All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2452: Find a hero

   "Start the search." The screen on the large screen was switched to a global map, and then a red light turned on, "The source of the information was detected, Yiwu No. 3 Supply Station."

   "The message from the supply station? I thought it would be a research institution!" This result surprised many people.

"The idea of ​​Archimedes' plan does not need too advanced science, it just needs a flash of light, and let professional institutions do this plan, they will first calculate and deduce, maybe they will think this is too difficult. It is an impossible thing!" said a scientist.

"Yeah, so far I can't imagine that we can accomplish such a feat, and at the same time use thousands of laser beams to precisely target a small area tens of thousands of kilometers away. Is our computing power already so strong? "What?" another scientist echoed. If it wasn't for Bai Ze's help, it would be hard to say whether this plan would succeed.

   "So, who sent it?" The representative of the coalition government asked, "We need to give him the biggest medal in human history!"

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid we don't have this opportunity anymore. The Volunteer No. 3 supply station has been completely destroyed in the previous shock. No one can survive in such a situation!" This is also where Shen Long asked Bai Ze to deliberately look for this supply. The people in the station had already sacrificed at that time. Although he did not want the title of this hero, he never thought of giving it to others. This is not necessarily a good thing for himself and the earth.

"Send a rescue team to search immediately, but where there is still a little hope, we will rescue him!" After a moment of silence, someone suggested that this proposal was unanimously agreed by everyone, but it saved the entire planet. There is a great hero of human civilization, no matter how to search and rescue.

At the same time, some people subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, how much influence such a hero can produce, they really can't understand it, if he is still alive, the coalition government really does not know how to treat it, if he can understand the coalition government Of course, his position is the best, but if he tends to rebel against the organization, it will be difficult.

"In addition to the proposer of the Archimedes plan, those who found this plan should also be commended." The honor of this person is much smaller than the proposer of the plan. Don't worry about too many problems. The representatives of the coalition government look at the crowd , "The one who found Archimedes' plan just now? Please receive our thanks."

   "Well, it's me!" A black-yellow-skinned scientist stood up and introduced himself, "I'm Lu Zhou, a member of the United Government Science Corps."

   The representative of the coalition government raised his hands and applauded gently, and then one, two... Finally everyone applauded him, the applause merged into thunder, and all those still wearing hats paid tribute to him.

"According to the provisions of Article 10, Item 4, of the Wandering Earth Law, we will grant you the title of First Class Earth Hero!" This is the final medal that Liu Qi received in the original work, but who has made outstanding contributions to the Wandering Earth Project People are eligible to receive this honor. In the movie, Liu Qi won this honor by proposing a plan to ignite Jupiter. Now the scientist has also won this medal by finding the Archimedes project in countless information.

Of course, the medal should be given to Liu Qi. Shen Long also helped Liu Qi to tell Liu Peiqiang this important message in the call with Liu Peiqiang and passed it to the ears of the coalition government. With this credit, Liu Qiye To get this medal, Liu Peiqiang may also be able to get some light, but it is no drama to think of becoming the biggest hero in human history like in the movie. Presumably he does not care about these.

  If mankind has no other choice, Liu Peiqiang will not begrudge his life, but now that Archimedes has successfully lifted the human crisis, Liu Peiqiang definitely wants to return to the earth and reunite with his family.

  Received an order from the coalition government, the rescue team and army near the Volunteer No. 3 supply station immediately acted, and drove to the destination at the fastest speed in a carrier.

  However, when they arrived at the place, they saw that the environment of the place was completely different from before, the hills were flattened, the buildings were blown off, and they could not find the shadow of the supply station.

   "Captain, according to the latitude and longitude, the supply station should be in this place!" A rescue team member stood on a flat open space with no shadow of human buildings.

  Only looking down carefully, you can see traces of flattened metal on the ice, and even... there are some pink ice chips, which they can't understand more clearly.

"It seems...they have sacrificed!" The message was sent through the public channel of the supply station, not from a private communication terminal. At the time, there were more than one person at the third station, who wanted to find out who It was the big hero that was impossible.

All the rescuers and soldiers who arrived on the site lined up neatly, facing the old site of the supply station, saluting solemnly, and then taking off the guns, pointing the muzzle towards the sky, the sound of the gun sounded on the open flat In this way, they are seeing off the hero who still doesn't know what it is called.

  After three minutes of silence, the captain of the rescue made a report to the coalition government, and got a new order, "Turn the excavator up, dig it here, take care not to damage the remains of the heroes!"

  Everyone looked at each other. Under such circumstances, can they still find the complete body? A moment later, a tall rescue team member stood up, "CN163-2 rescue team member Li Qiang, I am from Shandong Lanxiang, excavator super pilot, I request that this glorious task be given to me!"

The captain nodded in acquiescence, then a huge excavator came over and began to dig along the edge of the supply station. He first digs the surrounding frozen soil and ice cubes, and then other rescue members used the traces he dug to use Finger bones and other delicate tools for detailed excavation.

   At this speed, they estimate that it will take a long time to dig out the remains of these sacrificed heroes. Now, in the Sulawesi 3 steering engine base, Wang Lei, Li Yiyi, and Shen Long should leave.

   "I'm going back to Hangzhou to see my family, and we can just walk together for a while." Wang Lei extended an invitation to Liu Qi and Han Ziang.

  After getting in the car, Wang Lei received a message and said to Shen Long, "It looks like I will accompany you to Beijing No. 3 Underground City!"


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