All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2260: Wanjiasheng Buddha

In 1895, German pathologist Ledchi discovered that airborne pathogens can infect wounds, so he believed that the saliva that people talked with would also cause wounds to deteriorate; so he suggested that doctors and nurses wear a gauze during surgery Masks that can be made to cover the mouth and nose have been an important tool in medicine since then.

"But the Chinese don't have the habit of wearing masks. It's not easy to persuade them to wear masks!" Shen Long sighed. Before that, China actually had products similar to masks, but then rich people traveled to cover the dust. Ordinary people do not have the habit of wearing this, and the production and distribution is also a big problem.

Hey, in the later generations, foreigners don’t like to wear masks, but now the Chinese are unwilling to wear them. It is really a headache. Shen Long continued, "Fortunately, before leaving, I have made the hospital prepare gauze, medicinal cotton and other materials to step up The masks are made, and I will let Yu Ting send telegrams to them now, so that they can quickly transport them over."

After discussing the countermeasures, Shen Long and Wu Liande immediately started to contact the governors of the three eastern provinces and officials at all levels of the epidemic prevention department, and asked them to order the blockade of the railway in the northeast, prohibit people from gathering together, incinerate the bodies of the epidemic area, and collect materials to make masks. , Lime water and other necessary materials.

Objectively speaking, from the end of the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, China's public epidemic prevention strength was a process of a short rise and then a rapid decline. In the late Qing period, the Manchu government could mobilize the nation's forces to prevent large-scale plagues. The terrible things, officials around the world know a little bit more powerful.

In the period of the Beiyang government, due to the increasing number of returning students and the ability of the Beiyang government to control various places, the ability in this area was improved compared to the late Qing Dynasty; however, it is not possible to reach peanuts here. At this time, who still has the mind to control the life and death of the people? It wasn't until New China that this situation changed.

The fact that the Manchu government attaches great importance to the prevention of epidemic disease actually has pressure from outside forces. Since the plague began to spread, Japan and Russia have continuously accused the Chinese government of incompetence while actively preventing epidemic disease in their respective control areas.

Not only did the Russian authorities use Harbin's owner as their own, they strictly restricted the entry and exit of Chinese people; they also threatened the Chinese government that if the epidemic continues to develop, "the army will be used to defend Harbin." Russian Foreign Minister Shachanov advocated to the German diplomatic representative that the "only way to stop the plague is to have Russia station troops in the center of northern China."

Although the Japanese are not as explicit as the Russians, they used the pretext of protecting the diaspora, setting up the general epidemic prevention bureau in Shenyang, and setting up branch offices in Changchun, Tieling, Liaoyang, Andong, Dalian, etc., showing excessive "enthusiasm" everywhere, so much so Even the US Minister of Public Affairs believes that they are purely "swinging the market."

The Japanese-run publication publicly declared that "China neglected to eliminate the epidemic and showed the world that China should be relieved of his responsibility to Manchuria". At that time, the wolf ambitions in Japan were well known, and some people even talked about it. The well water was poisoned, spreading the plague, and the workers cleaning the well were so busy that even the wages had quadrupled.

Under heavy pressure, in early December 1910, the Qing government ordered the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Ministry of Posts and Communications to work together to discuss measures for epidemic prevention. The Regent and the Military Aircraft Department have repeatedly ordered the governors of the three eastern provinces and the governor of Zhili to effectively handle epidemic prevention matters, in particular reminding them to pay attention to traffic epidemic prevention; the Manchu government also held a special epidemic prevention meeting in the inner court on December 25, 1910. Ministers such as the Minister, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Posts and Communications, the Ministry of Law, the Ministry of the Army, and the Dali Academy jointly participated in the study of anti-epidemic measures, and anti-epidemic agencies at all levels began to be established.

At the beginning, they used a traditional Chinese medicine treatment method, using acupuncture, taking bezoar, rhino horn, cold blood and other poisons, but the effect was not obvious. Seeing that the epidemic could not be controlled, they had to seek the help of Western medicine, so Wu Liande and Shen Long To the northeast.

Now these officials in the imperial court have no way at all. They regard Shen Long and Wu Liande as life-saving straws, so when they hear these requests that they are busy, they may not care about the life and death of the people, but they look at their lives. It is very important, for fear of spreading the epidemic will kill you.

Moreover, the threats of those foreigners should not be underestimated, and they must never be given the opportunity to increase their interference in the Northeast, so officials everywhere immediately organized manpower to control the flow of people, and produced masks, lime water, and other materials in accordance with the requirements of Shen Long and Wu Liande.

At the beginning, the people were not willing to wear masks or spray lime water everywhere. After all, the smell of this thing was not good. Wu Liande was very anxious, but Shen Long did it easily.

He could not understand the character of the Chinese people really well, so he did not force the people to wear it, but first convinced officials from all over the world to let them wear masks to travel, and use lime water to disinfect their houses and government offices. At this scene, those clever big households also acted immediately, and the common people followed.

Their thoughts are very simple. The lives of those masters must be more valuable than ours. If they do this, they will definitely get Dr. Yang's prescription. Then we have to follow suit!

But there are still two problems that haven't been The first is the problem of cremation. The idea that the dead are big is too deep-rooted. Finally, the regent king Zai Feng directly decided to suppress this momentum.

The second is the local people’s distrust of Western medicine. No one is willing to come to the Western medicine clinic for treatment. Shen Long is also prepared for it. He let his school students show the identity of their medical scholars and medical examiners. Jinshi and men are among the common people. The status in my heart is not ordinary. With their help, coupled with the fact that most Chinese medicine doctors everywhere are unable to diagnose and treat plague, more and more patients come here to see a doctor.

This series of measures was still very effective against the plague at that time, especially the use of quarantine to stop the spread of people. This is the most effective means of epidemic prevention at any time, so the epidemic is gradually controlled.

On March 1, 1911, the Harbin Epidemic Prevention Bureau issued a notice that the death toll from Fu Jiadian was zero. Subsequently, there were great reports from major cities in Northeast China such as Changchun, Fengtian, and Tieling, and zero deaths were caused by the plague. The plague, which raged for more than half a year and killed more than 60,000 people, was declared extinct.

For a time, Northeast burst into tears. While celebrating the disaster, the people began to thank Wu Liande, Shen Long and others sincerely, and gave them the name of Wanjiasheng Buddha.

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