All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2508: 20 million won't work this time

The development of Internet e-commerce has gone through several stages. At the beginning, Alibaba was mainly engaged in domestic wholesale trade. This is perfectly integrated with the resources of the Yiwu Chamber of Commerce. Ma Yun chose Hangzhou as the company’s founding place. In his hometown, his experience of carrying sack to Yiwu wholesale goods must have left a deep impression on him.

   So Shen Long showed the advantage of Yiwu Chamber of Commerce a little bit, Ma Yun knew that she would choose to cooperate with Shen Long, or she could only wait to be squeezed to death by Shen Long.

"I can now use 50 million as the company's first start-up capital, and I will continue to invest if there is still need! This money will be used for the company to rent offices, recruit talents, purchase computers, servers, etc. The work equipment, as well as the promotion, television, paper media, and the Internet must carry out large-scale network promotion, so as to promote our company's name in the shortest time! What do you think?" Shen Long asked.

"In the beginning, it seems that I can't use so much money, right?" Ma Yun was a little entangled. Shen Long's generosity completely exceeded his expectations. He even took out 50 million in one breath. You must know this year's Hurun Rich List. , Zhang Huli, ranked fifty, has total assets of only 50 million to 100 million. Although Shen Long’s name does not appear on the list, people can easily come up with 50 million liquidity. It shows that his total assets must far exceed 50 million.

If you have a lot of money, it is convenient for you to expand the company as soon as possible, but since then, your own shares in the company will be much less. Ma Yun can't spend much money now, even if he uses resources and technology to invest in shares, he is in front of 50 million yuan. , He is not embarrassed to ask for too many shares, so how much money should he take?

"What do you think should be the first fund?" Shen Long asked. In the original history, Ma Yun raised five million U.S. dollars from several investment institutions this year and another 20 million U.S. dollars from Sun Zhengyi next year. He now breathes a sigh of relief. It's not too much to take out 50 million, but those companies only contacted after Ma Yun started his business, and spent so much money and didn't get too many shares.

   Now it is different. If the accountants are allowed to carefully calculate the investment ratio of both parties, Ma Yun may only account for a very small proportion, and she will work for Shen Long.

After entanglement, Ma Yun gave up a large amount of shares and accepted Shen Long’s capital injection. He has never thought that he will become the richest man in China in the future, and he really cannot do without Shen Long’s support for e-commerce. , No way, the situation is better than people!

   Shen Long did not worry that he would go back in the future. Ma Yun can do Alipay or something, and he can also get Qiu Yingjie's support to do it himself, so the two parties are ready to sign the contract.

   "By the way, what do you plan to call this new company?" Before signing the contract, there is one more thing to decide.

"It's called Alibaba!" Ma Yun had thought about it a long time ago. "Most of us Chinese know the story of Alibaba and the Forty Thieves. I have asked many people in the United States. They also know that this name is well known and has It is international and convenient for promotion. At the same time, Alibaba also symbolizes wealth. I want this company to become an incubation base for wealth. In addition, the initial letter of Alibaba is A. Our company must become the number one company in the world... …"

Ma Yunbalabala said a lot, and Shen Long nodded, "Okay, then call Alibaba." Then he signed his name on the contract and took most of Alibaba's shares. "I’m the company’s daily affairs. If you don’t plan to intervene, it’s up to you. When we encounter major strategic issues, the two of us will discuss it again."

This is also the reason why Ma Yun was willing to sign the contract, so that he looked like a boss, not a part-time worker; after the contract was signed, he soon rented an office building near the Yiwu Chamber of Commerce, began to build a website, contacted businesses to settle in, and Shen Long also gave great cooperation and brought a large number of Yiwu businessmen into the Alibaba website.

At the same time, let the Yiwu Commodity City and logistics companies in various places cooperate with Alibaba's work. In this way, if a wholesaler in the southwest wants to buy their products, they do not need to ship from Yiwu. The Commodity City in Chengdu will have enough supplies. Selling to each other greatly saves the time of logistics and transportation.

At the same time, TV, paper media, and online advertisements are fully rolled out. The word Alibaba has become a hot spot for merchants across the country. Many people curiously enter Internet cafes, register Alibaba accounts, and find the products they want on them. I tried to send a small amount of money, but I got a sample soon.

The quality of these samples is good and the price is low. They are much better than their original sales. They immediately saw business opportunities and began to buy and sell in large quantities. The transaction volume on Alibaba's website is higher than a month, and it is not a few hundred percent. A few of the ones that grow slowly, are almost doubling up.

This phenomenon immediately attracted the attention of many Internet practitioners and venture capital companies. Cai Chongxin, president of the Asian region of the venture capital department of Swedish InvestorAB, flew to Hangzhou to visit Ma Yun’s company, and finally went to the company to see After talking with Ma Yun and Shen Long again, this guy actually gave up his annual salary of 700,000 US dollars and wanted to work at Alibaba.

   Ma Yun was a little dazed, I know I'm good at fooling, but I don't want to make people pay attention to it, right? However, he does want this person to join, because they are familiar with the corporate structure of large international companies, which is very helpful to Ali’s growth. He looked at Shen Long, and Shen Long laughed, "A talent like Mr. Cai is willing to join. , We are naturally happy, but now that the company is still in business, I am afraid that it will not be able to give you too high a salary, at most it can only give you an annual salary of 500,000!"

It’s too stingy to give five hundred yuan a month. I’ll give you five hundred thousand. But if that’s the case, your shares will definitely be less. Cai Chongxin silently worked out an account. Even if he only took a small amount of shares, he was better than himself. Now this job has a promising future, so I agreed, and soon completed the resignation procedures, and came to Hangzhou to help Ma Yun adjust the company structure and formulate company rules and regulations.

   Because of Shen Long's 50 million, Ali is not short of money now. Cai Chongxin has not introduced Goldman Sachs investment institutions, but rejected them when many venture capital companies came in.

  Until Sun Zhengyi personally came to the door and offered to buy a stake in Ali. At this time, Sun Zhengyi made billions of dollars because of his stake in Yahoo. When such a big guy came, they naturally did not dare to neglect and immediately notified Shen Long.

   Shen Long laughed after listening, this time 20 million won't work.


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