All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2519: Kel'Thuzad

   "There is no one here, and maybe they can't get rid of the illness." Jaina said, "Alsace, we have to at least go in and take a look, they may need help!"

"No, Jaina, I can smell the rancid smell of the corpse, something must have happened here!" Shen Long stopped Jaina, and then pointed to Kel'Thuzad's hiding place, "But there is only a voice here, I think we are best It’s to prepare for battle."

Farrick and others did not doubt that their prince once learned various fighting skills and weapon use skills from the dwarf hero Muradin-Bronzebeard, and learned how to use the Holy Light from Uther, the Lightbringer. He could find himself What was not found was completely normal. They took out their weapons one after another, and cautiously surrounded the house.

   Fortunately, the nearby houses are all single-family buildings. They can enclose them as long as they enlarge the circle. Jaina also listened to Shen Long's persuasion and was ready to release the magic.

As they approached the farm, Farrick and the others were a little slow, and they seemed reluctant to move on, because entering the house was likely to be infected with the plague; and at this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew up, bringing fear Jaina covered her mouth, and one of the entourage turned around and vomited. There was no doubt that the rotten smell came from inside the house.

"Under such circumstances, there are still people moving inside. If he is not an undead, he must be the master of this plague event!" Shen Long said, "Jaina, it is best to use fire magic!" Flame And the Holy Light can restrain the dead.

   "Don't move on, I'll lead the contents out." Shen Long said, the situation inside the house is still unclear, it is easy to be ambushed by Kel'Thuzad and the undead.

   "Your Highness, let me go!" Farrick and the others felt ashamed for a while. They should have done this kind of thing? It is their responsibility to protect the prince, but now they let the prince take the initiative to take risks.

"Maybe none of us need to go in, Jaina, can you burn this house with flames? I don't think normal people can survive here!" Shen Long looked at Jaina while muttering in his heart, no Know what will happen to Kel'Thuzad with the fierce fire curse.

   Jaina stared at the house, nodded and began to prepare to release the magic, and the flames steadily burned in her tiny hands, like two harmless orange flowers.

A huge fireball high up to one person smashed into the house, and the house burned violently in an instant, and the hot air wave hit. Farrick and others subconsciously stepped back to avoid the air wave; immediately there were noisy sounds in the house, those The zombies were ignited by flames, and they either wailed or looked for a way out.

"Falik, don't let even one guy escape!" The warhammer in Shen Long's hand suddenly burst out with an extremely blazing light. He lifted the hammer and turned around, borrowing the power of his waist and abdomen to make a violent blow, rushing out from the front door. The zombie's head was smashed, the Holy Light purified it, and the broken bones fell on the grass.

  Falik and others also reacted, and Shen Long added courageous BUFF to them, allowing them to temporarily dispel the fear of the zombies, waving their weapons to greet them.

Jaina’s flames have burned most of the zombies, and some of the remaining are trapped in the house and can’t get out, so Farrick and others only need to deal with a few zombies. They form a battle team and use long weapons. Resist the zombies, and then attack again. After a while, these zombies who were lucky enough to escape from the house were killed seven or eight.

There was another flame in Jaina's hand. She seemed to want to help Falike and the others kill these zombies as soon as possible, but she was stopped in time by Shen Long, "Jaina, I can feel that there is a more terrifying guy inside. , You better keep your magic!" Kel'Thuzad is still inside.

  He originally stayed in the barn on the hill, preparing to contaminate the grains that were about to be transported to Stratholme, but because he wanted to experiment with some undead magic, he went down the mountain, but didn't want to be blocked by Shen Long and Jaina.

The flames were burning cracklingly, and the movement inside became smaller and smaller. It seemed that all the zombies had been killed. Jaina relaxed a little. "This... this kind of powerful necromancer manipulating corpses is not no one. I have heard of it. There were examples during the first war. Orcs can resurrect bones. In the second war, so-called death knights appeared, but I have never seen them." Her voice was trembling. .

   "Well, they are really dead now." Farrick said, "This is due to the warhammer, the holy light, and the flame of Lady Jaina in the hands of His Royal Highness."

   "It's not the time to celebrate, there are enemies inside!" Shen Long's domineering vision has been locked on Kel'Thuzad, and he is brewing magic to prepare for a sneak attack.

Kel'Thuzad heard Shen Long's words and knew that there was no chance of a sneak attack, so he resorted to another method, and saw a moment of shaking in the fire, a huge pale thing with many hands and feet stood up, its maggot-white smooth body Covered with stitches as wide as the palms, it looks like a broken doll sewn by children with obstacles; it is much higher than other Three hands are holding terrible weapons, and the only moving eye is dead Staring at Shen Long deadly.

   Stitching monsters, Shen Long has killed quite a few in the game, but he has never dropped any good things. Of course, this may also be the cause of his black hands.

   "The holy light is on-that thing looks like it was stitched out of a different body!" The fireball in Jaina's hand began to spin.

However, Shen Long moved faster than her. He dexterously jumped away from its path, rolled behind it and jumped up. The warhammer in his hand lit up with a white light and knocked on the back of the suture monster. The suture monster was disgusting. With a roar, he fell to the ground with a thud, even though its body was so large, it still couldn't withstand Shen Long's hammering.

   Jaina immediately followed, and the fireball fell on the body of the Stitching Monster, and instantly burned all over the body, like the huge scarecrow standing in front of Lordaeron's Palace on the Festival of Ghosts.

   Solved the suture monster, Shen Long still did not relax. He took the bow and arrow from a soldier and aimed at the place where Kel'Thuzad was hiding, "Come out! I saw you!"

"Sometimes it's not a good thing to be too allergic, kids!" A gust of wind blew away, pushing away the dust, Kel'Thuzad appeared in front of them, wearing a black robe, smiling, his face under his hood in the shadows Indistinctly, beside him are his two zombie pets, "Now you have found me, I am Kel'Thuzad."


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