All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2487: Attitude change

He thought that Qiu Yingjie was guilty of anger, and if he was wronged, he would file a complaint. He asked himself to check the gossip. This matter is big and big, and small and small. You can fool him over at will. The guy who didn't open his eyes pulled over to apologize to Qiu Yingjie privately, and it was all over.

Who knows that if Qiu Yingjie doesn't make a move, he will be so cruel as soon as he makes a move. The two hats that affect the image of returning college students and the image of Yiwu cadres can be buckled. Who can stand it! This is to let that guy peel off.

Secretary Li hasn’t figured out what to do, Qiu Yingjie’s offense came again, "Secretary Li, I plan to go to the city in a while. When I came back from Beijing, the city leaders held a meeting for us. Tell us that we must abide by discipline when we work. Now that something like this happens, I must explain to the leader."

If you don't want to control, I will go to the city to file a complaint. I am not ignorant in the city, I am afraid that when the time comes, the city will directly issue an order and your face will not look good!

Secretary Li certainly knows the status of the cadres of college students returning to their hometowns. When they returned to Jinhua, the mayor personally hosted them and shook hands with them one by one, thanking them for coming back to build their hometown. Qiu Yingjie wanted to go to the city. If you report your name, even if the mayor can’t see it, the deputy mayor will definitely be fine!

"Yingjie, you have to have confidence in our Yiwu team. We will definitely be able to handle our own affairs! Don't worry, I will give you an account of this matter!" Secretary Li didn't want Qiu Yingjie to make things happen to the city.

Nowadays, there are cadres of college students returning home from other places in Lanxi, Dongyang, Yongkang and other places. There is no accident in those places. Only Yiwu is the only one who has trouble. What should the city leaders think of Yiwu? The college students who have managed to win back in the city, don’t you cherish them and treat them like this? At that time, he was the one who ate it.

Qiu Yingjie’s move to retreat pushed Secretary Li to the corner. He had to investigate him according to Qiu Yingjie’s will. He also knew that this matter must be resolved as soon as possible, and Qiu Yingjie’s innocence must be returned as soon as possible. It's more troublesome after a long time.

Therefore, the cadres of the Yiwu Commission for Discipline Inspection acted immediately. Some found a room to ask Qiu Yingjie, and some went to the Yiting Farm to investigate. Secretary Li ordered them to clarify the matter within today.

The news spread. Yesterday, it was said that Qiu Yingjie took back the second pen and was still silly and happy in the office, "Haha, I said he took back the deduction, right? Look, now we have started to investigate him!" You have been working for so many years as a sub-division. You are a regular division. All the dolls whose milk has not been cleaned have crawled onto Lao Tzu's head. Isn't it good?

Nowadays, college students are cadres as soon as they graduate, and when they work in government departments, they start as sub-disciplines. Those who are willing to work in old, young, borderline and poor areas will be upgraded to a higher level. Yiwu is poor, so Qiu Yingjie will be at the faculty level when he comes back. Let the later generations of college students and civil servants envy to death, many of them struggled for a lifetime and could not make it to Zhengke.

Would you like to cut a couple of pork heads and drink a few cups at noon? He was happily here, the office door opened, and the staff of the Commission for Discipline Inspection came in, "Chen Sanjin, there are some tasks that require your cooperation!"

Uh, how did you find me? Is it for me to testify? Chen Sanjin looked dazed, and was taken to the site of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and then began to ask, "Chen Sanjin, you told the office yesterday that Comrade Qiu Yingjie received the kickback, right?"

"I said that he and Chen Jianghe are good brothers. The whole Yiwu knows that he is responsible for the work of the Yiting Farm. He turned back to give Chen Jianghe the feed supply. If he didn't take it back, who would believe it? "Chen Sanjin hasn't figured out the situation yet, and said frankly, there is no way, many cadres now have such a rough style of doing things, it may be hard to imagine in future generations, but there are really many people like this now.

"So, do you have evidence?" The staff of the Commission for Discipline Inspection exchanged glances, all showing a helpless look, hey, you are looking for death by yourself.

"Evidence? What kind of evidence is needed? Everyone knows the relationship between Qiu Yingjie and Chen Jianghe. You will know when you catch Chen Jianghe!" Chen Sanjin hadn't come to his senses.

Nonsense, of course we checked it, but Mao didn’t find out. Chen Jianghe took the initiative to contact Yiting Farm, and Qiu Yingjie’s name was not mentioned in the whole process, and Qiu Yingjie did not go to Yiting Farm these days. It was the decision of Yiting Farm to give Yiwu to Chen Jianghe and it had nothing to do with Qiu Yingjie!

"So you have no evidence?" The face of the disciplinary committee officer suddenly pulled down, and he slapped the table suddenly, "Chen Sanjin, since there is no evidence, it is framed. The party discipline strictly prohibits false accusations, and your behavior has been violated. Party discipline!"

No, didn't I come to cooperate in the investigation of Qiu Yingjie? Why is it blaming me? Chen Sanjin was confused, and he quickly distinguished, but he had just admitted that he said that Qiu Yingjie took back the deduction, and when he said this yesterday, more than one person heard it, and he himself could not produce evidence. This is not a falsehood. then what?

Secretary Li over there was also quick to cut the mess, and posted a notice on the same day to prove Qiu Yingjie's innocence, while Chen Sanjin was seriously warned according to the party discipline because of false accusations, and was removed from the party post and went to sit on the bench.

As soon as this incident came out, the entire government compound’s impression of Qiu Yingjie was greatly changed. He originally thought he was just a bookish young man, but he didn’t expect that he played with such a slippery means. After all, he was an educated person. The opponents are smarter than ours!

Even the deputy county magistrate who criticized him before felt a little uneasy, but he calmed down very quickly, and I did not frame him. What he did before was obviously speculation!

In the morning, Qiu Yingjie came to the office and prepared to pick up the broom to clean the office as usual. He is the youngest in this office. All these tasks naturally fall on him. In the past, those who are not as senior and older than him, Colleagues who are older than him are sitting there enjoying his service at ease.

But today, as soon as he picked up the broom, someone jumped over and grabbed it, "Chiu Ke, you are the leader. How can you do this work? I'll come and I will do it!"

Feather is right, you can’t be a good person if you want to do things! This change in attitude made Qiu Yingjie sigh with emotion. After some pushes, he cleaned up together, and then Qiu Yingjie began to write articles on the table.

After get off work in the evening, everyone in the office was gone, Qiu Yingjie picked up the phone, "Weidong, it's me, Qiu Yingjie..."

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