All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2318: Break up

"Take it with you if you want to. Although her parents are far away from those in the north, they can be regarded as a group of people in the end. She can be well taken care of when she goes to the north! If you are in a hurry, you can get married in the north, anyway. It’s not good for you.” If you get married at home, you may not necessarily go to the north.

Although it can be done lively at home, it can be proved that the identities of marriagers and matchmakers are more general. Going to the north, with the status of Bai Jingjing's couple, the children of his family want to get married. Heavyweight?

"Go to the north, be modest, and honestly, you are not a political person. Instead, Magnolia thinks better than you. Since you have studied science and engineering, you will be responsible for research when you go to the north. They really want China. A group of people who have become rich and powerful, even if the current conditions are tougher, do not have to worry about useless places." Shen Long began to tell.

With Bai Zhanyuan’s head and seeds, coupled with his many years of teaching, he will not have any problems in the future as a member of the academic department. This is enough. Bai Jingye’s health is good and he can still toss for a long time. I will talk about future things in the future. .

"Grandpa, I have remembered it! You must take care of your body after I leave!" Bai Zhanyuan's eyes are a little red, and he has always been very dependent on Shen Long since he was young. Now he will suddenly leave his grandfather. , Bai Zhanyuan is a little uncomfortable.

"Men's big husband, don't be so hypocritical! Anyway, it won't take long for us to meet again! I'm waiting for you in the old mansion in Beijing!" It's already 1944, and it won't be long before he won Beiping City, he will come back At that time, at most children just hit soy sauce.

"Grandpa, you are quite optimistic!" Bai Zhanyuan is still not convinced. The strength of the northern side is far worse than that of peanuts. Bai Zhanyuan estimates that even if the northern side can get the world, it will take a long time. I know what the peanuts guy can do with garbage.

   "Hey, you still don't believe it. Would you like us to make a bet? At most five years, you will be able to return to your old house generously!" Shen Long is full of confidence in the north.

   "Okay, if I lose, I will toast you!" Bai Zhanyuan agreed with a smile. This episode slightly dispelled the worries when he parted.

After finishing the talk, Bai Zhanyuan went down and prepared to go. He informed Tian Yulan, and Tian Yulan also longed for the life in the north. "I heard that the work of transforming Japanese prisoners in the north is very good. I have a good Japanese and I can just help. , I hope that these people will come back to Japan after reformation to help my parents!"

  Since childhood, Shen Long has never forgotten her Japanese education. Now that Tian Yulan is a multilingual translator, if she marries Bai Zhanyuan and joins Chinese nationality in the future, can she play a role on the foreign affairs front?

   "Just the two of us? How do you get there? Don't forget to take those study notes with you, it's all your hard work!" Tian Yulan asked.

"Grandpa has arranged it, and then walk with the team who went to the northeast to buy medicine in the cabinet, and then separated halfway. The time and route have been sent to the north, and they will do it!" Bai Zhanyuan took Tian Yulan's hand. "Magnolia, the conditions in the north are not comparable to Xi'an or Beijing, and you and me are afraid to suffer."

   "I'm not afraid, as long as I'm with you, I'm willing to go anywhere!" Tian Yulan leaned her head on Bai Zhanyuan's shoulder. Bai Zhanyuan hit a spirit, then slowly reached out and hugged Tian Yulan.

   After a while, the two separated, and Bai Zhanyuan and Tian Yulan both blushed. Bai Zhanyuan hurriedly talked about something else to resolve the embarrassment, "It seems that it is not good for us two to go? Sandan they definitely want to go too!"

"If you don’t bring Sandan, he can complain about you! Let’s just forget about other people. Don’t walk so many people at once, so as not to attract the attention of the reactionaries. Let’s go to find the way first, and then go batch by batch. The goal is smaller, Grandpa will definitely be able to send them away safely!" Tian Yulan is now full of confidence in Shen Long.

"Okay, that's the way to go. I'll go to Sandan to talk about it. What do you want to bring with you?" Bai Zhanyuan left after speaking, and recalled the scene just now when he came out. Hehe smirked.

After a few more months, Bai Zhanyuan and Tian Yulan both graduated from the university with excellent results. After receiving their diplomas and degree certificates, they went out to Xi’an with Zheng Sandan and the team that went to the Northeast to buy and buy medicinal materials. West, when they left Tongguan, they met the answering person, followed them north, and then went to the city where Sun Shaoping and Tian Xiaoxia met again, and met Bai Jingye and his wife.

"Zhan Yuan!" Bai Jingye walked a few steps forward and stopped again. His wife couldn't take care of so much. He stepped up and hugged Bai Zhanyuan, crying, and Bai Jingye could occasionally Seeing the child from afar, she has not seen Shen Long since she took the child away.

The four people spoke all night in the cave of Bai Zhanyuan. The next Jingye’s comrades also came to see these two children. After a while, someone spoke and praised , "Lao He, you two dolls are very capable. I think they will be of great use when building a new China in the future!"

"This doll of Magnolia is not only good-looking, it also has a lot of knowledge, and you don’t feel constrained when you are here, just like in your own home. Although China and Japan are fighting, this is the guilt of imperialists. Our two countries Is the oppressed class still on the front line? When do you plan to get married? I'm going to be the witness, OK?"

Bai Zhanyuan and Tian Yulan shyly lowered their heads, and when they became familiar with them, they started working. While Bai Zhanyuan was teaching in the Anti-University, he helped the factory improve the production process, and Bai Yulan used his special identity to cooperate with other staff. Let's transform Japanese captives together.

   Half a year later, they held a group wedding with a group of newcomers. Bai Zhanyuan's comrades also served as their witnesses as scheduled. Soon after the marriage, Tian Yulan became pregnant.

After receiving the secret letter from Bai Zhanyuan, Shen Long felt quite moved. This time there was another great grandson. Time passed really fast. Bai Zhanping got married earlier than Bai Zhanyuan. Now his children will be soy sauce.

   It's almost time, and it won't take long to return to Beijing, so Shen Long called Bai Jinggong and Bai Jiali, he was ready to separate.


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