All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2319: Back to Xiangjiang

"This little devil can't look at it. We have been away from home for so many years. It stands to reason that since the whole family came together, it should also go back together!" Shen Long asked the two couples to sit down and said, "But, this It’s been a few days since the little devil, but who will sit in the mountains in the future?

"It's no better than what Feng Dashuai, Zhang Dashuai, and Wu Dashuai ganged up and down. According to me, don't look at peanuts. Now there are many people, but the final win is definitely the north side!" Shen Long analyzed the future for them In the situation, Bai Jiali and Bai Jinggong listened carefully. Since they were small, they had never seen Shen Long talking wrongly, so they accepted this reality despite some surprises. Bai Jiali's husband was a little bit unconvinced, but thought I think it's a good thing to win in the north. What kind of misfortune has China seen in peanuts? Continue to let him sit down in the mountains.

"In these years, in order to fight Little Japan, in order to fight German Devils, Italian Devils, Anglo-American, Soviet-Russian, and our China have united together, but after all, they are not all the way, just like the domestic, this enemy once wiped out cleanly. It’s time to fight, the north is similar to Soviet Russia, and countries like Britain and the United States will definitely be on guard."

"After domestic wins and losses, it is difficult to want to do business with foreign countries! But we have to build China well, and we cannot do without some foreign resources, so ah, we have to keep a mouthful, this place in Xiangjiang is just right. Appropriately, I guess even if I win peanuts in the north, I won’t take back Xiangjiang immediately. It’s not that I won’t win the British. The little devils can drive them away, not to mention us. But from the future situation, It's better not to take it back than to take it back."

"So you have to sit down and prepare for Xiangjiang to pay tribute. This time is not the same as before. I will divide the house first. Then you will take Zhan Ping, Zhan An and Xiaomei to them. Let’s go, Xiangjiang will open branches and leaves in the future!" How can there be only one Mr. Huo in Xiangjiang? Is it appropriate to have another Bai Jinggong?

   In the future, he will be able to use his own channels and networks to bring back all kinds of much-needed items from the Mainland, support the construction of New China, and wait for reform and opening up, and he will be able to return to invest with the money accumulated over the years.

   "Dad, can I just go and open a semicolon? Why do you separate?" Bai Jinggong doesn't know what will happen in the future.

"Since the foreigners want to block us, are you willing to do business with you regardless of your family?" Shen Long did not have too many spoilers. "So this family must score! You can't take away these things at home, I Give you all your cash. In addition, I have a few deposits at Citibank. When you leave, you will also bring your deposit slip."

   This is not the last hundred thousand dollars. Shen Long’s gains during the Great Depression, coupled with the appreciation of these years, is enough to buy all of Central.

"After arriving in Xiangjiang, you will open a local factory to produce and sell sulfonamide and penicillin. In addition, I have a process for producing plastic flowers here. This industry is suitable for Xiangjiang. You can take it together. Open a few more factories." As for the one who originally made plastic flowers, Shen Long was too lazy to take care of him.

"Jia Li, how have you arranged? I haven't thought about it yet. You want to go to Xiangjiang with your second brother, or stay in the capital. It still depends on your own decision." Shen Long looked at Bai Jiali, boss Bai Dedication develops in China. The second son, Bai Jinggong, supports the country in the Xiangjiang Curve. This is enough. Bai Jiali is free to choose her future.

   "I still want to continue my studies, continue to see people, and go to Xiangjiang for fear of not being so convenient in Beijing!" Bai Jiali did not hesitate too much, and her husband also supported her decision.

"That line, after returning to the capital, you will continue to stay in the school! At that time, my share dividends will be left to you." With me and Bai Jingye, I will definitely cover you, and Shen Long will not say it. What's wrong, only this share can only be eaten for a few years, and will be turned over in the future.

"Dad, do you still give your second elder brother some more? I work at school and live at home, and there is not much room for spending money. The second elder brother is away from home. It’s better to be prepared. Big Brother!" Bai Jiali refused. Bai Jingye occasionally sent a letter to her family over the years to let everyone know that he was still alive.

This is much better than the few children in the TV series who are in trouble to fight for family property. Shen Long is very pleased. He waved his hand, "You don’t need to control these, I have left enough for your second brother. As for you Brother, he can't look down on this thing!" In a few years, you must be surprised to see Bai Jingye.

   Shen Long again told Bai Jiali to leave first. Shen Long took out a few deposit slips and handed them to Bai Jinggong. Looking at the amount above, he suddenly surprised Bai Jinggong. Is our family so rich? "Dad, is this a bit too much?" These are more than the shares in Baicao Hall.

"What you have to do in Xiangjiang is a big event, what if you don't have enough start-up capital? You should go to accompany the capital in a few days. There are a few foreign devils you brought back from Xiangjiang. ~ When the little devil leaves Xiangjiang, they will definitely run to receive it, and you will go with them." In the next few years, you will have to do with the Americans, and there are many things that you are expected to transport from Xiangjiang. Come back.

  Bai Jinggong was uneasy to take the deposit slip and went to accompany with a serious preparation. He spent all day with those foreign devils to eat and drink. They originally owed Bai Jinggong's affection. After another wave, the relationship between them would be even better.

   After a period of time, the little devil finally couldn't bear it and announced his surrender. The whole country was full of joy. The people who fled were preparing to go home. These schools moving westward also quickly packed up and prepared to return to Beijing.

  The Shen Long family was divided into two groups. He brought his family, school teachers and students back to Beijing. Bai Jinggong hurried back from the company, picked up his wife and children, and planned to go to Xiangjiang with the foreign devil.

When I came back to Xiangjiang, Bai Jinggong only had a small merchant with special merchandise channels, but this time was different. Not only did he have a knighthood awarded by King George VI, but also became a good person with many important officials in the Hong Kong government. My friend, when receiving the assets left by the Japanese army, Bai Jinggong took a lot of money and became a famous rich man in Xiangjiang.

   Their family occupied a good place on the top of Taiping Mountain. From now on, they will live here for a long time. After they settle down, Bai Jinggong will start to work according to the plan made by Shen Long.


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