All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2288: Bai Jingye Studying Abroad

Hu Shi will publish the article "Study more questions and talk less about "ism"" on the 31st of "Weekly Review". The article says: The great danger of the public opinion circle now is to bias the doctrine on paper instead of going to the field. Investigate what China's social needs are today.

Judging from this sentence alone, although the bias is biased, the practice needs to be supported by theory, but it seems to be somewhat reasonable, but Hu Shi’s point of view still falls on research, not practice. It is also a common problem among literati. If you ask them to give pointers to the mountains and rivers, it is better than one, but it will be difficult for them to do practical things.

It’s like Hu Shi. It took a lot of Ph.D.s and wrote a lot of books. It sounds very powerful. But you have to ask him what he has done for the country, which is really hard to say.

Today's medical profession has more or less such problems. There are many people who call for the abolition of traditional Chinese medicine. Actually, people who are concerned about the medical and health problems of ordinary people are few and far between. Shen Long is too lazy to fight against them. The manuscript is enough. In the next few years, he has been concentrating on the few things at hand.

Seriously take classes in the National Jingcheng Medical College and be a good principal; in the Dingxian and Jingcheng health offices, they are seriously exploring public health, and constantly writing papers published in the Chinese Medical Journal, hoping to bring more people Come to pay attention to the medical and health problems of the middle and lower classes in China.

Become a vice president of the Chinese Medical Association and a branch president of the Beijing Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, organize peer exchanges, expand the number of members, and promote the development of China's medical cause; together with Wu Liande and others, run the "Chinese Medical Journal" and select high Quality papers are published to select outstanding talents.

In the past few years, something has happened in the Chinese medical community. The Beiyang authorities have prescribed medical examinations. The Rockefeller Foundation has visited China several times. They have studied how to invest in Chinese medical education. The Hopkins Medical School in the United States is building on a world-class hospital in China.

This is the Xiehe Hospital in the future. From 1916 to 1947, 32 years ago, a total of US$44,652,490 was invested to maintain this top-ranking medical university in Asia; since then, Xiehe Hospital has witnessed the progress of modern Chinese medicine and has participated and witnessed Some important events in modern Chinese history.

During the founding of the People's Republic of China, the leaders of 12 medical schools in China all graduated from Xiehe, 6 out of 8 research institutes were out of Xiehe, most of the backbone of the Chinese Medical College came from Xiehe, and 26 editorial boards of the Chinese Medical Journal Of these, 19 were from Concord. Of the nine biomedical school academicians elected in 1965, seven were from Concorde.

Since then, Union Medical College Hospital has cultivated a group of medical professionals including Zhang Xiaoqian, Lin Qiaozhi, Zeng Xianjiu, Wu Jieping, Zhu Futang, etc., and has established a system for cultivating modern medical talents in China.

However, Shen Long is not worried that Concord Hospital will have an impact on his school. Concord Hospital takes the elite route, with the world's most advanced precision instruments, experimental equipment, and even toilets, door locks, floors, etc., are shipped from the United States At that time, almost all the consumables inside the Concord Medical College were imported from the United States, and the teachers were all the best medical masters in the world. Professors at Harvard, Johns Hopkins and other universities are frequent visitors.

But with such a good medical school, how many people were admitted in the first batch? 9 people, and only 3 people graduated in the end. In the 24 years after the establishment of Xiehe, only 310 students were trained, which means that only 16 people graduated each year on average.

It can be said that this is the top luxury product created by Rockefeller. In the era when China did not have the most basic medical services, Concorde used this extremely luxurious way to cultivate talents. For China with a population of 500 million, it is nothing short of a salary. Perhaps they have cultivated some top talents for China, but this is still far from the demand of China.

Today, there is only one doctor for every 120,000 people in China. There was one doctor for 720 people in the United States during the same period. In 2005, there was one doctor for more than 600 people in China. Even so, doctors in major hospitals They are also too busy to deal with, but all the famous hospitals have long queues, so Shen Long chose a different path from the Union Hospital, recruiting as many students as possible within the school’s tolerance, and training as many doctors as possible. come out.

As for the top medical elite, he doesn't have to worry about it. When he meets good seedlings, he can just teach by himself. Now that medical scientist can be better than himself? Geniuses such as Zhang Xiaoqian, Lin Qiaozhi, Wu Jieping, Qiu Fazu will not be delayed. Under their own guidance, their achievements will certainly be higher than the original.

At the same time, Shen Long and Wu Liande jointly published a heavyweight paper on plague. This paper is of higher quality than the one independently written by Wu Liande in history. The research on plague and the methods of prevention and treatment are more clear and unambiguous, especially for The prevention and cure methods for large-scale epidemics have lit a bright light for the world's epidemic prevention.

In history, Woodland missed the Nobel Prize, but with such an important paper, perhaps this time there will be no regrets.

Despite being very busy, Shen Long did not relax the education of several children. Bai Jingye has graduated from high school and was admitted to Beijing Normal University with high scores. Bai Jiali and Bai Jinggong also achieved very good academic performance, ranking among the forefront of their peers, Shen Longping also took them to the established health office for some simple On the one hand, they broadened their horizons, let them see what the real China is like, on the other hand It is to exercise their abilities, the knowledge on the paper of optics is not enough, but also to understand the application.

It didn't take long for Bai Jingye to enter Beijing Normal University, and it happened to happen to me. After the end of World War I, the exchange rate of Ocean and Franc increased from one to 2.5 to one to 15, and studying in France became a more affordable thing. In addition to the spread of work-study and other methods, it triggered a rush to study in France.

Bai Jingye didn't endure the temptation of this wave. He found Shen Long and proposed that he would like to study in France. "..... France has developed science and culture, and the cost of miscellaneous expenses is I want to study in France!"

"Go to France to study?" Shen Long froze.

"Yeah, dad, don't worry. Didn't Uncle Wu study in France? I learned French with him since I was a kid, and I can certainly take care of myself when I go to France!" Bai Jingye begged.

Oh, I said that Bai Jingwu had gone to study in France too early. If you go at this time, it would be just right.

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