All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2485: Give them some color and see

"Don't worry, don't worry, I still have something to ask you for help!" Qiu Yingjie stopped him again. "Some time ago, the state-owned food factory asked us to shut down the ham factory run by the farmers in Fotang and Yiting Town. The reason is that Jinhua Ham has been exclusively operated by a state-owned food company in the past few decades, and farmers have no right to participate."

Jinhua ham is a specialty of Jinhua City and is as famous as Xuanwei ham in Yunnan. Yiwu is a county of Jinhua. There is also a tradition of making ham here. Several towns have been producing ham for many years.

"Secretary Xie was very angry and said that Jinhua ham was created by the people of Jinhua, not by the food company. When farmers invented ham, how can there be any reason for the right to process ham? As for quality, whoever meets the standard can sell it! I agree with Secretary Xie's statement and support farmers in Fotang and Yiting Town to make ham for sale."

"But now we have encountered a problem. The Yiting Farm specializes in raising two black blackberries that are most suitable for making Jinhua ham. The ham market is very good. The scale of the farm has expanded a lot, and the number of pigs raised has increased, but the feed cannot keep up. The feed outside is not only expensive, but it is also in short supply. You can't buy it with money. I think you can go to many places and have a wide range of channels. There must be a way."

The two blacks are the common name of Jinhua pig. They are native to Huashui and Huxi in Dongyang, Yiting in Yiwu, Xiaoshun, Lipu, Caozhai in Jinhua and other places; their tails are longer and relatively straight, and the hair on the head and tail is average. It is black and the body is white. Because the hair on the head, neck and buttocks is black, and the rest is white, it is called "two-headed black".

It’s best to use Chenghua pig to make twice-cooked pork. To make Xuanwei ham, you should use Wujin pigs that originated in the Wumeng Mountains and the Jinsha River. Jinhua ham naturally uses two Jinhua blacks. This type of pig has a medium size, thin skin, thin feet, and meat quality. Tender, bright red in color, moderately fat and thin, very suitable for making high-quality ham.

But a good pig is difficult to raise. If you want to raise two blackheads, you can't feed them with messy things. It is best to use barley as feed. There is a local saying that "pigs don't care about black and white, but black beans and barley".

"Yijie, you are kind, but I still have to remind you that you can't do this in the government! I and you are friends, you can easily think of the exchange of interests when you ask me to buy goods! Especially when I just asked you for cotton spinning In the case of the cotton yarn end of the factory, others will definitely discuss it; therefore, it is better for me to go to the farm and say that you should not participate in the specific negotiations." Shen Long remembered that Qiu Yingjie was in the lead because of this. So reminded.

"I'm all for the people of Yiting Town! I didn't get a penny!" Qiu Yingjie was very angry.

"I know who you are, and Secretary Xie also knows, but other people don’t know, or even if they know, they will pretend not to know. You must know that you have offended a group of people for helping Secretary Xie to build the small commodity market. At this time, we must be cautious." Officialdom can be sloppy, Shen Long knows nothing better.

"And even if you don't do this, you can guarantee that others will not have other ideas when they see you help your friends to do business with pins and needles? If they do the same, they won't be as unprofitable as you are! Planting around Yiwu There are a lot of barley farmers. It is not a problem to buy enough barley. I can definitely solve this, but you are not suitable to participate too deeply." Shen Long patted his shoulder, "I will go to the farm to ask tomorrow, no Mention your name, you better not go to Yiting until Damai returns."

"I just want to help them solve their difficulties, why are there so many messy things?" Qiu Yingjie frowned, her face unwilling.

"The more you want to do things, the more you can't just do things. Since you become an official, you should be familiar with these things. You can't rely on book business alone, so that you can do more things!" When I was the number one, it was more than just doing things. what.

Shen Long went to Yiting the next day to discuss with the farm, and then went to Fuyang County next door. The barley in Fuyang was originally purchased and sold. This year the harvest is good and the output is high. Farmers are worrying about how to deal with it. Unexpectedly low, Shen Long did not spend much effort to harvest the barley needed for the Yiting breeding site, but instead spent a lot of effort in finding transportation vehicles.

Nowadays, there is a saying called “Motors ringing gold ten thousand liang, business is slowly beginning to flow, and the demand for transportation capacity is rising and rising. Truck drivers are very popular jobs. If you have the money to buy a truck, you can return to the current two years. It is definitely not a myth to make another car; of course, profit and risk are always linked. They will also encounter many dangers in the process of long-distance trafficking. Now almost all drivers carry weapons when they run and transport them just in case.

Fortunately, the distance from Fuyang to Yiting is close, only a hundred kilometers, and it can be transported in one day. This kind of short-distance fast money is still very attractive to truck drivers. Shen Long gave enough money to leave in the morning and pay in the afternoon. The barley was transported to the Yiting Farm, which solved this problem and made a fortune.

But even if Qiu Yingjie did not participate, he was criticized by the leaders, "...Don't forget your identity! The government has started business with individuals, and you are still an expert from Beijing. How could you make such a low-level mistake!" "

"I think there is nothing wrong. It not only solves the feed problem of the farms in the village, but also makes the people rich. How can this kind of business not be done?" Qiu Yingjie defended.

"Naughty! No political savvy, this is typical speculation! This is digging the foot of socialism, comrade!" The sound of the leader tapping the table shook the sky, and the eavesdroppers in the corridor shuddered.

"Why is commodity circulation necessarily speculative? Why can't we make good use of the market's allocation power?"

"Get out, you get out! Get out!"

"I want to wait for Secretary Xie to come back!" Qiu Yingjie hurriedly pulled the door The door was heavily closed. Qiu Yingjie scanned the crowds and helped his glasses to walk.

"Why are so unprincipled! Isn't this making Secretary Xie trouble?"

"It must be a kickback!" There was a chatter behind him.

When Qiu Yingjie came out of the government compound, standing by the side of the road, he felt tired. He just wanted to do something for the people. Why is it so difficult?

After thinking for a while, he turned around and went to the Huqingmen Small Commodity Market. It just so happened that Shen Long was about to finish work, so the two of them found a small restaurant, ordered a few small dishes and a bottle of wine while drinking and chatting.

"I think you are too weak. You should take this opportunity to show them a little bit of color and let them know how good you are, so that you can do things later." Shen Long said.

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