All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2510: Dear, do you still take the translation service?

"Chen Jianghe from the world of "Chicken Feather Flying to the Sky" thank you very much for fulfilling his wish, and hereby present his sales talent to you. Please confirm if you accept it!" As soon as he returned to reality, Shen Long thought of it. Here comes the system sound.

   "Accept!" Now Shen Long doesn't really appreciate the ability that the ordinary world gives to him, but more ability is also good, right? Anyway, don't let it go, just take it.

   Then a white light flashed, and there was something more in Shen Long's mind. He raised his eyes and looked at the things in the room, and the way to sell these things to different people immediately emerged in his mind.

Hey, in addition to daily necessities, things like that in my house are not good. They need to be sold. As long as they are taken out, there are definitely people who are rushing to ask for them. I haven’t seen Shi Pu come here every time and look at my house. Everything has green eyes.

   After a few murmurs, Shen Long went out and asked Arya to go on vacation to a villa in the suburbs. After playing in the mission world for so long, he had to make up for it. Going to the villa, taking the coward and the yellow call two Akhalje Golden Horses for a stroll, and then doing something they love to do, return to the city.

Although the school has not resumed classes, the normal teaching work is still going on through online classes. Seeing that it is almost time for exams, Arya has also become busy. After all, she came to the real world. It doesn't take long, and you have to work hard to keep up.

She was busy studying, and Shen Long was a little boring to be alone. You don’t have to worry about the special effects company. Everyone has already started preparing special effects for "Wandering Earth 2" and "Three-Body". He only needs occasional Just accept the email from the company and give some suggestions for amendments.

It’s just that any film and television works need to be promoted. Although I have already started to produce special effects, the promotion work has not been rolled out, but there is a good opportunity now; so after replying to the email, Shen Long logged into the official Weibo account of the special effects company , Took out the business card Ma Yun had given him from his pocket, took a picture and posted it.

Then @了乡老师代言人马芸, this is his private Weibo account, and the text is attached, "Is this the president of Hangzhou Haibo Translation Agency? I have a few technical articles that need to be translated, your side Are you still picking up work?"

The style of this business card is simple, it looks like a bargain, the upper left corner is the blue letter H, this is also the logo of Haibo Translation Agency, the top is the company's full name "Hangzhou Haibo Translation Agency, Zhejiang Province", the middle is his The name Ma Yun is written in traditional Chinese characters, followed by his English name Jack, and the president in two small letters below shows his position.

The bottom three lines are the address: No. 27, Qingnian Road, Hangzhou; Zip code: 310001, followed by telephone, fax, BP, etc. The phone number was also marked with a line and handwritten to change the number. At that time, their translation agency The conditions were difficult, and the phone number was changed several times. This number was handwritten by Ma Yun.

Ma Yun is a big V with more than 26 million fans. This photo attracted a lot of attention as soon as it was posted. Someone quickly reposted comments, "Yes, you didn’t recognize the wrong person, this is President Ma of the translation agency, but he has retired now, so he shouldn't pick up guests!"

   "Huh? Picking up customers? Why does this term feel so lustful? People start a translation agency and buy some small commodities, so you can't do illegal business!"

   "Dear, this person's appearance fee is probably not cheap, even if someone takes the order, you can't afford it!"

"I'm going, this is really Dad Ma's earlier business card? He opened the translation agency more than 20 years ago, right? The business cards you found there, are still so well preserved? They can all be auctioned. Right?"

"If I'm in business, I'm absolutely willing to spend money to buy one. If I don't talk about anything else, it's okay to brag at the wine table. Then I will show my business card and tell them that I asked Dad Ma as an interpreter. impressive!"

   "Is the boss selling this business card? How much?" Someone really wanted to go with him. Someone made an offer on the spot, and the price was not low. "Do you think one hundred thousand yuan will work?"

   "I'll go, you can buy a business card with my salary for one year? I seem to have found a way to make a fortune. I save this picture, then repair it with PS, and print a large number of business cards for sale.

"You think too much, are you selling fakes, okay? And if there are too many of these things, it's not worth the money. It's better to say a couple of sheets. You can print out a thousand or eight hundred copies in one go. How can anyone want it! "Someone broke his fantasies mercilessly.

   "Is this thing real? After more than 20 years, the business cards can be preserved so well?" Some people doubt the authenticity of business cards.

"It should be true. A similar business card has appeared before. It is exactly the same as this one. You see, it is this one. Although there is a small difference in the handwriting, you can tell at a glance that it was written by one person! Zhang's products are much better than the previous ones!" Someone analyzed this business card by analyzing the posture of the artwork.

"Papa Ma was a translation agency back then. UU Reading www.uukā sent out business cards everywhere, and a lot of business cards were sent out. If anyone took it and added it to the book, it was only recently turned out. The appearance is so good. It's not impossible!" Someone gave a relatively reasonable explanation.

"Hey, it seems that my family has also consulted Haibo Translation Agency to translate things before. How about I go back and find out all the books in my house and read them slowly? See if I can find the same business card?" Have.

   "Wait a minute, didn't you pay attention? It was a special effects company that issued this bib? Isn't this a prop made by them?" Someone also noticed the identity of the Weibo publisher.

   "Are you going to shoot a movie about Dad Ma? It doesn't require many special effects, right? It's something that happened in the real world after all."

   "You are wrong. It has been more than 20 years since the 1990s. The architecture of the city is very different from now. These need to be corrected with special effects."

"I said, don't you guys not read the previous Weibo of this Weibo? The special effects of Da Liu's novels have always been posted before. This company has already won the special effects contracts for several film adaptations of Da Liu's works! I wonder, this must be the filming of "Country Teacher", and I'm going to let Dad Ma play that teacher! Doesn't he also like Da Liu? The Weibo nickname is called the spokesperson of the country teacher!"

   I really want to act, Ma Yun also noticed this Weibo.


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