All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2290: Take over 0 Caotang

Since it's a big event, it's a must to invite the troupe to hold a party and put on banquets. The Baicao Hall can't be opened here. The Bai family simply borrowed the Guild Hall of the Pharmaceutical Association and invited to Beijing The most popular Wan Xiaoju came to sing a big show of three days and three nights. There were running water seats inside and outside the hall. As long as they passed by, there was no need to bring gifts. Come in and congratulate the old lady for being blessed as the East China Sea and Shoubi Nanshan. I went to dinner to drink and watch the show.

This scene immediately caused a stir in the whole capital. Everyone said that the old lady of the Bai family was a blessed person, her family was prosperous, her children were filial, and she had a good life. Now, her daughter is also the representative of the new woman, and even Mrs. Song has praised it.

Last time Shen Long took Bai Yuting to Modu for a meeting. When she met Mrs. Song, she also came to attend the meeting as a guest. Mrs. Song praised Jin Yamei, Cao Liyun, Bai Yuting and other female representatives, calling them a model of new women.

The old lady is now full of grandchildren. The two grandchildren and one granddaughter are not only handsome, but also smart, and all are among the best in the school. The grandchildren also go to France to study. How can such a family not be envied.

In addition to those who ate running water seats, the guests who came with gifts were also endless. There were police stations, which came to Bai Jingsi; there were Beiyang government, which came to Bai Jingwu; there were education, medicine From the world, this was directed at Shen Long; of course, the representative of the Chinese medicine company was also indispensable. This was directed at the signboard of Baicao Hall.

In addition, some people came from the northeast of the old man, and gave the old lady a half-pound of wild ginseng. This was saved by Shen Long in the northeast against the epidemic. These guests sat inside and guarded the old lady, auspicious The words were delivered like a streamlined price, and the old lady's smile did not stop from morning till now.

"My second grandmother, I grew up so that no one can live like yours!" Bai Yufen also came from Jinan to celebrate the old lady's birthday. Yang Jiuhong stood behind her. This time the old lady had no opinion about Yang Jiuhong.

"Oh, I have no regrets, just waiting to return to France from devotion to marry a wife and have children. As long as I can see my great grandson, I will be successful in my life! This time has passed really fast, and even you are in a blink of an eye. There are grandchildren! Look at this child, it looks really painful, come and come over, let me have a good look." Bai Yufen's children are also married and have children, many of the fourth generation of the Bai family are present today, Bai Jingyi, Bai Jingshuang has grandchildren at these older ages.

"Xiao Pei, take the child to the second grandmother and look at it." Bai Yufen asked his child Lu Xiaopei to hold the child to Bai Wenshi. The more Bai Wenshi opened the child, the more cute the child felt, and rewarded many things.

"When I saw this kid, I regretted it a little bit. Why did I promise to work hard and let him go to France to study? If it was still in Beijing, I would have told him to be his wife-in-law!" His own grandson was not present.

"Looking at what you said, even if you are dedicated in France, you haven't forgotten you. Isn't this a special gift that you bought from France and sent it back to you?" Shen Long laughed inwardly. Now Bai Jing dedicated, you want to give him Arranged marriage, even if it is a little difficult, this kid will run away from home if he is anxious.

Bai Jinggong and Bai Jiali are also the same. These two marriages must be their own decisions. In the future, they may be a headache for you, but fortunately, at least you don’t have a headache for Bai Yuting. Shen Long glanced at Bai Yuting, she is now To tease children, she also has children now, and the old lady likes it too.

On the stage, the performance of "Hongni Pass" gradually entered. Wan Dongju dressed as Dongfang, Zhongmao was fighting the gun with Wang Bodang, Wan Xiaoju raised his gun, and there were good sounds from the audience. Dongfang bit the Wang Bodang The hydrangea in front of the chest appeared, and the audience cheered, but Bai Yuting didn't hear it. He still only had his own child.

"Sing well! Reward!" The old lady praised her, and Bai Yingyu ran away to reward him. He is now completely convinced by the old lady. Today, the old lady is too old, and he is going to appear on the stage to sing for the old lady. Back.

After cleaning up, Grandpa Bai went on stage and sang "War Taiping". He played Huayun, "General will inevitably die in the head, my master Hong Fu Qi Tianjiang... Liu Bowen's gossip is also common, I knew that quarrying alum was robbed by thieves... The appearance and the singing style are also quite different. San Bai hasn't done anything else in recent years, and he doesn't have to worry about business matters. He just played, and really played something.

Bai Wenshi has been very happy to listen to the play, "Not to mention, the three old ladies sing very interesting!"

Shen Long responded with a smile, "Yes! He is old enough to have this voice, which is not easy." After the third grandpa Bai sang, Shen Long also sang for a while and chose a show to celebrate the birthday, Treat the old lady with pleasure.

The family got together and made a lot of noise until the old lady was tired. Shen Long and other talents accompanied the old lady back to the old house. Now the old house has been powered on, and a red lantern is hanging outside the Baicao Hall .

The old lady entered the yard, and the lights along the road turned on, and the whole yard lit like the daylight. The old lady nodded and praised, "Well, this electric lamp is brighter than the oil lamp, it is more expensive. How much does it cost to turn on so many lights at night? Family big business can’t spend money so badly."

"Isn't it your life? In the old days, the gate was turned off after twelve o'clock!" Shen Long and Bai Yuting left and right, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com helped the old lady to go to the room, ready to send her back to rest.

"Jing Qi, don't leave first. Let's talk for a while!" Bai Wenshi did not intend to go to sleep immediately.

"It's so late, otherwise you still have to take a break early. Is there anything we can say if we can do it?" Shen Long was a little puzzled. What is this going to do, what must I say now?

"No, I don't want to say that I can't sleep at night!" The old lady still insisted that Shen Long had to sit down with the old lady when she saw the house, and Bai Yuting left, leaving only the two of them in the house.

"Oh, I'm really happy this time, but there are two things I still can't let go of. One is dedicated work. He has been going abroad for so many years, and I don't know if he is doing well."

"Okay, okay, didn't I read all the letters I sent back last time." I was staring at it, otherwise the old lady would look like his grandson, and Bai Jingye wouldn't be a strange man.

"Another thing is you. Why did you say you wouldn't want to take Baicao Hall next?" The old lady's eyes became serious. Shen Long suddenly understood that even if she didn't want to take over Baicao Hall today!

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