All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2532: I control my own life

It is wrapped in a large floating irregular ice, the whole body of runes emits cold blue light, and underneath is an altar-like thing, standing on a snow-covered hill, and a skylight is projected from the hole on the top of the cave. , Illuminating the Rune Sword, the ice wrapped around the sword concealed the refraction, half-covered and half-exposed, but made it extra tempting, like a lover half wrapped in a veil.

The real Frostmourne, Shen Long was drooling. When he was playing games, he was greedy for this thing. Unfortunately, Blizzard set this weapon as unavailable, and he couldn’t hit it if he wanted to. If a few photos of PS with Frostmourne are posted to the forum, it will immediately cause countless envy replies, and now the real Frostmourne is in front of him. This is not an inaccessible item. Just step forward. Can be taken out.

   The mysterious elemental spirit drew out the ice sword, "Go back, before it's too late." It muttered.

   "Is it protecting this sword?" Muradin asked. As expected, all magical treasures have guardians, and this guardian does not seem to be easy to deal with.

   "No," the creature said slowly, "to protect you from it."

"But I have a must." Shen Long smiled. The long-cherished wish for many years can finally be fulfilled today. Frostmourne's enchantment should not be effective for him. He carried the warhammer and walked over, Elemental Spirit Surrounded him, attacked with a strange weapon, Shen Long hit their ice armor with a warhammer, and the fragments kept falling.

   The ice armor was shattered by Chen Long's hammer, and the elemental spirit groaned in pain, like a grunting sound in the throat of a dying person, then lifted up the part that was used as a hand and disappeared. They could not stop Shen Long.

   "Alsace, be careful, I seem to feel something wrong!" Jaina reminded.

"Wait, buddy." Muradin also noticed the anomaly. He squinted at the floating sword and the altar below it. "It's not quite right here." He pointed at the rune sword with his stubby finger. "It's too easy. Look at it, with light that God knows where it comes from, waiting for someone to pick it like a conspicuous flower."

   Although Frostmourne also has guardians, the strength of these guardians does not seem to be that strong, which makes Muradin a little confused. The guardianship around the treasures in the Explorers Association record is not so easy.

"All my experience with antiques tells me that this is as suspicious as the port of Booty Bay." He sighed, his brows still furrowed, "Wait... there are some words on the altar, let me see if I can understand it. This may tell us something."

The two came forward together, Muradin knelt down and looked at the inscriptions carefully. It did not belong to any language he knew, but he seemed to understand the flashing eyes of the dwarf. He didn't expect Muradin to have thick eyebrows and beard. Still a schoolmaster.

Shen Long raised his hand and knocked on the ice layer separating him and the sword. It was ice, yes, but there was something unusual in it, not just frozen water, it had something very powerful, even magical. energy of.

"Okay, I think I know this. It's written in Karimag... Elemental Language," Muradin continued, frowning as he read. "This is... a warning. This sword will gain infinite power, the blade will kill lives, and the power will hurt the soul, ah, I should have known it. This sword is cursed! We **** leave here soon!"

   Muradin jumped up, full of fear for the sword in front of him. Any magical weapon that can harm the soul is extremely terrifying. Muradin did not want to contaminate this weapon.

But that is only for the souls of ordinary people. My soul is strong enough to withstand the temptation of Frostmourne, and I can also practice swords. The big deal is to take it out and practice it. I don’t believe it can still Can hold the real fire of Samadhi.

"Muradin, maybe you can leave first. I can feel that Ner'zhul is not far away from here. I want to pull out this sword and kill him!" Shen Long put his hand on the ice, feeling Frostmourne Strength, he once again confirmed that he could conquer this unruly sword.

   "Alsace, buddy," Muradin said, his voice rude but pleading, "you've got enough trouble, you can't put yourself a curse!"

"Curse?" Shen Long smiled, "The Holy Light will bless me and help me eliminate these curses." Yes, I can eliminate the curse, but I don't rely on the Holy Light. After all, the warhammer in his hand lit up milky white. Light.

Muradin fought a cold war. "Alsace, you know I'm a real person, and I never think about it, but I tell you, this is definitely not a good thing, boy; leave it alone, let it stay here and rot, Nao Zu is here, okay, no problem, let his devil's **** freeze in this ghost place where dogs don't shit, leave it alone and take your Jaina back."

"Muradin, you taught me how to fight, but I also learned many things afterwards. I believe I have the ability to resist this curse! I will not indulge in the power of Frostmourne!" This thing is good, but It's not the most powerful weapon I've ever seen, I'm not someone like Alsace who has never seen the how can I be addicted to it.

   "Retreat a little bit and retreat to the corner!" Shen Long did not pray like Alsace did. He raised the warhammer that exuded milky white light, and slammed it against the ice.

A crack appeared on the smooth surface of the ice block, and it stretched upward and expanded rapidly with twists and turns. The sudden loud cracking sound filled the entire space, shaking Shen Long's ears; the ice coffin that sealed the magic sword burst suddenly, The broken ice splashed all over, the splinters were as sharp as swords, and then hit Shen Long's Holy Light Shield, breaking into a ball of ice.

   Shen Long threw his warhammer and smashed the biggest piece of ice, which was only a short distance from Muradin's head. If it weren't for Shen Long to stop him, Muradin would be dead now.

"Man, you saved my life!" He still couldn't hold back his curiosity. He peeped out from the corner of the cave to peep out. He didn't expect to see a sharp smashed ice piercing him at the corner of the cave. Shen Long stopped, he definitely couldn't avoid it.

Frostmourne has come out of the ice coffin and inserted in front of Shen Long. The blue rune emits a cold and dazzling light, completely enveloping the body of the sword, and Chen Long’s mind is filled with babbles, seeming to be temptation. He took up the sword.

   Shen Long smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to hold the sword hilt of Frostmourne, and muttered in his heart, my fate is my fate, if you want to use a magic sword to control me, it is too beautiful.


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