All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2525: Malganis

Due to years of war, many people in Lordaeron have ruined their lives. When a person bury his six children, or when a person leaves his burning house three times in two years, only madness can appease them. The Cult of Damnation took this opportunity to establish its lair in the heart of Lordaeron.

The members of the sect use debate, magic or torture to lobby and even kidnap others, even their former friends and brothers, to convert them, and they become fanatics of the undead; in order to achieve the goal of the Lich King, curse the cultists by carrying The pan of plague brought the natural disasters into Lordaeron, preparing to spread a plague that could kill most citizens of Lordaeron and resurrect them into the cannon fodder of the natural disaster army.

For such people, you only need to publish their behavior under the light. Uther found many members of the cursed sect in the city, arrested them, and found the plague in their residence. The pot, which was issued to them by Kel'Thuzad, can be used to spread the plague.

Stratholme’s people knew everything that happened outside the city gate. Even those whose lives were destroyed by the war did not want to become zombies. Once the lies and deceptions were made public, they would lose their power. There are also desperate and crazy people who try to bring the plague to death with others, or want to use the power of the plague to gain more, but those are only a few people, and most of the believers are deceived.

   When these people who were deceived knew the truth, they became angry. They prayed loudly for the knights of the Silver Hand to solve these people. Uther also obeyed their petition and purified them in the name of the Holy Light.

At the same time, these surviving believers confessed to more believers and the whereabouts of more plague pots in order to redeem their sins. This list gradually involves the members of Stratholme City Lord’s Mansion. If Shen Long led the people to do this, they could still Use the contradiction between kingship and sovereignty to deceive others and resist Shen Long.

But this time, Uther still has the Silver Hand, and they did find evidence that these people betrayed the Holy Light. The officials who believed in the Holy Light had no reason to oppose, the cursed sects hidden in the city lord’s mansion. The believers were in desperate situation, and Uther took them out of the city lord's mansion with a silver hand.

After some interrogation, Uther found Shen Long with a serious expression, "His Royal Highness, there are more pans of plague shed outside. Kel'Thuzad used the pan of plagues to spread the plague, and they were all hidden in something similar to Brill. In the village, there must be a large amount of food contaminated by now, and... and according to the confession of the followers of the cursed sect, it was the Lord Rivendell here who cooperated with Kel'Thuzad in Stratholme!

   "Baron Rivendell and Kel'Thuzad have always been good friends! It's not surprising that they collude together!" Jaina said, she knew Kel'Thuzad very well.

"Andorhal is the main grain producing area of ​​Lordaeron, Kel'Thuzad will not let it go! We must keep the grain in Andorhal. As for Baron Rivendell, first block the news and send someone secretly to inform His Majesty the King. He controlled Baron Rivendell!" Shen Long gave the order.

   In the original plot, Andorhal was originally rescued by Alsace, but in a hurry, Shen Long came directly to Brill and Stratholme, and did not solve Andorhal's problem.

Uther-the Lightbringer was killed by Arthas here. Arthas took the urn of King Terenas protected by Uther and used it to complete Kel'Thuzad in the Sunwell Lich ceremony; and now, Shen Long has sent Uther to guard here.

Now that Stratholme’s cursed sect members have been dug almost, even if Uther left with the Silver Hand, Shen Long could still control the city lord’s mansion. After all, even their lord became a member of the cursed sect. He and him How does his family still hold the post of city lord? The city lord and knighthood are not impossible to be deprived of.

As long as Shen Long reveals the intention of selecting a new city lord to succeed Baron Rivendell to rule Stratholme, the family in the city will support him and work hard for himself in order to get this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and let his family have another one. Steps, knighthood, and becoming a city lord have been the tireless pursuit of almost every family for thousands of years.

Uther left immediately with the Silver Hand. He now fully believes that Shen Long can handle Stratholme's affairs, so he saves Andorhal, finds out the followers of the cursed sect of Andorhal, and destroys their pan of plague. In order to solve the problem that he urgently needs to solve, if this is destroyed, Lordaeron will face a serious food crisis.

The remaining families of Stratholme stood up under the order of Shen Long. They led their soldiers and escorted the cursed sect members who had succumbed to the countryside near Stratholme. Their mission was the same as Uther's. , Are to find out the followers of the cursed sect in those villages, and then purify them.

Of course, in addition to Stratholme and Andorhal, there are also psychic colleges, Naxxramas and other places that are also the activity centers of the cursed but Shen Long does not intend to clean up one place by one In the past, Stratholme and Andorhal were solved first, and then you can consider going to Northrend to find Ner'zhul. If this guy is not solved, the plague will never be cured. Once Ner'zhul is killed, then the Academy of Spirits And Naxxramas is a tree without roots.

Uther and Stratholme’s family left, and the guards in the city became weak, but the people here became Shen Long’s diehards. They strictly abide by Shen Long’s orders, and Shen Long also tried to give to the people at the bottom. Support within their ability and provide them with the opportunity to exchange labor for food to feed themselves and their families, which gradually stabilized Stratholme.

Everyone was pleased with this. The people of Stratholme also began to circulate the legend of Prince Alsace. They all said that Alsace could be a good king, perhaps even more than King Tenaris. outstanding.

   Perhaps only the believers of the curse sect are unhappy about this. There are still a few believers who have not been picked out by Uther, but they dare not spread their faith anymore.

In addition to them, there is another guy, that is Mal'Ganis. When Shen Long was patrolling the street with several entourages, he suddenly felt a throbbing, and then swung back from the entourage and walked alone. Going into the side alley, "I've been waiting for you, young prince." Mal'Ganis appeared.


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