All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2283: Anatomy class

The reason is that since the Opium War, the pride of China has been shattered for thousands of years, but everyone who has watched the world with their eyes open is shocked by the huge gap between China and the West, and then came up with such ideas. Those who fall behind must be overthrown to learn from the West, and abolition of Chinese medicine. The implementation of Western medicine is still good. Some people say that Chinese characters can no longer keep up with the times. If you want to develop, you must abolish Chinese characters completely.

These people don't want to think about it, and don't say that this kind of thing is not feasible. Even if it can be done, how much will it cost to completely abolish the Chinese characters. Does China have so much money to complete this project? Not to mention, how much does it cost to print Pinyin textbooks alone? In addition to building schools, hiring teachers... It is not enough to smash all the income of the Beiyang government.

Also, what should those ordinary people do? The children of a few wealthy families can go to school to learn Pinyin. After they learn, the people are afraid that they will not even understand what they say, so that there will inevitably be a fault in the society. How can they manage this country? How to maintain normal social communication?

Returning to the issue of abolition of traditional Chinese medicine, it can be seen that most of the supporters of the abolition of traditional Chinese medicine were Wang Daxie, who had been to a foreign country, and a few were Yu Yue, who had been misdiagnosed by traditional Chinese medicine. Zhou Shuren's aversion to traditional Chinese medicine also came from So, but one thing is said, if Chinese medicine is misdiagnosed, will Western medicine not be misdiagnosed? Liang Qichao must have a deep understanding of this?

Some misdiagnosed cases alone are not enough to determine the fate of Chinese medicine. Those foreign students who have returned from abroad have seen the development of foreign countries, and it is not pleasing to see anything when they return to China. The way will come to an end, so that China will get better soon, which is undoubtedly the construction of a castle in the sky.

The abolition of traditional Chinese medicine is one of them. Western medicine has more development potential than traditional Chinese medicine, and it does represent the future development direction of traditional Chinese medicine. However, the abolition of traditional Chinese medicine hastily, what should many people do? The meal had to be eaten bite by bite. Ruth walked step by step. The steps were too big, but it was easy to pull eggs.

I remember someone posting a post on the Internet to list the academic qualifications of some senior officials of the Republic of China government. What did Dr. Cornell, Master of Cambridge, and Dr. Yale look like? Compared with those mud legs, they seem to want to express their longing for the Republic of China and their disdain for our party.

However, they all ignored a question. If those people are really good, why didn't they win in the end? In addition to the reasons why the history books are bad, there is another important reason that these people have learned more Western knowledge, but they do not have enough understanding of the actual situation in China. In other words, they are not grounded.

And that group of people can start according to China's actual situation, based on the facts, break a new road, one rooted in the masses, one floating on the surface, who loses and wins becomes a destiny.

It’s not uncommon for people like this to be hereafter, but when they read a little bit of information about the Western world on the Internet, it seems that they have found some treasures. He feels that China should do the same. To make it clear, there are advanced places in others that are really worth learning, but you should also see your own real situation and not learn blindly.

Hey, it’s a lot of trouble to abolish traditional Chinese medicine. Just quarreling is meaningless. There are too many people in the Republic of China who can only talk, and I still do something really useful.

Compared with the controversy over the abolition of traditional Chinese medicine, other things that happened this year are more meaningful. The Hunan Yuqun Society and the American Yali Association jointly opened the Xiangya Medical College in Changsha. The West China Union Medical College was also established this year. Two of Datian Tuan were born this year.

The dean of Xiangya Medical College was naturally Yan Fuqing. Before his establishment, he specially published an advertisement in the Chinese Medical Journal, calling on students interested in medicine to apply for the school, and wrote a letter specifically to Shen Long, inviting him to When going to the school opening ceremony, Shen Long sent a congratulatory gift, but I didn't go. The traffic is too inconvenient now. It takes a long time to go there, which is a bit too wasteful.

If you want to abolish traditional Chinese medicine, the establishment of schools such as Xiangya Medical College and West China Union Medical College is much more effective than Wang Daxie’s behavior. There are more high-quality medical colleges, and more excellent Western medicine has been cultivated, so that more people can Realizing the advantages of Western medicine, then the influence of Chinese medicine will naturally become smaller and smaller in the future.

In the era when Shen Long was there, although there are still Chinese medicine in China, there are still a lot of Chinese medicine schools, Chinese medicine hospitals, and Chinese medicine doctors, but most doctors will still prefer Western medicine. This is not the result of Wang Daxie’s mouth. What I said is that it was built up by building a medical school and a large number of Western medicine hospitals.

Shen Long also made quite a big breakthrough here, and it was really funny. Wang Daxie used the means that they could not get on the table and wanted to abolish traditional Chinese medicine, but they were still constrained by old ideas in accepting western medicine. It has been established for several years. In various medical schools across the country, only anatomical models can still be used to teach students. Autopsy is still regarded as a big and other medical school representatives have repeatedly given to the education department It was proposed that a formal anatomy course should be set up, but they were repeatedly rejected by them for reasons such as the tradition that the deceased is important in China.

This schizophrenia is also powerful enough. Why did you not mention TCM when you abolished TCM? It is also a Chinese tradition? Since you want to develop Western medicine, why even the most basic human anatomy is not allowed? Unfamiliar with the human body structure, how can we train qualified Western-style doctors? I really don't know what they think.

After the unremitting efforts of Shen Long, Tang Erhe, and others, the Beiyang government has recently issued a presidential notice and an order from the Ministry of Internal Affairs that allowed autopsy. Shen Long, who had already prepared in advance, announced immediately that the Beijing City Medical College set up an anatomy internship Room and prepare to give the students the first anatomy lesson.

In order to expand the influence and promote the popularization of anatomy classes in China, Shen Long and Tang Erhe also invited government and medical representatives to visit this anatomy class in the school, and invited reporters to film and interview.

Shen Long inadvertently and slightly changed the history, leaving the record of China’s first public anatomy class at the National Capital Medical College. In the original history, this honor belongs to the Jiangsu Public Medical College. Now he was preempted.

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