All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2289: 66th birthday

"You... really want to go to France to study?" Shen Long asked a little hesitantly, really want to learn what you want from me, why don't I? Is it worth going to France?

"France is one of the world's great powers, and the humanities of science are prosperous all over the world. The children want to learn the truth, they should naturally go to France to have a look." Bai Jingye replied cautiously, afraid that Shen Long would not agree. Under the influence of the newspaper, Wu Zhihui, a big-time student in France, used his beautiful pen to publish nine articles in a row, advocating work-study in France.

"The French civilization is the first in the world", "China can have 20,000 people to study in Japan, why can't 20,000 people go to France to study? Sending French students to work and frugal students, like Han Xin to order soldiers, more benefits." These are highly inflammatory. His words attracted people of insight in China at the time, and more and more people wanted to study in France.

"You didn't even learn one-tenth of your father's skills, and you thought about going outside to learn?" Hey, if you can really learn one-tenth of my skills, that would be awesome.

"Daddy, that's different! Learning from you is learning from you. It's not the same thing as going abroad to study the developed experience of a Western country. Didn't you also say that reading thousands of books is better than traveling thousands of miles; and going to France to study abroad I can’t spend much money. I heard that working in France is very convenient. I’m sure I can do it!” Bai Jingye thought Shen Long was against it and was a little anxious.

"Am I short of these few dollars?" Shen Long glared at him. I not only wanted to give, but also gave some more, so you could spend it on others. "Since you want to go, then go ! It’s fine to take a look outside. Who are you going to go with? Take the boat?"

"The Japanese ship is due to Hatamaru, and it departed from Modu in March. There are now preparatory committees for studying in France. I followed the classmates of our preparatory committee for studying in France. "Bai Jingye thought about it for a while. "Among the students enrolled, Hunan and Sichuan have more."

Have you ever seen a person... Shen Long opened his mouth and wanted to ask, but forget it, to say that this chapter is hung, he sighed, "This is a long way to France, where it costs money I’ve been to your school too, and not every student has money at home. I’ll give you a little more this time. If you have any problems with your classmates, you can help.

"Don't be scared when you run out of money. If you are short of money, send me a telegram. I will send you the money right away!" Now there are more foreign banks set up in China. It is not difficult to send money from China to France. Shen Long is not afraid of Bai Jingye's spending money in France. The teachings of these years are not in vain.

"We have all calculated the post, based on the average daily salary of 15 francs per person. If we plan to eat and live, we can save 150 francs a month and 1800 francs a year. French secondary internship schools only receive 1,200 francs a year. It’s hard to live and work; it’s hard work and frugal education. You only need to pay for a boat ticket to France, and you will soon be able to enter school. However, there are indeed students who can’t even afford the boat ticket. I will thank you for them. After returning to China, I will definitely give you back!" Bai Jingye's homework is quite solid.

This is just the current market. It will be different when you arrive in France. "I’ll give you 20,000 oceans to use first. If it’s not enough, let’s go back to France these days. It will take several years to go to France. Kung fu, stay with your mother before leaving, and your grandma!"

Bai Jingye happily walked away with the money, and spent less than three days of kung fu, but he didn't spend it. The money was in the hands of those who needed it, and Bai Jingye became the group of students studying in France. One of the core characters in.

In March, Shen Long personally went to Modu to see off Bai Jingye. Modu Huishan Wharf, the Japanese cruise ship "Inwamaru" was about to set sail. Ninety students boarded the big ship on a barge. French life.

The farewell crowd waved reluctantly, Shen Long stood on the pier, and a man wearing a white-grey gown flashed past him...

After Bai Jingye left, Shen Long did not return to Beijing immediately. This year's annual meeting of the Chinese Medical Association will be held here, and he is not just here to send Bai Jingye away.

Compared with the first meeting, there are many more participants in this meeting. Over the years, the Chinese Medical Association has grown stronger and played a great role in the medical and health undertakings. Last year, they promoted the government to establish the Central Epidemic Prevention Department, Wu Liande served as the director, responsible for overall national epidemic prevention work.

After summarizing the work of the past year and discussing the work plan for next year, many representatives took the stage to speak about their achievements in the medical and health field. After the speech, everyone also had a lively discussion on the issues just now. The atmosphere of communication is extremely strong.

The last day of the annual meeting is still the time for the "Chinese Medical Award". This award has been awarded for many years and has become the supreme award in the minds of national medical and health workers. Every time the award is given, important media such as "Ta Kung Pao" and "Declaration" All award lists will be published, and the winners will be briefly introduced.

After they return to their hometowns, they will receive a warm welcome from people from all walks of life in their hometowns and become well-respected local talents. At that time, he gave the opportunity to others, and won the award with Wu Liande only in the second term.

The other winners of this session were famous scholars who were famous for a while. The only one was different. He was the village doctor Huang Bai who was trained by Shen Long during his investigation in Dingxian. Diagnosis and treatment, so Shen Long nominated him as the winner of this year's Bell Doctor Award.

When he stood on the stage, the audience applauded, Huang Bai was speechless with excitement, watching the medal on his chest burst into tears, he did not expect himself a little bell doctor, he could get so many doctors The respect of this person, but in terms of contribution, he is no worse than others.

After the annual meeting, Shen Long returned to Beijing and began assisting Wu Liande in preparing for the Central Epidemic Prevention Office, helping to develop important guidelines such as the epidemic prevention work manual. After the work came to an end, it caught up with another thing.

This year's grandmother's sixty-six-year-old birthday, in addition to the tenth birthday, the sixty-six and eighty-eight also have to be done, so the Baicao Hall has been busy up and down this matter, up to three Ye Baiyingyu, the apprentice who had just entered Baicao Hall, tried to find a way to run this big birthday.

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