All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2509: Temporarily return

  The encounter between Sun Zhengyi and Ma Yun is a legend, a legend of one richest man creating another richest man. Today, Sun Zhengyi is the richest man in Japan, and Ma Yun will become the richest man in China in the future.

Sun Zhengyi’s background is more complicated. He was born in Japan, but his ancestors were from Fujian, China. Later he moved to South Korea, so his father named him Zhengyi, which is a meaning in China, Japan and South Korea; he also claims to be Sun Wu The descendants of, but it seems that the possibility of clinging is relatively high. The Japanese pay attention to their origins and find themselves a prominent family background to facilitate communication.

In the 1970s, Japan’s economy took off and many legendary business stories were born. Fujita, who was named the father of McDonald’s in Japan, made his fortune at this time and wrote a successful book "Jewish Business Law". Fourteen-year-old Sun Zhengyi saw I was very excited when I arrived at this book, so I went to meet Fujita Tian and expressed my idea of ​​starting a business.

  Fujita Tian persuaded him, "You should not start a business, you should go to the United States to see and see the world's most cutting-edge technology and market." So Sun Zhengyi worked hard to learn, was admitted to the University of Berkeley Department of Economics, and went to the United States to study.

At this time, the United States was at the peak of the hippie movement. He was keenly aware of the decadent air in the United States, and thought of a way to make money from decadence. He borrowed money to sell Japanese game consoles to the United States. He earned his first $1 million in his life.

   One year later, he and his alumnus Mosel jointly developed a voice translation machine. After selling the patent to Sharp, he earned the second $1 million in his life.

Later, he returned to Japan to set up SoftBank Group. It took one and a half years to visit big players in different industries, read investment books, investigate more than 40 industries in Japan, and form relevant industry reports, and finally selected high-tech industries as the direction of his business. , The previous period continued to suffer setbacks and successive losses.

It was not until 1991 that the company known for its C language compiler was preparing to release an upgraded version in Japan. Son Zhengyi seized this opportunity; later he got the Japanese agency of Cisco Systems and suggested that Cisco use routers as a test water. , To test the feasibility of Cisco's Japanese branch, one month later, 14 Japanese clubs were invited to jointly fund 40 million US dollars to start the project. In the same year, 70% of Japanese software sales channels were controlled by software banks.

After making money from Cisco, Sun Zhengyi set his sights on the Internet and invested 2 million in Yahoo at the beginning of his business. After that, he continued to invest more. Last year, he sold 2% of Yahoo’s stock with a net profit of 410 million US dollars. 390 million U.S. dollars. In 1996, 30% of Yahoo's shares were purchased for 100 million U.S. dollars. Today, the remaining 28% is still worth 8.4 billion U.S. dollars.

At the same time, his own holdings of Softbank stocks have also skyrocketed, allowing him to become the richest man in Japan. At the hottest time, his net worth reached 70 billion U.S. dollars, which was close to the world's richest man Gates (at that time, Gates' net worth was approximately 78 billion US dollars).

Such investors are expected by all Internet companies. They all hope that they can reproduce the Yahoo myth with Sun Zhengyi's funding and become successful like Yang Zhiyuan. Ma Yun and Cai Chongxin are no exception, although Shen Long can still Provide them with a lot of funds, but funds and funds are still different.

   For Wall Street, Sun Zhengyi's investment of 50 million can definitely trigger an upsurge of attention to Alibaba, while Shen Long's investment of 50 million can only be regarded as an upstart behavior, so both of them are a little excited.

However, Shen Long doesn’t really like Sun Zhengyi. He is just a speculator, and he does not have the vision of Sequoia Capital. Investing in Yahoo is already the pinnacle of his life. During this time, he was unknown to hundreds of companies. Of tech start-ups have invested billions of dollars in bets, but the proceeds are small.

Even for Alibaba, he did not expect that this company would grow so big in the future. Soon afterwards, he would withdraw and cash out. The 20 million investment became 350 million, which at first glance seemed to be a successful investment. But it is easy to think that Yingke’s investment in Tencent will definitely make a profit, but as long as we see the future development of these two companies, I don’t know what they will think, but I can be sure that it is definitely not happy.

"I understand that you want to use Sun Zhengyi's reputation to build the company's reputation and attract the attention of more foreign investors, but can you really do this?" Shen Long asked rhetorically, and he took out a lot of information. He has noticed a lot of companies. Investing in Alibaba is nothing more than throwing a big net to fish. Mixed with so many companies, Alibaba may not be able to make a name."

"Under such circumstances, if you want to build a reputation, I think it is better to do the opposite. Accepting Sun Zhengyi's investment may not be hot news, but rejecting him will definitely be!" Sun Zhengyi can only provide some overseas channels. And money, can these Shen Long also do it? And the previous 50 million has not been spent yet, and Alibaba is not short of money now.

   "Let's talk to him, and see what help he can provide us besides money?" Ma Yun said after thinking for a while.

As a result, this meeting disappointed him The other party's judgment on the Internet prospects is far less accurate than Shen Long, and he does not value Alibaba as much as Ma Yun imagined, and Shen Long said It's the same, they just cast a wide net, which makes Ma Yun and Cai Chongxin lose a lot.

Startup companies have reached their level, and the most important thing for attracting new investors is not money. Now there are so many people who bring money to find them who want to invest. I originally thought that Sun Zhengyi would provide something different. It is so.

After some consideration, they rejected Sun Zhengyi’s investment, which caused quite a stir on Wall Street for a while. Everyone sought out Alibaba’s data for research, and found that this company was really extraordinary, so it was more and more powerful. Of venture capital companies have come to Hangzhou, hoping to invest in Alibaba.

Shen Long discussed with them and accepted investment from some organizations that can help him. Alibaba has also gradually set foot in foreign markets. The Yiwu business group led by Shen Long has also begun to extend its tentacles overseas, except for Russia. , They have a new breakthrough.

   As long as China successfully joins the WTO, Yiwu's small commodities will be spread to the world faster than in the original history, at least the time to enter the US market is much faster than in the original history.

  Perhaps the next US general election will be able to take the opportunity to launch the Yiwu Index. With this feeling, Shen Long chose to return temporarily and return to the capital.


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