All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2486: Qiu Yingjie is ruthless

Hey, these leaders are not eye-opening. Nowadays, college students who graduated are willing to go back to their hometowns. They are all named in the province. In the future, as long as there is nothing wrong, they will be able to be your leader in a short time. The so-called helicopter cadres and rocket cadres. It is said that this group of people, when he thinks about today's affairs again, I wonder if he will regret it.

"In this case, Yingjie, you made a few mistakes! First of all, you are a college student, and your theoretical knowledge must be better than him. He said that you are speculative and digging the corner of socialism. You should refute his statement by citing classics. Going back, whether it is quoting central documents or classic works, you can find a large number of arguments and pick off the hat he puts on your head, instead of talking to him about commodity circulation and the market, even if it is best to talk about these. Reference documents, classics."

"One is a college student, and the other is a local cadre who has not read many books. Do you think you can't win the fight? He dares to refute your statement. Does he dare to refute the central documents and classic works? You quarreled with him. Use his shortcomings and confess his strengths. When it comes to Sapo's quarreling skills, you and others are not at the same level at all."

"I was so angry at the time, but I didn't expect this." Qiu Yingjie regretted hearing Shen Long's words like this. He really had to act according to Shen Long's statement. He would lose.

"This is the second point I want to say. Keep calm at all times. Don't be irritated by others. When you get angry, your thinking will be confused and you will fall into the trap of others. According to me, he is He who deliberately irritates you, if you are not fooled, he should be angry! Even if you want to express anger, it must be done in a specific environment."

"In addition, you said that waiting for Secretary Xie's return is a bit wrong. Doesn't it mean that two elementary school students quarrel and one is clamoring to sue the teacher? Although this kind of behavior cannot be wrong, it can easily arouse people's resentment, and it will It gives people the impression that you can't do anything well and you can only rely on Secretary Xie."

"Secretary Xie will lower your opinion after hearing this. He worked so hard to bring you college students back, hoping that you can do something, instead of asking him to help you wipe your ass!" I thought I was in high school. When Yuliang was under him, everything was settled by himself, and then he went to Gao Yuliang with his grades. Leaders like me must be cadres!

"Of course, this is not a big deal. After all, you have just started to work? People need to grow up slowly. No one can get everything done quickly when he arrives at a new unit, so Secretary Xie will definitely help you when he comes back. "I don't count this kind of hanging," But once or twice, I can't always rely on Secretary Xie. What should I do if Secretary Xie leaves Yiwu in the future?"

Xie Gaohua hasn't worked in Yiwu for long. He will leave by the end of this year. He has never returned to Yiwu to work since then, so Qiu Yingjie must mature quickly.

"The last point is that there must be both unity and struggle at work. The leader said that you are speculative and it can be said that you start from work. Others say that you take back the deductions, which is slander! These unfounded words are in their own house. It is enough to talk to his wife, but he dared to say it in the government office, that is his fault! You must fight back forcefully!" The new leader must establish prestige.

There are two ways to establish prestige. One is to make achievements, just like Shen Long just arrived at Luzhou Public Security Bureau to solve major cases, Qiu Yingjie did a good job, Huqingmen small commodity market is now very prosperous. Can get a handy political achievement; the second is to clean up people, nowadays a guy who doesn't open his eyes bumps into it, and it just happens that he kills the chicken and the monkey.

It’s silly to say that Qiu Yingjie took back the deduction. It’s like working in the county government and hearing rumors that a certain leader is embezzled. If you go home and mutter to your wife, as long as you don’t be heard by outsiders, it’s nothing. ; But if you don’t have evidence, just call it out at the government meeting, then you’re done.

"What should I do? Go to the Commission for Discipline Inspection and sue him?" Qiu Yingjie asked subconsciously. After hearing Shen Long talk so much, he realized that he was too immature.

"I'm looking for senior official Ji, but I can't tell him to sue him! You should do this!" Shen Long lowered his voice and whispered in Qiu Yingjie's ear.

"Chicken feather, like this... will this be a bit cruel? If this is the case, I'm afraid he will go to sit on a cold bench?" Qiu Yingjie hesitated after hearing this, "He just has a big mouth, but it's all right? "

"Nothing? Think about it. If you continue to wear the deduction hat, how will you continue to work in the future? What will the ordinary people in Yiwu think of you? Even the two college students who returned to Yiwu with you will be affected, ordinary people I will definitely think, all are college students. If you charge the rebate, will they charge it?" Shen Long sneered. Everyone has provoked an offense. Are you so hesitant?

"I have to think about it!" Qiu Yingjie took the wine glass and drank it.

The next morning, as soon as Qiu Yingjie went to work, she knocked on the door of the Discipline Inspection Commission’s office, "Is Secretary Li there?"

"Oh, our college students are here, come in!" Secretary Li greeted him and took Qiu Yingjie to sit down. He started to whisper in his heart. He quarreled yesterday. Didn't he come to me to complain today? This matter is a bit difficult to handle. Although the guy said something inappropriate, it seems inappropriate to check people because of this little thing, right?

"Secretary Li, I'm here to conduct a review!" However, Qiu Yingjie's words went beyond his Are you trying to admit that you are speculating?

"I have just joined the workforce not long ago, and I am not very experienced. I am not sure about many things, especially in helping Yiting Farm to coordinate feed, which caused many comrades to misunderstand and say that I withdrew the deduction; I personally suffer. It doesn’t matter if I am wronged, but when I came to work this morning, I heard that the people started to talk about this matter. I felt that this is no longer my own business. If the people think that I have received the rebate, it will affect all the rebates. The image of the cadres of the college students in the township also affects the image of all cadres in Yiwu.

"So I applied to the Commission for Disciplinary Inspection to investigate me. If I have to withdraw the deduction, then I have to say, you expel my party membership and expel me from public office in accordance with the regulations! If there is no problem, then an announcement will be issued so that Yiwu The common people of Japan know that I did not take back the deduction, so that I can also maintain the image of returning college students and cadres in Yiwu." If Qiu Yingjie is proved innocent, it means that the person who shouted was wrong. This is not a complaint but it is better than a complaint.

This trick is ruthless! Secretary Li is sitting on wax.

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