All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2280: Qunying

Shen Long’s first noticed name was Zhang Xiaoqian, a future internal medicine expert, medical educator, and founder of Chinese Gastroenterology, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (also a future academician), and the former vice president of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.

At the pole of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Republic, in order to widely carry out advanced model learning and publicity activities, nine relevant departments of the country jointly organized the "most beautiful strugglers" learning and publicity activities, selection and commendation in the 70 years since the founding of New China, various industries and fields have emerged The advanced model from the frontline of production and around the masses, and the two medical practitioners from Zhang Xiaoqian and Lin Qiaozhi from Peking Union Medical College Hospital won the honorary title of "Most Beautiful Struggler" as a representative of the medical community.

The medical community "South Xiangya, North Union, East Qilu, West China West" four major groups, including Xiangya Hospital and Union Hospital can have future status, can not do without his contribution, he served for 11 years before liberation Dean of the Xiangya Hospital, after liberation, he served as the director of the internal medicine of the Union Hospital for 31 years, and successively served as the vice president of the Chinese Medical University, the deputy dean of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, and a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. People respectfully called him as "Concorde" Thai Dou, "Xiangya" Xuanyuan.

In various fields such as basic research, clinical diagnosis and treatment, and medical education, Zhang Xiaoqian has made outstanding contributions. From the clinical aspect, from July 1921 to the last patient, to the last patient in July 1986, it has been 65 years. In his clinical work, he showed extremely superb technology and saved countless critically ill patients.

In the field of basic research, he is the founder of digestive medicine in China, created the first digestive professional group for China, and conducted a variety of studies on the secretory function of the stomach, and published a series of important papers; he was the first in clinical The histamine method was used to test the secretion of gastric juice, and a new argument was put forward that fever has an inhibitory effect on gastric secretion function. From the pathophysiology, one of the mechanisms of fever patients' reluctance to eat is elaborated. Some of these papers are still cited internationally. .

At the same time, he has made outstanding contributions in the fields of amoebic dysentery, ulcerative colitis, tuberculous peritonitis, peptic ulcer, gastric ulcer and gastric cancer, and gastric motility.

In medical education, he has trained a large number of medical talents in institutions such as Xiangya Medical College and the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.

According to normal history, Zhang Xiaoqian should apply for Changsha Xiangya Medical College. Why did he come to Beijing Medical College? Is it the butterfly effect I caused? With the contributions of Shen Long, Tang Erhe, and others, Beijing Medical College has become the best medical school in the country, and it is not surprising that it can attract talents like Zhang Xiaoqian.

This is good, as long as you can keep him, the school will not have to worry about not finding a suitable principal in the future. I will also take a course for freshmen this semester, so I can know this future. Medical fighting.

This year's outstanding student is more than Zhang Xiaoqian, Shen Long's eyes stopped on the name Yang Buwei. She was the first female doctor of medicine in China. After returning to China, she co-organized it with Beijing's cashmere alley and classmate Li Guanzhong. A private hospital "Senren Hospital", but unfortunately, she has not made outstanding contributions in the medical field.

This is not because she lacks this ability, but because of her family. Her husband is the famous linguist Zhao Yuanren. After marriage, in order to take care of Zhao Yuanren's life, she gave up her medical career and put all her energy into taking care of the family and education. For the children, the four children she educated were all talented.

The eldest daughter Zhao Rulan is a doctor of Chinese music, a professor at Harvard University, and an academician of Academia Sinica with his husband-in-law. The second daughter, Zhao Xin, is a professor at the Department of Chemistry at Harvard University, a professor at the Changsha Zhongnan School of Mining and Metallurgy, and his husband-in-law Huang Peiyun is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

The third daughter, Zhao Laisi, graduated from the California Berkeley Institute of Mathematics, and published 23 books including some children’s books. Her husband is a professor of mathematics at Washington State University. The fourth daughter, Zhao Xiaozhong, graduated from Cornell University in the United States with a master’s degree in physics and worked at MIT. College.

With her ability to cultivate children, if she can stay in school, it is more than enough to be a teaching director! It's just that this one hasn't applied to the Beijing Normal College of Medicine in real history. After being the principal of China's first "Chongshi Girls' Middle School" for a while, he went to Tokyo Imperial University to study.

It seems to be the same as Zhang Xiaoqian now. She chose to study here because of Shen Long’s changes, which made Shen Long a little worried. She had any chance to know Zhao Yuanren. If this pair of Xiancheng missed because of her chance, it would be too It is a pity that after Zhao Yuanren graduated from Cornell University and returned to China, I will introduce them to know them!

Shen Long continued to look at the list of students and wanted to find out what other historical celebrities could come. As a result, Tom and He gave him a surprise. "I just received a cover letter here. International students, want to work in our school after returning home, this is his resume."

"Let's see!" Shen Long didn't relax the requirements because he was a Harvard Medical Doctor. UU read the book But when he looked at the name on the resume, he immediately decided to accept it. This candidate is called Liu Hengrui, which is China. The founder of trauma medicine, the founder of modern Chinese public health.

After returning from Harvard Medical School, he first taught at the Harvard Medical School in Modu, then came to Beijing to work in the Concord Hospital, and then entered the National Government Ministry of Health as a senior position. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, he was ordered to set up the Military Medical Director Department and served as Director and concurrently principal of the Army Military Medical School.

His most famous thing was to cut Liang Qichao's kidney. Liang Qichao was admitted to the Union Hospital due to urinary bleeding and was diagnosed with a kidney tumor. The doctor recommended that the "bad kidney" be removed. Liu Ruiheng was the best surgeon at the time.

This kind of minor surgery is certainly okay, but because of the nurse's wrong labeling, Liang Qichao's healthy right kidney was excised; after the operation, Xiehe kept silent for his reputation, and Liang Qichao always admired Western medicine and even helped The hospital covered up, so that for more than forty years later, Liang Sicheng did not know the truth from the Union Hospital.

This man must be hired. When Li Zongen returns to his country in the future, he will come to the school to take classes. Then, he will recruit the masters of Lin Qiaozhi, Qiu Fazu, Wu Jieping, Gu Fangzhou, Wu Mengchao, and Huang Jiasi to the Beijing Medical College. No matter how hard it is, whether it is Xiangya, West China, Concorde, or Qilu, it can't shake the status of this school.

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