All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2331: The old driver took me

If Shen Long had to conceal the police’s monitoring, there was no problem at all. Bai Ze could definitely make this car completely legal. Even if he met the police, he could perceive it by domineering or use magic to let them Ignoring your own existence, but Shen Long didn't do it. If she arrived in Shanghai smoothly and profitably, how would she participate in the main story?

So he and Han Duoduo were caught by the police without any surprises, pulled from the car, and locked in the detention room of the police station of the supply station. If these policemen were hard enough, they had to work in such a difficult environment. Despite working, the life in the underground city is boring, but it will not face the threat of bad weather like them.

  The existence of these police stations also proves that there are still many resistance forces on the surface of the earth. If you only target the people who come out of the underground city, it seems that you don’t need so many policemen.

  Human survivability is really terrible. In such a harsh environment, there are still people living on the ground firmly. What do they depend on for a living? What does it take to maintain the temperature necessary for survival? It seems that the robbing of transport vehicles has become the best choice. No wonder that the 171-11 team carried heavy weapons when transporting flint. The multi-barreled machine gun was definitely not designed to break ice.

   TIM came over and talked up, "How did you come in?...... Meet me, my name is TIM, my dad is in Beijing, my mom is in Melbourne, a Sino-Australian joint venture, make a joke, shake hands!"

He reached out from the fence and shook hands with Shen Long, and Shen Long was not difficult for him. This guy was just a tease. The two sides chatted for a while. Han Ziang rushed over from Beijing Underground City and relaxed after seeing that they were fine. He raised his fist again and threatened them, and then quickly took out his treasures to go fishing.

After a while, Han Ziang was also put in this detention room. Han Ziang was screamed when he came in, "Stealing my car, running away with my sister, how did you become an elder brother, and you, steal my card, steal How many times have I told you in my book, that place is not allowed to go, you can't go in your whole life!"

Tired of scolding, Han Ziang sat down and tilted Erlang's legs, took out an old mobile phone, and started playing his favorite song. When the song came, Shen Long was a little surprised. This time he put it not "seaweed, seaweed, spray" "Wobble", but "The old driver took me, I want to enter the provincial capital, I have to go to Kunming, there are many cars, why am I short, ah grin~ ah grr~ ah grr..."

  Pooh, Shen Long almost squirted out, did not see it, Han Ziang you look honest, but in fact it is a stuffy thing! There are so many young ladies in VR glasses, and such a coquettish song in the mobile phone. This song is more compatible with the younger sisters in VR glasses, and it is more in line with Han Ziang's character.

  It’s just in the movie. Isn’t it suitable for the "Old Driver Bring Me", I guess the director has temporarily changed it? The script is indeed written in the famous Yunnan folk song "Old Driver Bring Me"! It's a pity that Han Ziang is definitely not going to meet the affectionate little girl when driving. Only the snow and ice in the sky are his companions, and the song can only be used as YY.

  TIM coaxed beside him, "Good education, don't listen to the old man..." Before he finished, Shen Long punched the wall and punched a big hole directly in the wall! TIM was suddenly scared, "Dude, I'm talking nonsense, don't be surprised!"

"What nonsense! Old guy, blossoming, earthquake! Run!" Then the entire police station shook, Shen Long quickly burrowed out of the hole, and threw the helmet and supply backpack to Han Ziang and Han Duoduo. Helped TIM open the fence door, rushed over to rescue the police, threw them over protective clothing and helmets, and then rushed out together. As soon as they reached the door, they heard a bang and the whole police station collapsed.

The protective film outside the replenishment station was collapsed, and the snow storm poured in instantly. The temperature on the spot dropped to minus 120 degrees almost instantaneously. The faces on the scene were full of happiness for the rest of the life. Only TIM had not worn a helmet. After being hit by a blizzard, he was crying for help, and the protective clothing immediately issued a prompt tone, "It is not good to wear a peep, two lines of tears from loved ones..."

   Shen Long rolled his eyes, dear, can't you think of the prompt again? Then quickly stepped forward to help him wear it, and then pulled him into the cab. At this time, they had not escaped the danger, and the surroundings were collapsing everywhere.

   "Director, they ran!" said a policeman, pointing at the carrier. The director slapped his helmet on the helmet. "When is it all that time, so I can take care of this and get on the car and prepare to run..."

After he started the car, the director whispered, "The life and death is still trying to save us. This guy doesn't look like a bad person. At most, he is a naughty child! Hey, I have been underground for so many years, Who doesn’t want to come up and take a look! Go back and sell his case!"

"There must be a way to sell it, our police station is all over! I haven't had time to submit the information to report it!" The policeman who received Han Ziang glanced at the back with nostalgia, and the VR eyes full of the young lady are still inside. .

This supply station is built on a mountain. The severe earthquake caused stones and heavy machinery on the mountain to continue to fall Old driver Han Ziang exploded all his experience at this moment. The stone was tossing about in the middle, and a huge stone hit the back of the carriage. Shen Long pressed the escape button of the body, and the front was out of danger.

   And behind them, the Jining Earth Engine suddenly turned off, and the beam of blue light that hit the sky lost its light, lost its reflection, and the surroundings suddenly darkened.

   "Oops, this earthquake came inexplicably. There must be more than this one. I don't know how many engines have been turned off this time!" Shen Long reminded.

As soon as the voice fell, I heard a call from the communicator in the car. "Dad, I am Peiqiang. Did you see Liu Qi?" Liu Peiqiang, who was originally on the Navigator, discovered that the earth was strange and began to contact them. .

   Han Ziang stepped on the brake and quickly connected Liu Peiqiang, "Peiqiang, are you?" After looking at Shen Long, he wanted him to call his father, this... Shen Long expressed a little embarrassment.

"This earthquake came very suddenly, probably because the Jupiter's gravitational pull caused the Pacific and Asian plates to tear. The mere observation with the naked eye can tell that Jupiter's location is very wrong. It will slow down the speed of the earth and be captured by Jupiter’s huge gravity. Now is the crisis moment of the life and death of the earth! You need to inform the coalition government of this news as soon as possible!"


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