All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2282: Can't do it

"It is said that President Wang was in Japan as a student superintendent and learned that the abolition of Chinese medicine in Japan led to the idea of ​​abolishing traditional Chinese medicine. So today I will tell you first why Japan can abolish Chinese medicine!" Shen Long started from Almeida and Xuanbai Shantian began to talk about Ogata Hongan and Fuze Yuji.

"...In summary, after hundreds of years of development, Japan already has a large number of medical personnel who have received Western-style medical education, which can basically meet the needs of society." Of course, this only refers to the needs of the upper class and the bottom ones. Farmers obviously have no opportunity to receive the services of doctors, and the upper class does not care.

"And what about us? How long did we start learning Western medicine? How many talents did we cultivate? According to the preliminary statistics of the Chinese Medical Association, there are more than 1,000 doctors who have received Western-style education in two thousand counties in the country. Doctors can't do it. Under such circumstances, the Chinese medicine should be abolished completely. What should the people do?"

"And these doctors are mainly concentrated in large cities such as Beijing, Modu, Jinmen, provincial capital cities in the east and middle, or many, and to the following counties. Except for a few cities along the eastern coast, inland counties rarely have Western styles. There is a doctor; of course, President Wang does not have to worry about not being able to find someone to treat him. If he is sick, there are so many hospitals in Beijing, where there are no doctors to see him?" Shen Long said.

But he immediately slammed the table and shouted, "President Wang is ill and someone is healed, but what about so many people in the country? If they are sick, they can only wait to die? Is it true that Wang Daxie's life is his life? Is life not life?"

The students in the hall became silent, and even the students who supported the abolition of Chinese medicine were speechless in front of this question. After all, they all studied medicine and could not say what would make the people wait for death.

"Most of the people here are from big cities, and their families are relatively good. They may not know much about the situation in small places." Poor families can now afford college students there. Shen Long's tone eased down, and then he came out in Dingxian Survey data, "We can see that in a county of 400,000 people, there are only two sitting doctors!"

"And the medical skills of these two doctors are terrible, but this is very rare. In the west and north, there are not even a doctor in many counties. If you are sick, you can only rely on remedies or even pray to God to solve it! Under such circumstances, how is it possible to abolish TCM?"

"And there is another problem. When Japan abolished Chinese medicine, it was originally intended to abolish Chinese medicine, but soon the Japanese government discovered that their own chemical production capacity was not enough to produce enough qualified Western medicine, so only the traditional Chinese medicine can be used by default."

"Even Japan can’t produce Western medicine. Can we do it in China? Let’s assume that the number of Western medicine in China has suddenly increased by hundreds or thousands of times, ensuring that every county can have at least one hospital with many superb medical skills. Western-style doctors sit on the clinic, but how to solve the problems of medicines and medical devices?"

"Do you produce it yourself? How many Western-style pharmaceutical factories do you have in our country? How many medical device factories? Can you produce those kinds of Western medicine and Western-style medical equipment? How much output can you reach each year? Can you meet the needs of ordinary people in the country?" Shen Long's series of rhetorical questions made the students speechless, and because of China's weak industrial capacity, it is undoubtedly a fool's dream to produce drugs and medical devices that can be used by the people of the country.

"Not to mention the complicated ones. Can we produce thermometers? Can we produce stethoscopes? Can we produce qualified medical alcohol? Can we produce medical gauze?" Shen Long didn't mention the more difficult ones, only took out a few Such the most basic medical tools and medicines, even these Republic of China can not do.

"Some people may say that these foreign countries can produce, and we can't buy them from foreigners? But we need money to buy things. Do we have so much money to buy?" If you have money, then buy guns and guns to prepare for the war first, and then buy medicine for the people.

Shen Long sighed and began to make a final conclusion, "I remember in the physics class, there is a sentence that often appears, called "under ideal conditions", which means that when talking about certain axioms, common problems such as air resistance must be ignored first. It only analyzes the situation under ideal conditions, but in practical applications, factors such as air resistance cannot be ignored."

"This sentence is also the same in human society. I also admit that Western medicine is indeed more scientific than traditional Chinese medicine and has greater development potential in the future, but it cannot ignore the specific situation of China. China does not have the basis for abolishing traditional Chinese medicine and hastily abolished it. Chinese medicine can only cause tragic consequences."

After the speech, in the face of clear data, even the hardest anti-Chinese medicine practitioners have nothing to say, yeah, although Western medicine is advanced, but Chinese medicine is abolished, what should people do? Until enough doctors are trained and the country can produce enough high-quality medicines and medical equipment, it is unrealistic to abolish traditional Chinese medicine.

After Shen Long’s speech, UU read www. sorted out the speeches and published them in major newspapers such as Ta Kung Pao and Shen Bao. The public opinion was suddenly in an uproar. The clear data made ordinary people who were originally unrelated to themselves nervous. Now This is the point of Western medicine in China. If Chinese medicine is to be abolished, what should I do if I get sick?

Many writers have written in support of Shen Long's claims and criticized Wang D Xie. What is not groundless? If the Zhumen wine smelly road has frozen bones and the like, one after another, Wang D Xie is under tremendous pressure.

The government of the Republic of China also formally replied, stating that "the former medical course was prescribed by the Ministry of Medicine, specializing in Western Medicine, and it was well-suited to misconduct. There was no success in doubt. …In addition to the deferral of the section on the determination of the course of TCM schools, the remaining sections should be prepared separately”, and at the same time, permission has been granted for private establishment of TCM schools.

On the surface, Chinese medicine seems to be exempt from the crisis of being eliminated, but in fact their position still does not deviate from the thinking of the education department, and while allowing private schools to teach Chinese medicine, they also refuse to formulate formal Chinese medicine curriculum guidelines and permit registration of Chinese medicine. Similarity puts TCM qualifications and status in a gray area.

As a result, the Chinese medicine community continued to fight unrelentingly, demanding that the Ministry of Education be included in the Chinese medicine curriculum, but the education department regarded it as unheard, and some Western medical professionals who returned from studying abroad strongly opposed it.

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