All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2451: Earth saved

Suddenly, the snow on the land seemed to be blown away in an instant, and even the carriers weighing more than ten tons that the rescue team left outside were blown like feathers. The land was pressed by a pair of invisible big hands, except for the special At the same time, the reinforced engine base and surrounding land appeared to sink.

The continuous mountain next to it is full of various excavation and delivery machinery. This is a fuel field for the Sulawesi No. 3 engine. It is covered with white snow, and under the snow is extremely hard rocks, but only for a moment. The snow and mud on the mountain were all blown away.

Those large machinery were also blown away by the shock wave. The seemingly indestructible rocks below have now become a fragile model made of gypsum. They are crushed instantly, and those collapsed supply stations are instantly flattened... a few A member of the rebellious organization hiding in the supply station was also crushed and crushed into the earth...

  Dungeon is like experiencing a strong earthquake. There are constantly falling things on the ceiling, and people can’t stand at all, and they quickly fell to the ground.

The same is true of everyone at the headquarters of the United Government. They lie on the ground and stretch their necks desperately, trying to raise their heads to stare at the big screen. Now the data on the big screen has been replaced by Roche limit data, 0.51, 0.57, 0.62... A number shows that the earth is rapidly leaving Jupiter's gravitational range and is moving away from Jupiter.

   "0.73, 0.76, 0.81... We are safe! At this distance, the thrust of the earth engine can get rid of Jupiter's gravity!" Li Yiyi wept with joy!

"It is not yet guaranteed that such a large impact, the planetary engine within the impact range will be damaged in varying degrees, and it is not easy to say how much thrust can be exploded by then. Only the Roche limit data exceeds one can ensure safety!" Su The chief engineer of the Rawisi No. 3 engine base poured him cold water without mercy.

   "All staff pay attention, immediately increase the power output according to the plan, and accelerate to escape from the Jupiter gravitational circle!" The chief engineer stumbled to the front of the operation table to start operation, and other staff members were also on their own to increase the engine power to the maximum.

   Planetary engines facing the planet Jupiter ejected blue flames almost at the same time. Indeed, a small number of engines were affected by the shock wave and could not be restored immediately. However, these engines have finally accelerated to escape.

"You can't make me happy for a while!" Li Yiyi glared at the busy chief engineer, but he quickly refocused his attention on the personal terminal on his arm. "Isn't 0.88 okay? Even if a few planetary engines fail to restart successfully, it is enough to push the earth away, yo, and it has risen to 0.92 again! It has stabilized, this wave has stabilized!"

"Moss, awaken Lieutenant Colonel Makarov and Lieutenant Colonel Hammandan!" Seeing that the earth is moving away from Jupiter and seeing the Roche limit data has been raised to 0.94, Liu Peiqiang knew that they were finally safe, despite the distance of 1 There is still a gap between the complete safety range, but this distance can only be achieved by relying on the inertia generated by the shock wave to push the earth. The earth's own weight is 59.76 trillion tons.

   The greater the mass, the greater the inertia. This was written in the elementary school textbook. Then the scientists of the earth estimate that when the earth should stop, how to re-plan the route after stopping.

"Liu, why are you still in the Pilot space station?" Lieutenant Colonel Makarov and Lieutenant General Hammandan hurried over after they were awakened. They were surprised to find that Liu Peiqiang was still in the space station. "What is the plan? Is it an accident?"

"No, the coalition government replaced my plan with a new plan. You see, the earth is now safe!" Liu Peiqiang pointed to the big screen. I saw that on the big screen, the distance between the earth and Jupiter had reached a safe area. Greek extreme data also reached their long-awaited 1.

   "How did they do it?" Lieutenant Colonel Makarov and Lieutenant Colonel Hammandan were a little dazed. Why did we wake up after a sleep and the whole world was different.

"You don't need to be jealous of me now, I haven't been the biggest hero in human history!" Liu Peiqiang said with a smile, he didn't regret it at all, and being a hero was far from important to reunite with his family. As for the joint government plan , Liu Peiqiang looked at them, "Do you know Archimedes?"

   "We are saved, we are saved!" Sulawesi No. 3 engine, when the number of Roche limit on the big screen became 1, everyone cheered and then wept with joy.

   "Hukou, Hukou, we are still alive, we can continue to live, oooooooooooooo!" Han Duoduo shed tears around Shen Long's arm.

   "Peiqiang, you can come back, you can come back!" Han Ziang sat on the ground, muttering in his mouth, he took out the old mobile phone again, and heard the same old song.

   "We finally succeeded!" Zhou Qian smiled, and the hammer and slipper next to him were already in tears. Even if they were steel tough guys, they would inevitably shed tears in such a scene.

   "Earth, alive..." In the headquarters of the coalition government, after a brief silence, there was a huge cheer. UU reading books everyone hugged the person closest to him regardless of their care.

Moss began to publish a global broadcast, "With the efforts of everyone, the Earth has finally got rid of Jupiter’s gravity, we are safe, the road ahead is still long, and it is still full of dangers, but we firmly believe that humanity can overcome these difficulties. , Reach the other side of success!"

All dungeons are in a carnival, people are excited for this death escape, the voice of moss continues to sound, "...Let’s mourn the heroes who sacrificed for the future of all mankind in this event Let’s thank the heroes who made outstanding contributions to save humanity in this incident..."

   "We are also heroes?" Li Yiyi was a little excited when thinking of this, but he began to cry when he thought of those comrades who sacrificed.

   "Of course, although we did not make much contribution to the Archimedes plan, but the earth can successfully escape and restart the engine is also indispensable." Wang Lei replied.

   "Oh, who put forward the Archimedes plan? He is the biggest hero that humanity can continue? Do you say what reward the coalition government will give him?" Li Yiyi quickly thought of this.

   A similar dialogue also occurred at the headquarters of the coalition government. Some people asked moss, "moss, looking for the creator of the Archimedes plan."


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