of transmission methods based on the data.

"It's winter now, and insects are all entering the dormant period, so there is little possibility of transmission through mosquitoes, flies, fleas, etc." Wu Liande added, "As for iatrogenic infections, it is even more impossible, and many people have not gone to the doctor. The clinic is treated."

One by one denied many possibilities, then the only thing left is the correct answer, "The source of plague is rodents. In recent years, the wave of hunting for marmots in the Northeast has surged, and the earliest cases have also occurred among marmot hunters. This shows that marmots are most likely the source of infection."

"There are generally three ways of spreading the plague: the first one is the fleas on the mice. This has been denied just now. The Northeast is so cold, the activities of fleas are greatly restricted. If only the fleas spread, the plague will not It spreads so quickly; but eliminating fleas is still a good way to alleviate the epidemic."

"The second type is contact transmission Infected skin and mucous membranes of healthy people can be infected by contact with the patient's pus blood and sputum or with the skin and blood of diseased rodents; this is even more unlikely The main way of transmission is now, the big guy is now terrified of the patients who died of the plague, how dare they approach it?"

Shen Long added, "However, the large number of corpses left untreated can still easily lead to the spread of the disease. You must go to the court to let the regent resign and cremate all the corpses!" It is the traditional concept of the Chinese for thousands of years, and it cannot be solved without a mandatory order.

"This is written by all the members of the United Medical Association. Since these two are not the main transmission routes, the only possibility is the droplet transmission, which is troublesome!" Compared with other routes, droplet transmission is the most difficult. Preventive, "We can let the imperial court order, strictly control the railway, prevent the widespread spread of the plague, and prohibit people from visiting relatives and friends."

"It's not easy to handle, it's the Spring Festival soon!" Shen Long sighed, and later generations have done a lot of complaining, not to mention this era?

"In addition, I have to prepare a large number of masks to distribute to reduce the efficiency of droplet transmission!" Hey, I didn't expect that I had to deal with masks when I arrived in the mission world!

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