All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2469: Go to the market

The policy has changed and people’s minds have become more active. Many farmers have begun to find ways to find new ways to get money. This phenomenon has aroused the government’s vigilance. They are afraid that the rural land will be left unused, which will lead to reduced grain production. They have all tasted the taste.

   It is said that their concerns are not unreasonable. After all, a large number of farmers entered the city and caused land abandonment and reduced grain production. It did happen in the future, but the solution was a little inappropriate. Isn't it a one-size-fits-all catching small vendors? Especially in a place like Yiwu with a small population and a large population, even if the big guys go out to change sugar, the remaining people in the village will just finish planting it, which will not have an adverse effect on food production.

On the contrary, forcibly restricting them to the land will cause extremely unfavorable consequences. Take Chenjia Village as an example. With so many people in Chenjia Village and only a small amount of cultivated land, it is impossible to feed so many people at all, so they are not allowed to go out. Make a living by yourself, that would really starve people to death.

   But there is no way to solve this problem. Shen Long has already thought of a countermeasure. At the same time, he also realized that this is a good opportunity for the people of Chen Family Village to accept Luo Yuzhu.

   After listening to the big guy, the reaction was mixed, Zhu Zi and others were very excited, "Feather, can you really find someone to find a way?"

   Chen Jinshui looked worried, "Feather, don't run around at this time? There are speculations everywhere outside. What if you go out and get caught by them?"

"Uncle, it doesn’t matter. I don’t take the burden to go out. The village gave me a letter of introduction, saying that I was sent out to buy fertilizer. Who would stop it? Don’t worry, this person I know has a good mind, she’s sure There is a good way!" Shen Long comforted.

   "Brother Jinshui, let the chicken feathers try. This kid is clever, and people he knows must also have the ability. You can't let the big guys nest in the village and wait for death, right?" Zhuzi, Daguang father and others persuaded.

Chen Jinshui hesitated and agreed. Just as they said, he couldn't wait any longer. It would really cause death if he waited any longer. He helped Shen Long open the letter of introduction and told him again. go away.

   After leaving Chenjiacun, Shen Long went to the railway station to add money to buy a ticket to Hangzhou. After a few hours, he arrived in Hangzhou and found Luo Yuzhu.

"Brother, are you here? Tired on the road, let me cook for you!" Luo Yuzhu was very happy to see Shen Long. "I have been looking around recently and found that several businesses can be done, so I just wait for you to come. !" She originally had a talent for doing business, coupled with Shen Long's careful teaching, she grew rapidly during this time.

   "Don't worry, there is an important thing to tell you. Let's make preparations today. Tomorrow you will go back to Chenjiacun with me!" Shen Long grabbed her and said his plan.

   "Can this be the case?" Luo Yuzhu looked surprised, "But brother, your method has always worked well, I wondered if it would work, but why don't you talk to Uncle Jin Shui? I want to talk about it?"

"For such a big matter, a younger generation of mine may not believe it, but it is better for outsiders to say it. Secondly, it is not a way for you to stay in Hangzhou alone. If you pass this test, you are the benefactor of Chenjiacun It will definitely not be a problem to live in Chenjiacun then, so that we can see each other often!" Shen Long said, actually the latter is his goal.

   If Luo Yuzhu had given Chen Jiacun such a great kindness, would Chen Jinshui be embarrassed to drive people? The main Chenjiacun people accepted Luo Yuzhu. Chen Jinshui's idea of ​​wanting to be his son-in-law can slowly adjust. In the future, Chenjiacun will encounter more than this problem. Wait for Luo Yuzhu to accumulate more and more kindness to Chenjiacun. At the time, I'm afraid Chen Jinshui would have to find a way to keep Luo Yuzhu behind.

   As soon as he heard this, Luo Yuzhu blushed subconsciously, but soon the joy replaced the shyness, and the whole person was even more excited, "Brother, I will do whatever you tell me to do, I will go out and prepare things now!"

"I'll be with you." Shen Long and Luo Yuzhu went out, walked the streets and alleys to collect what they wanted, and then returned to the residence. Luo Yuzhu went to cook and cook. During the meal, the two of them made plans again. After going through it in detail, what will Chen Jinshui react when arriving at Chenjiacun? What will be the reaction of Zhuzi and Daguang father? What should Luo Yuzhu say to convince them, these details are not let go.

   This is the first time Luo Yuzhu appeared in front of the people of Chenjia Village. It is necessary to leave a good impression on them, and to establish the image of Luo Yuzhu as a business person, so as to facilitate future plans.

   Luo Yuzhu studied very hard, and the two even performed on-site simulations. Shen Long played the roles of Chen Jinshui, Zhuzi, Daguangpa and others, and made sufficient preparations.

The next day, they took the train back to Chenjiacun. Chen Jinshui and the others were disappointed when they saw that Shen Long turned out to be a little girl. But after a few conversations, they found that Luo Yuzhu had helped them. The doorway is extremely proficient, and when it comes to things in Hangzhou and the province, they are also very good, so they gradually changed.

"Now that the central government is calling for reform and opening up, business will definitely come alive, but local governments dare not let go because of various but local policies must follow the central government’s steps, so as long as we let them know that we are clear With the central government’s thinking, they dare not arrest us anymore!" Luo Yuzhu told her what Shen Long had taught her, and showed evidence again.

   "The central government really allows us to do this?" Chen Jinshui felt like a drum. The number of people arrested in the nearest neighboring village was increasing, so despite the evidence, he was still not at ease.

"Uncle Jin Shui, it's written in black and white. Even if you don't believe me, you should trust the central government?" Luo Yuzhu stood up and looked around the crowd with confident eyes, "Furthermore, now we are nesting. The problem can be solved by hiding in the village? There will be no accidents in the village, but what about these children?"

   "Yes, I think Yuzhu makes sense, brother Jin Shui, let's try it!" Zhuzi and others were persuaded by Luo Yuzhu and followed.

   "Well, let's go with a few people this time. No problem, we will go out together. Yuzhu, you will stay in the village first, and Zhuzi and I will go out!" Chen Jinshui was persuaded.

   "If you want to go, go together. It's not good if there are fewer people, but when there is something, let me say!" Luo Yuzhu insisted.

   So a group of people came to the town's market with a load. However, as soon as they appeared, they were stopped by a group of red sleeves. Chen Jinshui immediately became worried, and Luo Yuzhu greeted them.


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