All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2526: Fear vs Domineering

   The voice was low and full of fear, and it made people tremble after hearing it. With the sound, the door at the end of the alley opened wide, and the dead rushed out, and their bodies were outlined with a strange green light.

"See, your subjects are now mine. I will transform this city family by family until the spark of life is completely extinguished...forever." Mal'Ganis laughed, the deep and primitive laughter filled with darkness , It is shocking.

"Does the Fear Lord only have this means?" There are no people around, only voices can be heard. If this is placed on ordinary people, it will definitely cause fear, but Shen Long knows that this guy is just bluffing. In terms of combat effectiveness, Dreadlord Mal'Ganis is just a scum.

He can only be invisible, spread the plague and deceive people. As long as these are ignored, he is much easier to deal with than Kel'Thuzad. Kel'Thuzad is a high-level member of the Kirin Tor Mages Council, and has a lot of power. For powerful spells, Mal'Ganis didn't know that.

Oh, and there is the infinite resurrection ability. After the devil dies, the soul will return to the void and then reappear in the world, but as long as Kel'Thuzad completely shatters his soul, he will not be able to resurrect. Shen Long also had a lot of attacking methods. After a while, catch him one by one and try to see if he can resist for a few rounds.

Mal'Ganis’ evil laughter sounded around. The zombies rushed towards Shen Long. The holy hammer in Shen Long’s hand lit up with a milky white holy light. Under the hammer’s percussion, no zombie could get close to Shen Long’s body. , After a while, the zombies that came around were wiped out by Shen Long.

   "Haha, are you going to kill all Stratholms? I hope you can have this strength!" Mal'Ganis continued to laugh wildly, wanting to use more methods to turn the surrounding people into zombies.

   "Do you think you still have a chance?" Shen Long also responded with a laugh, "Dreadlord Mal'Ganis, now let you taste the taste of fear!"

Although Mal'Ganis still did not show his figure, Shen Long had already locked his position through seeing and hearing domineering, and then released the domineering domineering, surrounding him, it is also a means to intimidate and frighten opponents, not knowing the fear What kind of reaction will the demon king face when he meets the domineering look?

Mal'Ganis appeared. He was wearing black armor. Behind him were two huge bat wings spread out. On top of his head were a pair of curved demon horns. His laughter stopped and he looked at Shen with a surprised look. Long, "This...what is this?"

   "Why do I feel fear?" The dreadlord felt fear. This sounded like a joke, but Mal'Ganis was indeed shocked in front of the overlord.

"It's not bad. I can resist for so long, so I can add more strength!" There is no one else around. Shen Long can show his strength unscrupulously, and he releases his domineering domineering towards Mal'Ganis, as if The substantive domineering color directly lowered Mal'Ganis to the wall, and the walls made of huge stones trembled under the domineering effect.

   Mal'Ganis' knees softened and he almost knelt down. This made him feel extremely ashamed. The Dreadlord was so scared to kneel. If this was passed back to the Burning Legion, he would definitely be a laughingstock, right?

   For an instant, Mal'Ganis almost forgot his mission. He didn't want to continue to seduce Arthas to fall. He just wanted to kill the guy who made him foolish.

   However, this also requires him to have this strength. Before Mal'Ganis broke free from the shackles of the overlord's domineering, Shen Long had wrapped his fist with armed domineering and smashed Mal'Ganis's head fiercely!

   "What is this again?" Isn't Arthas a Paladin? The Holy Light used by Paladins is always milky white, right? Black power is often inseparable from evil and depravity. Why did I not smell evil and depravity from this power? Before Mal'Ganis could react, Shen Long hit his head with a punch.

   Mal'Ganis screamed, the devil horn on the top of his head was broken by Shen Long, and his face was beaten to **** blood. The whole person...oh no, the whole demon looked embarrassed.

  The mind exploded, and Mal'Ganis tried to counterattack, but this kind of shadow damage acting on the mind couldn't get rid of the shackles of the domineering domineering color at all, and was broken up before he got close to Shen Long.

"There is one side and the other is not. Asymmetry looks awkward!" Shen Long moved his wrists and launched a second attack. He also wrapped his fist with armed domineering and smashed Mal'Ganis another one. On the devil horn, the devil horn was also smashed and broken.

Rotten bees, Mal'Ganis splashed a wave of chaotic magic energy on Shen Long. Shen Long continued to smash it with a punch. This wave of magic was also broken up like a natural demon fruit ability attacker, Shen Long Another punch hit Mal'Ganis, and then the fourth punch, the fifth punch...

Mal'Ganis' melee combat ability is really too bad. Shen Long didn't use the ability to shake the just use the armed and domineering to beat him without fighting back, the whole demon is Was beaten into the wall.

Mal'Ganis finally used the interval of Shen Long's attack to hide his figure. He no longer expected to defeat Shen Long. He just wanted to pollute more Stratholmes people, turn them into zombies, and lure Shen. Long slaughtered the city, causing the unbearable moral burden on his back to fall into depravity.

However, even if he was invisible, he could be caught by the domineering look. Shen Long stayed still, his elbows wrapped in arms, and the domineering slammed backwards, Mal'Ganis' mouth full of teeth was knocked out. .

   Mal'Ganis tried to escape in stealth again, but Shen Long made another upside-down kick, hitting him between his legs and kicking him out of the air.

Now Mal'Ganis couldn't escape even if he wanted to escape. He could only let Shen Long punch and kick. The devil's horns were broken, his teeth were cut off, his wings were cut off by a palm knife, and his legs were beaten. Having a comminuted fracture, Mal'Ganis had never been so miserable in his long life.

   He just wants to be killed by Shen Long and return to the void. As for whether he will be ridiculed by other demons in the Burning Legion, Mal'Ganis can no longer care so much.

   "Do you want to use fake death to escape? It's not that easy!" Shen Long looked at Mal'Ganis who was motionless, shaking his right hand and took out the old wand and pointed it at Mal'Ganis!


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