All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2332: Saturated rescue

"Jupiter's position?" Liu Peiqiang subconsciously looked out of the port of the space station, but Jupiter could not be seen at this angle, but Shen Long's words also made him temporarily forget to reiterate his family relationship with the child. He decided to study this matter and then start Call the artificial intelligence moss of the space station, "moss, locate the vehicle's position, and send the nearest shelter navigation information."

  Moss then pointed out the way for Han Ziang, "Motors of No.373 Carrier, moss will guide you, please follow the navigation to reach Jinan No. 5 Underground City for refuge!"

   "Protect yourself, I'll wait for you to come back!" Before ending the communication, Shen Long still couldn't resist saying, you must not die, if you die, my task will not be completed.

Liu Peiqiang didn’t reply, but nodded heavily, Shen Long reached into his pocket and began typing commands to Bai Ze blindly, “Bai Ze, taking over the artificial intelligence system of the space station Pilot, is the space flight of the space station Pilot. Staff action provides convenience!" Certainly moss can no longer be allowed to cause trouble to Liu Peiqiang.

"Received." Bai Ze sent a Morse code to Shen Long with the vibration of the mobile phone. "It takes a little time to control the moss, but I will complete it in three minutes!" After all, moss is the highest level of humanity. The artificial intelligence system is much more powerful than the system that controls the issuance of passes, but it is only slightly troublesome for Bai Ze.

Moss was not aware of Bai Ze’s offensive. It still comforted the astronauts. "According to the emergency plan No. 3, a rescue team of 1.5 million people has been mobilized and 330,000 flints have been transported to the area of ​​the failed engine. Be sure to restart all engines before reaching the Roche limit!"

The so-called Roche limit is an astronomical term, that is, the distance between the gravity of a celestial body and the tidal force caused by the second celestial body is equal. When the distance between two celestial bodies is less than the Roche limit, the celestial body will tend to break apart, and then It became the ring of the second celestial body, and it was named after Edward Roche, the first person to calculate this limit.

   Now affected by the gravitational tide of Jupiter, a large number of earth engine failures have caused the distance between the earth and Jupiter to continue to shrink. Once the Roche limit is exceeded, the earth will be torn by Jupiter.

   Out of a long-established habit, Liu Peiqiang did not doubt the moss at first, but as the moss put all astronauts into the dormant warehouse, he thought of Shen Long's words and began to wonder.

On the earth, Han Ziang went to Jinan No. 5 underground city according to the route indicated by moss, but the car was stopped shortly after being stopped by a military vehicle. Three soldiers wearing exoskeleton armor came down from the car and stood in front of them. In the end, the middle-aged man with the rank of captain issued an order, "We are the CN171-11 rescue team sent to the Sulawesi 3 engine. According to the provisions of Article 32, paragraph 1, of the Wandering Earth Law, your Vehicles and on-board personnel were requisitioned!"

The rescue team led by Captain Wang Lei was in trouble. The harsh environment caused by the earthquake caused their car to transport flint to fail, and the cargo box almost fell off the cliff. He directed the engineering vehicle to pull back the cargo container that was semi-hanging on the ice cliff. Placed on the No. 373 carrier, and then fired a gun to mourn the dead. For this mission, many rescue teams have suffered casualties.

   Flint is a starter for planetary engines. Once the engine is turned off, it must be reignited with flint. As for why there are no spare parts near the engine? When Shen Long was collecting data, an engineer gave a reasonable explanation.

   In terms of engineering safety, there must be on-site or nearby spare parts; and in order to avoid complete destruction under major disasters, important projects require multi-level redundant safety backups in addition to on-site spare parts.

  What is multi-level redundant safety spare parts? Take the important data center in real life as an example: three to four levels of backup and even remote backup are required.

   1. On-site backup: on different floors of the same building, two-way power supply from different opening and closing stations, and two-way water supply from different urban water supply mains.

   2. Nearest backup: not in the same building, with two-way power supply from different opening and closing stations, and two-way water supply from different urban water supply mains.

   3. The same city backup: generally within 60 kilometers, water, fire protection, electricity, etc. come from different water plants, power plants, etc.

4. Off-site backup: not in the same power grid, in the same river basin, or in the same seismic zone, more than 300 kilometers apart, not in a river basin. It is easy to understand what is not in the same power grid, such as North China Power Grid, East China Power Grid, South China Power grid, etc., to prevent the complete extinction under major disasters, such as the 76 Tangshan earthquake, 98 floods in the Yangtze River Basin Songhua River Basin, and 08 southern ice disasters.

The key components of an important strategic project such as a planetary engine, all four levels of Flint from on-site backup to off-site backup should be available, but in the period of major disasters such as the Jupiter crisis in the film, Hangzhou underground city is on the verge of magma filling city. In the event of a disaster, on-site backups and even backups in the same city have been damaged or become invalid, and you can only start off-site backups.

The rescue team led by Captain Wang Lei took over the carrier. They promised Han Ziang. Once they arrived at the next avoidance center, they would first put down unrelated personnel such as Shen Long, Han Duoduo, Tim, and then navigate The instrument corrected the forward route, passing through Shandong, Anhui, Jiangxi, Fujian, South China Sea, Manila, and reached Sulawesi Island in Indonesia.

There are many teams like them. This is the so-called saturated rescue. This rescue model has occurred many times in China, from the Great Xing'an Mountains fire in 1987, the severe floods in 1998, and the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008. Finally, to the recent epidemic, we carried out supersaturated rescue many times.

This rescue mode was that General Dong Wanrui commanded tens of thousands of officers and soldiers to use their flesh and blood to block the flood of the Yangtze River embankment; it was the 140,000 troops dispatched by the Wenchuan earthquake and thousands of rescue teams from foreign and private teams; it was in this epidemic , 42,000 medical personnel who rushed to Wuhan quickly by plane, high-speed rail, train, car, etc.

   is also a donation for ordinary people. It is the root of the ears transported from Sichuan to thousands of miles. It is 12,000 pieces sent by the sanitation workers in Donggang. It is a box of masks and protective clothes sent back by overseas students...

   has such a tradition, so when we encounter disasters, we will not pin hope on Superman and Iron Man, but use our own power to overcome difficulties that seem absolutely impossible to win, and win the final victory!

   looked at Wang Lei's determined face, his fingers felt the latest news from Bai Ze, and Shen Long's eyes were a little wet.


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