All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2287: localization

Lan Ansheng has a title called "Bolshevik in the medical world". He devoted his whole life to the public health of the Third World, and also made a lot of contributions to China.

Lan Ansheng, like Dr. Bai, is a Canadian with English name John Grant. After his father James Grant obtained a medical degree from the University of Michigan Medical School in the United States, he was appointed by the Baptist Missionary Mission to Ningbo to teach and practice medicine in China. , His mother is also an American missionary.

They were engaged in charity medical work until their deaths. They treated many Chinese patients and were loved by the local people. In order to better deal with local people, James Grant also gave himself a Chinese name called Lan Ya Gu, 1927. After the death of Lanya Valley, Chinese and foreigners in Ningbo commemorated his fund raising and established the current Huamei Hospital.

Lan Ansheng was born the second year after his parents arrived in Ningbo. At that time, there were no other foreign children in Ningbo. His childhood playmates were all Chinese children. His childhood memory made Lan Ansheng have a deep affection for China; after 8 years old, he A school sent by his parents to Yantai to be run by the church for the children of foreign nationals in China received education. Lanya Valley hoped that he could study science. Once he was sent to a German high school run by Qingdao for a year. Lanya Valley sent him back to high school in Nova Scotia, Canada.

In 1912, when Lan Ansheng graduated from high school, he returned to China to reunite with his family and decided to study medicine like his parents. Lan Yagu expressed his support, let him go to his hospital to experience the clinical work first, and subsidized him to travel in China. Fan and asked local foreign doctors for advice on how to practice medicine. After returning to the United States, Lan Ansheng entered the University of Michigan Medical School.

In 1917, after graduating from Lan Ansheng University, with the encouragement and recommendation of his mentor, he entered the Rockefeller Foundation International Health Department. At the end of the year, Lan Ansheng came to China again and began the epidemic investigation work in China for nearly two years.

In Pingxiang Coal Mine, Lan Ansheng was shocked and indignant when he saw the hell-like working conditions and tragic health of coal miners. He treated the workers infected with hookworm disease, wrote an investigation report, and reported to Han Yeping The company proposed to improve the treatment of workers, but to no avail.

Two years later, Lan Ansheng completed the investigation task and returned to the United States. After that, he went to Hopkins Medical College to study for a Master of Public Health. Shortly thereafter, the Union Medical College hired Lan Ansheng as a professor of public health and started the teaching of preventive medicine in China. The experimental activities not only cultivated excellent students such as Yao Xunyuan and Chen Zhiqian, but also drove the development of public health in China.

The Dingxian experiment and the public health office in Beijing have achieved good results. After ending China’s business, Lan Ansheng went to India and spent his whole life devoting himself to the public health in the third world. His work experience is summed up as a "concord model", and this model has been promoted to the whole world, becoming an eternal classic in the history of public health in the world. In 1962, Lan Ansheng died in the United States and was regarded as a leader by the international public health community after his death.

His two most famous views are "one ounce of prevention is better than one pound of treatment" and "60% localization is better than 100% westernization". The former shows the importance of prevention, while the latter emphasizes public health The development of his career should be combined with the actual situation in the country. On this basis alone, he is much stronger than Wang Daxie.

Shen Long’s work in the Beijing test area is also based on local actual conditions, and he did not copy the Western model, nor did he completely copy Lan Ansheng. After all, the capital he experimented with is still very different from the current capital. .

He divided his work into two parts, one part is prevention, and the other part is diagnosis and treatment; the former allows students of National Capital Medical College to go into alleys, factories, and schools, and compiles knowledge about preventive health care into children's songs, Allegro etc. The mode of understanding is widely disseminated, so that the concept of prevention is deeply rooted in people's hearts, helping residents to achieve the initiative to request a change in preventive health care, and fundamentally improve the public's health.

In terms of diagnosis and treatment, the public health nurses assigned to the area are required to carry out about 5-10 home visits a day. Any patient or patient visited by the nurses in the area not only has the visit records, but also the medical office's medical record room. They also store their family records, and record the illness and health of each member of the family according to the prescribed form; each family record has a family number and personal number, which is very convenient to find.

On the other hand, the lot also cooperates closely with the outpatient departments of the affiliated hospitals of the National Capital Medical College to treat patients in a timely manner. If patients with acute infectious diseases are found in the lot, they are immediately transferred to an outpatient clinic for diagnosis and treatment. It will be transferred to the contract hospital by the health office; if the patient does not need to be hospitalized, it will be transferred back to the lot by the health office, and the nurse will set up a "family bed" for bedside care and treatment, and take necessary and possible isolation and disinfection measures .

If it is found that the patient has financial difficulties, the nurses in the area will refer the medical records to the social workers of the health service for help. Since then, many medical conditions have been eliminated at a slight stage, greatly reducing the burden of local residents to see doctors and take medicine. Soon this model has been welcomed by the local people.

They have great respect for the staff of the health office, UU reading www.ww. Whenever walking through the streets and alleys wearing a uniform of a health office, you will receive cordial greetings. If you need anything from your neighbors, you can come out and say hello.

Murong Wu and Yuan Xiaoyan felt very fulfilled in such a working environment. Not only did they start to consider extending this model to all cities in the country, if they could replicate this model in all cities, the life expectancy of Chinese people would be greatly improved.

Shen Long shook his head, "We can implement this model in Beijing, because in addition to money, schools can use the name of internships to allow students to work free of charge, without paying them wages, just manage two meals a day. In spite of this, the school is also under great financial pressure."

"Now the area of ​​50,000 people is almost unsustainable. How much will it cost to expand to the whole country? How many qualified doctors and nurses?" No matter how small the expenditure is, multiplying it by 40,000 people will be a terrible number. .

"So what is the point of doing this now?" Murong Wu murmured.

"Accumulate experience and use it when the government is really willing to do something for the people in the future!"

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