All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2531: Elemental Spirit's Warning

   Another wave of zombies struck, artillery fire and screams rang out. Muradin and Shen Long immediately grabbed their weapons and prepared to fight. The zombie assault team was approaching, and this time their number seemed to be a lot more than before.

Muradin grabbed his big beard and searched around with sharp eyes. The sound of fighting came from outside the camp boundary. He looked a little pessimistic, "It looks bad, we are completely surrounded. Our journey seems to be over, Al Sars, we will be trapped and frozen to death on the roof of this barren world. Only death will remember us and sing the elegy of our destruction."

Shen Long glanced at the number of zombies, "We can win, don’t forget, there is me, and Jaina!" The number of these zombies is just enough to make them feel uncomfortable, but they will not completely lose the chance of winning. These dwarves, together with their own light and Jaina's magic, can still win.

   Muradin glanced away, "But... okay buddy, I've been a little worried about that sword, and to be honest, you might have made sense before, this sword appeared at a coincidence."

Shen Long understood what he said, " want to tell me you already know how to find it?" Then you can find Ner'zhul. Shen Long looks at the surrounding scenery, and then thinks about the map. Ner'zhul's lair is indeed not far away.

"This is good news. Only by defeating Ner'zhul can the natural disaster of the undead be completely solved. Otherwise, both humans and dwarves will pay a huge price! So, now, let's pack these guys first, and then go to Ner'zhul. !" A milky white holy light lit up on Shen Long's warhammer, and the holy light sprinkled on the dwarves, adding BUFF to them.

These dwarves became brave and agile. They used muskets and hammers to kill the zombies. Shen Long also gave Jaina an order, "Jaina, shoot a fireball toward your left front!" There is a zombie encirclement. In the weak zone, these guys only rely on instinct to fight, and there are too many holes in the formation.

Muradin rushed up with a roar, "Alsace, here is your command!" Through these days of fighting, he has already understood Shen Long's command ability and trusted him, so he was willing to give him command. He began to charge.

"Dafen, attack on your right, Balkan, you cover Dafen from the left, and the rest follow Muradin!" Shen Long changed a kind of BUFF, and the dwarves broke through easily according to his orders. The defense line of the zombies has caused them huge damage. War is an art, but it's not enough to not be afraid of death and rush.

Jaina kept releasing fireballs in accordance with Shen Long's orders, disrupting the formation of the zombies, and then Muradin led the people along with Jaina's opening to rush to clean up the remnants of the enemies. If they were repeated, the number of zombies surrounding them would become less and less, which cost a lot of money. With their strength, these zombies were finally cleaned up by them.

   "Alsace, you are an excellent commander!" Muradin said, sitting on the ground, breathing heavily. This is probably the most enjoyable battle he has ever participated in. Such a hearty victory made Muradin excited.

"But this does not solve the problem. There are 200,000 zombies in Northrend. We only have this number of people. Sooner or later they will be exhausted!" Despite Shen Long's command and the Holy Light to help them heal, this battle Some dwarves lost their lives, Muradin’s team was reduced again, and after a few more battles like this, they were all over, "So we must find Ner'zhul as soon as possible."

   "Well, if your guess is correct, Ner'zhul and Frostmourne are together, then I should be able to find him soon!" Muradin took out a map and a strange luminous object.

   They rested for a while, leaving most of the soldiers behind, and only took a few people to find Ner'zhul. Such a number of combatants did not make sense, and it would be a bad thing to bring more people.

Muradin looked at the map and the irregular pulsating light from time to time, roaring and pointing the way. They marched through the deep snow as quickly as possible according to his guidance, only occasionally stopping to confirm the direction and take a short rest. , Dark clouds gathered, covering the sky, and snow began to fall, which slowed their progress even more.

They moved forward mechanically. The heavy snow made them only see the range of the first few yards. They no longer knew which direction they were heading, and they didn’t care anymore. They just moved their legs with Muradin, and time seemed to lose its meaning. It may have been a few minutes or a few days.

   Finally, Muradin’s voice awakened them from the numbness, "over there," Muradin said, pointing forward almost religiously, "right there."

   They stopped and blinked. The heavy snow made their eyes unable to open completely, and their eyelashes were frozen. They stood at the entrance of a cave, which looked very eye-catching and ominous under the gloomy sky of white snow. There was a certain kind of light in the cave, the soft blue-green light, he finally glanced at it, although exhausted and almost frozen, everyone still felt a shock of excitement. Shen Long recalled the scene in the game, "Neo The ancestor is here."

"Frostmourne is also such a precious treasure can't be left there waiting for someone to pick it up, we have to be careful." Muradin reminded, they followed Muradin and walked in vigilantly. Suddenly liberated from the blizzard, everyone felt more excited, and then they went further into the center of the cave.

   The light he had just glimpsed outside the cave was originally from the blue crystals and mineral veins on the cave wall, ceiling and ground. Thanks to the lighting provided by these crystals, so that the soldiers can focus on holding their weapons instead of raising torches.

At this moment, they heard some voices. These voices were low, hollow and icy. Their anxious voice floated to everyone's ears, "Go back, mortal, in this forgotten treasure house, only death and darkness are waiting for you. , You can't go there."

   Muradin stopped. "Man, I'm afraid we have to listen to them."

   "They may be correct, but if Ner'zhul is not defeated, Lordaeron will sooner or later become the land of death and darkness!" Shen Long sighed.

Turning a corner, they saw the owner of the cold voice. These things are suspended on the cold slate floor of the cave. They are not made of water, but ice and some kind of strange substance. They are still wearing armor. More precisely, they seem to be Growing out of armor, they have helmets but no faces, hand armors and weapons, but no arms.

   And Frostmourne is just ahead.


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