All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2468: I'll find someone to find a way

"Yuzhu, I'm going home now. You should stay in Hangzhou during this time. I will help you find a house to stay temporarily. When I'm away, don't go out to do business, read books, and pay attention to the changes in the market. , Wait for me to finish my work in the village, and then come out to find you!" Before leaving, Shen Long told Luo Yuzhu.

It's not time for her to return to Chenjiacun with her. Chen Jinshui has always adopted Chen Jianghe as his son-in-law. Others have raised a girl as a child-law-in-law. There is no suitable reason for him to meet Luo Yuzhu and he will definitely be as disgusted as in the TV series.

   is a wife on one side and a benefactor who brought Chen Jianghe on the other side, and it is not good to fall over there, so be sure to find a suitable time and not act rashly.

"Brother, don't leave me alone!" Luo Yuzhu was a little flustered, and she was reluctant to leave Shen Long. During this time, Shen Long has always been her backbone, sheltering her from the wind and rain, and letting her experience the long-lost warmth. Now Shen Long is about to leave, and Luo Yuzhu does not know what to do for a while.

"No!" Shen Long touched her head. "When I'm done, I'll take you to the village to collect things! Listen to my brother, you'll stay here during this time, just follow me." Do it."

   "Well, I promise not to give you trouble, and learn what you teach." Luo Yuzhu seriously promised, "Then, brother, when will you come back?"

"It won't take much time! After the busy time, I will come out again." The plight of farmers' lives is more from poverty. Compared with workers, their working hours are not long. Spring and autumn harvests plus weeding and fertilization This kind of work is done, and at most, half of the time a year, there is work, especially in places like Yiwu where the per capita cultivated area is small.

   As long as they did not encounter large-scale projects such as the construction of water conservancy projects, they would soon be able to finish the agricultural work at hand, and they could go out and continue to do the work of drying chicken feathers for sugar to solve the problem of insufficient land production.

It’s not easy to rent a house now, but now that the educated youths are returning to the city more slowly, not all of them have families to return to, so Shen Long asked Luo Yuzhu to pretend to be the educated youth in Hangzhou and rent out a small house. The family he is looking for is honest, and there will be no problems in a short time.

"If you hold this money, you should not spend it if you spend it. Your brother's ability to make money is great. How much will you spend? I will definitely be able to make it back ten times and one hundred times!" Shen Long left a sum of money for Luo Yuzhu before leaving. .

"Brother, I have money, I don't need you!" Luo Yuzhu refused to accept it. She hadn't moved her money from that man's peddler. The two of them gave way, and Luo Yuzhu hadn't said Shen Long. Accepted.

She sent Shen Long to the train station and watched Shen Long squeeze on the train until the train went away, she left reluctantly, and at the same time she was chattering, Brother Chen lives in Chenjia Village, Yiwu, if he doesn’t come back I went to Chen Jiacun to find him.

Back in the village, Shen Long took a few hundred dollars from the sale of antiques, and Chen Jinshui was terrified. "Chicken feathers, where did you come from? We knock on the sugar gang to never commit illegal acts. !"

"Uncle, you can rest assured! The money is definitely coming!" Shen Long found the book he read every day during the New Year. "Well, after reading this book, when I walked through the village, I really did I collected a lot of good things. I used to think that they were all worthless things. Now I know that these old things are more valuable than copper!"

China is short of copper, so that the production of bullets has to be polished with steel shell bullets, so the purchase price of scrap copper is naturally expensive, and copperware has become the best thing they can encounter when knocking on the sugar gang, but compared with antique relics, these Bronze is nothing.

Shen Long elaborated carefully on picking up treasures and reselling antiques. "I collected some gadgets in the village and tried to sell them in the ghost market in Hangzhou. I didn't expect to make a lot of money! With this amount of money, we don’t have to worry about the fertilizer in Chenjiacun this year!" Nowadays, fertilizers are not affordable by ordinary people, so farmers know that this thing can increase food production, but most of them can only watch.

"Fertilizers are also required for votes! But as long as you have money, you can always think of a way!" Chen Jinshui was relieved after listening. "In the past, some people went to the country to do this kind of thing. Later, it was less. This thing You don’t have to tell the people in the village, this skill is not something anyone can learn, and it’s a bit of a taboo."

  Chen Jinshui believed in Shen Long’s words. After busy plowing in spring, he knocked on the sugar gang and set off again. Shen Long also went to Hangzhou to catch Luo Yuzhu.

Just two years later, the social situation has undergone new changes, and various policies have gradually begun to relax, but this relaxation is not in one step or without any setbacks. This year, the situation has changed unfavorably. .

In the empty space in front of the Chenjiacun brigade department, the villagers were surrounded by three layers and three floors. In front of the brigade department, there were dozens of rattles and a few cargo bears. Pillars, Daguang father and others squatted on the ground with their heads held, UU Kanshu Chen Jinshui has deep worry in his eyes, but on the surface, he pretends to be calm and does not reveal any vision.

  He is a person with a strong personality. Even if he is hit hard when he is in trouble, he will not be afraid even though he is grieved and angry, because he knows who will protect his folks if he falls down. He always smiles, no matter what the problem is, he smiles, and will not let anyone see his mind, so that others do not worry, so it is today.

   It was just as difficult as it used to be, and this time it was different. Now the locals are cracking down on chicken feathers for sugar. If Shen Long is not alert, they may have to go in again.

"Now the wind is tight! Recently, because of speculation, we have been sentenced to more and more sentences. As long as we have a meal, we will continue to do so, and no one will ever go out again. Starting today, knocking on the sugar gang is a must. "Finally, Chen Jinshui took out an old, yellowish portrait of a picker from his arms. He ignited the portrait, turned and couldn't bear it and threw it on the pile of goods and rattles piled up, and the fire instantly burned.

"Brother Jinshui, you can't wait for the poor to die! Let's point to this craft to eat in this poor place." Zhu Zi said with a crying voice, the land of Chenjia Village can not support so many people, If you don't go out for chicken feathers for sugar, the village will starve to death.

   "Uncle, I'm going out to find someone to find a way!" Shen Long stood up and said that this might be an opportunity for him.


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