All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2279: So many amazing students

"Dad, are you back? Will I go to Dingxian with you again during the summer vacation?" Bai Jingye, who was exercising, greeted him as soon as he entered the courtyard of Baicao Hall. He and Shen Long stayed in Dingxian For a while, I returned to Beijing after the start of school. I went back again during the winter vacation. Now I see Shen Long and I look forward to it.

"Yo, do you still want to go to such a bitter place? I dare not take you anymore. See how your grandma felt distressed when I came back last time!" Shen Long said jokingly, but he was quite relieved. Now Bai Jingye is also a model. There is nothing wrong with eating, drinking and gambling like in the TV series.

"Grandma is afraid that I will endure hardship, but I think that in Dingxian is not a hardship." Bai Jingye is now 14 years old, but he is still a child. It's funny to learn how adults speak.

"That's it, since you think so, I'll take you to another place next time!" By taking root in Dingxian County, Shen Long copied Chen Zhiqian's three-level medical system and figured out a solution to the rural medical and health problems. However, how to solve the medical and health problems of cities, especially urban civilians, there is still no model for reference, and this is the work that Shen Long is going to complete in the next stage.

Nowadays, there are more and more Western-style doctors returning from abroad, but most of them are staying in big cities. They either open private clinics like Tang Nai'an, or they work in big hospitals like Yan Fuqing, and the patients they face are rich. Powerful upper-class people, ordinary people do not have the ability to enjoy the benefits brought by medical advancement.

Everyone is accustomed to this situation, and the government has not remembered that there are still so many people who have not had the opportunity to receive medical and health services. This group, which has the largest proportion of China’s population, has been forgotten; this phenomenon continued for a long time after the founding of the country. This is true for time.

Shen Long holds a lot of advanced medical technology, but if these technologies can not be applied to ordinary people, what is the point? Therefore, he felt that instead of taking out various advanced medical technologies for future generations to enjoy in these cities, it would be better to take root in rural and urban slums and do something for them under his own power.

"Yo, seventh, you are back!" Kung Fu speaking in the courtyard, Bai Jingyi, Bai Jingsi, Bai Jingwu all came out. Now Bai Jingyi is in charge of the Baicao Hall, Bai Jingsi works in the police department, Bai Jingwu works in Beiyang The government is working, but Bai Jingwu doesn't seem to be very respectful of the behavior of the Beiyang government. Instead, he sympathizes with the people in the south. It is estimated that he will not be able to do this job for long.

Since Shen Long went to Dingxian, the brothers have rarely got together, so they set a table at night, and the big guy was drinking and talking about the latest things. Bai Jingyi now has no need to worry about his father. Han Rongfa also wanted to ask Shen Long to ask for the piece of paper. He saw that the revolution was successful, and wanted to use this piece of paper to confuse the name of a revolutionary leader, but Shen Long directly told him that the piece of paper had been torn, you Just continue to stay in the village.

The two children of the Bai family entered the government, and Wang Xiguang did not come. The days of the Baicao Hall were much better than when they were full of Qing Dynasty, but they are not without problems at the moment. The situation seems to be turbulent again. The government thinks It is necessary to raise silver and silver to fill the military pay, and the Baicao Hall, as a well-known old name in Beijing, has also fallen into a lot of schools. Bai Jingsi and Bai Jingwu have tried everything to make it useless.

This is also something that cannot be done. In the future, similar things will only be more. No matter who takes up the capital, it will not last long. The head of the city changes the king flag. Every time the ruler is changed, the ordinary people in the capital will suffer an exploitation. Bai Jingwu secretly I thought that maybe it would be better to wait for the group of people in the south to replace Beiyang, but Shen Long disagreed, maybe it wouldn't be able to keep up with the present time.

"Hey, thanks to Jingqi's great affection in the northeast, now that the medicine price in Anguo has gone up, the medicine in the northeast is still the same, otherwise our days will be even more sad." Bai Jingyi sighed.

"Everyone else has gone up. Let's give them some more points. People are thinking about our feelings. We can't threaten the enlightenment." Shen Long said. Bai Jingyi thought and listened. After all, the situation is now turbulent, so keep buying. Channels are the most important, and spending more money is second.

The next day, the old lady called Shen Long and wanted to give his maid to him as his aunt. Shen Long quickly refused, and teaching three children was tired enough. Let me teach a few more. I can Can't bear it, "Mom, now it's the Republic of China, and many people in the school are advocating for monogamy. I also say the principal, but can't anyone point to the backbone and scold!"

"It's weird. Our ancestors have been talking about the rules of polygamy for thousands of years. Why should we change it now?" The old lady was very angry about this, and Shen Long murmured. If you support, then Why didn't you see Bai Yingxuan find two more concubines?

But now Shen Long has three children, so the old lady murmured a few words and didn't say anything. She is not much concerned about the family's affairs now, so it's estimated that it is also idle, let her watch more scenes Just fine, anyway, Bai Yuting is married now, and Wan Xiaoju will be fine if he comes home again.

Today is just a school holiday, UU reading So Shen Long rested at home for a few days, accompanied Huang Chun, under the guidance of Bai Jingye, Bai Jinggong and Bai Jiali's homework, by the way, look at Wu Liande sent to himself He submitted papers for submission, he was not convenient to receive letters from Dingxian, so he could only wait for the letter to accumulate for a period of time, and then let the students take them to Dingxian, and then write the reply in Dingxian before sending them to the county. The post office here.

After processing all the letters, Shen Long went to the Beijing Branch of the Chinese Medical Association and listened to Bai Yuting's latest work. Nowadays, there are more and more members of the Medical Association, but there are also many contradictions. , Especially between Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine returned from studying abroad, almost every meeting will cause quarrels.

When the matter here is over, the new semester is about to begin, and Shen Long also returns to the National Capital Medical College to prepare for the opening ceremony.

"Mr. Tang has worked hard, and I have become the treasurer of the hands. Thanks to you in the school!" Shen Long became the principal. The former principal Tang Erhe in the history became the vice principal. Shen Long took all the daily management work. Leave it to him.

"Principal, your experiment in Dingxian is very meaningful, and I should help you deal with some chores. This is the list of freshmen this year. Please look around!" Shen Long took a look and said, there are really many celebrities.

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