All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2520: Soul flies

   Jaina hid her mouth and sucked in a cold breath. She did not expect that after being warned by Antonidas, Kel'Thuzad was still addicted to undead magic, Shen Long clenched the warhammer, and secretly made other preparations.

   "I'm here to give a warning," Kel'Thuzad said, "Don't be nosy, curiosity will kill you."

"This kind of depraved magic feels familiar!" It was Jaina, her voice trembling when she spoke, perhaps because of her resentment towards undead magic, "You are our shame, Kel'Thuzad! First do those cruel experiments. , We warned you that it would bring disaster, but you didn't learn it at all!"

"Ms. Jaina Proudmoore," Kel'Thuzad said triumphantly, "It looks like Antonidas's apprentice has grown up, but my dear, it's the opposite of what you said... you see, I learned. Quite a lot."

   "I have seen the mouse you used to do experiments!" Jaina shouted, "That's scary enough--and now you--"

   "Continued to conduct my research in depth, now it is perfect." Kel'Thuzad replied.

   "So you caused this plague, Kel'Thuzad?" Shen Long knew it, but he wanted more people to know, "You established the cult? You cursed the cult, right?"

Kel'Thuzad turned to him, his eyes gleaming in the shadow of his hood, "I order the Cursed Cult to distribute the plague-infected grain, but the account cannot be counted on me. I serve the Dreadlord Malganis, he Will command the Scourge to clean the earth and build a paradise of eternal darkness!"

   Kel'Thuzad gave a cruel smile on his mean lips under his white beard. "He will wash away all living creatures. His plan has already begun. If you want more evidence, you can go to Stratholme to find him."

Shen Long had already achieved his goal. He didn't want to chat with Kel'Thuzad any more, and rushed forward with his hammer, "For the Holy Light!" Kel'Thuzad stood still on the spot, but at the last moment, it twisted with the surrounding air. Fluctuation, he tried to activate space magic to get out of here.

The two monsters standing still on either side of him tried to pinch Shen Long with their arms and drag him to the ground. Shen Long didn't want such a disgusting thing to touch him. He dexterously passed through the gap between the two monsters with both hands. With a shake, the holy hammer hit the heads of these two monsters, their skulls exploded immediately, and their brains and bones splashed around.

Shen Long's movements were so flexible that when he rushed to Kel'Thuzad's side, there was no blood or brain on his body. Kel'Thuzad had a mocking smile on his face, but at this moment his smile was frozen. .

He felt the teleportation magic appear to stagnate for a short time. He didn't know that Shen Long used magic to interfere with the magic. He thought it was Jaina doing it. He couldn't help being surprised for Antonidas, but he had no time now. Come to express my compliment, because Shen Long's holy hammer has been smashed toward his head.

Kel'Thuzad hurriedly resorted to other magic and floated upwards, trying to avoid Shen Long's hammering. However, Jaina had awakened from shock at this time, and she launched fireballs, delaying K With Er'Thuzad's speed, he had to drop to avoid these fireballs.

The fireball was dodged, but unfortunately he could not dodge Shen Long’s holy hammer. Shen Long swung the holy hammer across a mysterious arc, changing from a vertical smash to a horizontal sweep, smashing a heavy sweep parallel to the ground, hitting the ground. Kel'Thuzad's knees shook him into the air, and Farrick and the others immediately pressed up, cutting and slashing with countless swords, and they poured the anger of losing loved ones and the fear of the undead on Kel'Thuzad.

Kel'Thuzad's mana is powerful, but his body is very fragile. His legs were interrupted by Shen Long, and he suffered so many swords on his body. Now he lay down twisted on the ground, his robe soaked with blood, and he propped it up with his arms. The body tried to speak, but only spitting blood and broken teeth, but he spoke again, "Ignorant... idiot, my death can't change anything... Now... the disaster of this land... has begun." Then he closed. The upper eyes are dead.

   "Stop!" At this time Jaina's voice was long overdue. She hurried over to confirm Kel'Thuzad's death and sighed, "We should ask for a solution to the plague before we kill him!"

   Before everyone responded, Kel'Thuzad's body began to decay quickly, giving off a foul smell, and Shen Long had to remind Jaina to use a fireball to burn Kel'Thuzad's body.

   After burning the corpse, Jaina explained, "Some people believe that, uh, if necromancers fail to use spells accurately, um,...if they are killed, they will..."

"Reversed by magic?" Shen Long helped her to say the unfinished words, "Now is not the time to entangle this, we must go to Stratholme!" He came earlier than Alsace, maybe there is still time to stop this. tragedy.

"Now, start searching for nearby houses and remove all the remaining undead, so as not to spread the plague to other people!" How to prevent the Long is also familiar with it, "You must wear gloves and The masks I prepared for you!" These are all prepared before departure, and Shen Long doesn't want his subordinates to become undead.

"Jaina, you used too much magic just now. You must be very tired. We are going to Stratholme soon. You should find a place to rest!" Shen Long helped Jaina leave here and put her on Resting on a grass, he returned to the place where Kel'Thuzad had been killed.

Shen Long knew that Kel'Thuzad was not really dead. He only died in his body and soul. Ner'zhul also told him of this death. Otherwise, a powerful necromancer would not die so easily. He tried to kill The soul is attached to the prince, step by step to lure him into the abyss.

However, Shen Long was not Arthas. He had a way to see the soul. After he returned, he saw that no one around him noticed him, so he released a little bit of his own merit. This thing is the natural nemesis of evil spirits. He Hearing the screams, Kel'Thuzad's soul took off from him in the blue smoke.

   "Alsace, what is this? I have never felt this kind of power. This is definitely not a holy light!" Kel'Thuzad wailed. He had realized that Ner'zhul's mission could not be completed, and he immediately prepared to escape.

   It's a pity that it is too late. Following Shen Long's handprints, a few thunders fell, smashing Kel'Thuzad to his soul.


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